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I see that it’s 17:40 online so I’m just wondering if it got cut off?

I heard it got delayed because of the earth quake and that the broadcast got interrupted while airing in Japan because of it. So maybe that’s why it’s only 17:40? We may not get the full episode until tomorrow or maybe it’s really supposed to be this long.

Just let me know. I won’t watch it until I hear from you guys.





Japan had an earthquake so they suspended releasing the episode


There was an earthquake in Japan. The broadcast was cutoff at that point. The episode only partially aired


There was an earthquake in Japan so the broadcast of Attack on Titan was cancelled for news coverage of the earthquake.


No there was an earthquake today so the official release is delayed. It was cut off during the air time in Japan .

Killua X

Postponed because of earthquake in Japan. I think that might be a messAge about it, not the episode.


Okay so then I guess we will all get to see it tomorrow! No big deal. It’s more important that the people there are okay. ❤️


I don't think we know if it's tomorrow or next week. They have to have a spot in their schedule to aired it in japan. Just speculation no official news on when it will aired

Matthew B


Christopher Rivera

Quote from AoTwiki twitter account: “Attack on Titan Episode 73 will be broadcast again on NHK March 21st 24:10 and Episode 74 will be broadcast right after at 24:34. (Double episode on that day)” Link: https://twitter.com/aotwiki/status/1371386804780199937?s=21


So... Double reaction next week?