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I’ve read a few comments saying I go on too long of rants or tangents and it ends up  annoying people, turning people off or making them leave my Patreon. I was just curious about how the rest of you feel. 



i dont think you talk to much. most of the time its fun to hear your thoughts on the show or a possible tangent and if i am personally in a rush to get through an episode i have the option to fast forward a bit if the topic does not interest me and it gives you more options on what to leave in our out when you edit for youtube.


I know atleast 1 reactor who´s talking a lot more lol. But sometimes i saw that you "talk too much, not pausing and maybe miss something" but in general i personally dont feel that you talk too much, its still a reaction/review and if someone cares more about the Anime itself, he/she can watch it without a reaction to it ^^


Nah I'd imagine your commentary is why most people are here. If people don't wanna hear it the skip 10 seconds button exists for a reason. People are statistically more likely to comment on things they don't like and just watch it without commenting when they enjoy the content. Don't let loud whiners impact your style.


The rents at the end are just your feelings and your toughts about the episode.. so thats good, Always stay yourself. If people dont like that, skip that part (my opinion)


No, I do not thing you talk to much. Your content is special because you share such detailed and well thought out opinions and thoughts that we as viewers can relate to. I sometimes get the giggles when you hit the same exact thoughts in certain parts of shows, its probably one of the things I enjoy most about you and your channel. The review sections are fantastic, and a great way to open the mind and discussion about something you are passionate about. Don't mind people who have shorter attention spans, they are the way they are. For those who do not wish to listen, they need simply skip the sections. More often than not, I hear your opinions and thoughts that I viewed differently, and sometimes I find it very intriguing and insightful to see things from other perspectives. Do you talk to much? Nah. You talk exactly enough.


Dont mind them. Id even say its Nice you do IT sometimes since it shows youre not just purely reacting to the show but also kind of talking to us about other things. And if you're talking about longer talks about the show I also dont see how that's a problem


I really don't get it. For me the longer the better. Why would someone want reaction with minimal comment?🤔 I think most patreon subscribe because they want more. I don't see how someone talking less would make me want to subscribe to their channel. If I'm annoyed by someone content I don't see how talking less will make it more interesting and make me want to subscribe I simply move on. EDIT : Now that I think about it. Maybe the intro. I think your fine but some other people's get into long unrelated intro that has nothing to do with the anime. I'm interested in you so I don't mind. And you don't so it often. But if your talk about other stuff maybe put a timestamp to skip in the comment like reaction start at 5:36(totally made up number)

Killua X

I actually had an argument on one of your Youtube uploads about this... For me, I think all the tangents and talk that isn't directly related to the anime has made me enjoy your reactions more. I know about some of your struggles, your pet peeves, your other interests outside of anime. So to relate you to a character in a show, I'm more "invested" in you now. I think that's what makes your channel/Patreon special. You're more relatable at first, then as we get to know you more, we become invested. I think this and your personality is what gets you a loyal following. I mean look at the vote so far. I'll always keep saying just be yourself, at least that's what I'm here for.


People complaining that you talk to much are fucking stupid, if they don't wanna listen to you they can just skip ahead. I say keep being you!


I mean, isn’t that kind of the point..If I didn’t want to hear it I’d just watch the show alone and be done with it

Matthew B

lmao my response is deleted.


no offense here, but I'll just assume that was a vocal, but very small minority; the vote numbers speak for themselves. That's exactly the reason we are here: YOU We care about what's up with you, how you're feeling (in general & about the shows), what's on your mind.... If I'd just want to watch someone else watch an anime without any comment or personal stuff to add, I'd just watch the anime & photoshop someone in next to the video-window XD Instead, I'd rather pay the monthly fee, watch charming you go on a rant every now & then and grab some Popcorn :3

Michael Anthony

Remember, we come around to listen to you talk lol


Not at all. Most of us are here for your thoughts. Whoever is saying that is the vocal minority. If someone has a problem with it they can literally just skim through the video to the parts they want to watch. If they want no talking at all, they can just go watch the episodes themselves.


hey :) I dont wanna be rude but im in that small camp of ppl who would prefer a litte less talking so i thought i share my thoughts on this . Let me say first that i enjoy your reactons nevertheless. i think if you pause and talk for 1min + during the episode it sometimes takes aways from the atmosphere the episode is building. I would still watch your stuff even if you never paused during the episode / not shared much during bc i want to see what you are feeling when something important happens. If something makes me cry or hypes me up, and i see you going through the same emotions as me when i watched it makes me feeel understood or "bond" or sth with the creator(sry english is not my first language).For me its like im watching the episode together with you and when i know something important happens i just look at you and see what you are feeling as u read/ see the important stuff . And ofc im still eager to hear your thoughts after the episode :) Can someone empathize with what im saying?


P.S. Pls watch Made in Abyss. its short and beautiful :)


What we really want in a reaction video is for the reactor to stay silent the entire time and show no emotion whatsoever, that would be ideal. But instead we have you... :p

Matthew B

Since my comment got deleted ill say it short. You aren't going to get an unbiased opinion here because people that think you pause too much and unsubscribed won't be voting. Yes, I think you pause too much. It's fine to pause a little, but you have been going overboard lately. Save some of it for the end.

m dunt

i prefer you pause than attempt to talk over it, maybe theres a middle balance you can try to strike with it if you are getting complaints i have none tho :) Edit: Maybe try making sure a situation or scene has played out before pausing? i'm completely fine with you back tracking after i've seen you do it a few times its good to make sure all is understood before moving forward :)


I have no issues with it! Better than missing parts. The people who don't like it can skip? Don't see what their issue is.


You are perfect


You don't talk to much, I really enjoy you analises, since you so perceptive is really fun to see your point of view, But you need to stop the video if you are going to discuss about somenthing, sometimes you just keep talking over super important cenes and that's kinda annoyng, so there is no problem discussing over a scene or even completly going side track to tell a personal story, that's why I'm here, just make sure to pause the video first ok. I'm not trying to be mean, you are the only person that I pay for patreon, so keep up the good work :)

David Salazar

Please don't try to cater to EVERYBODY. Just do you and people will stay if they like what you do. That being said. Me personally, pausing and talking is perfectly fine. You do that and you at least go back and rewind if you miss something. At least for hunter hunter that is. I only stay for hxh, Vinland Saga and Steins Gate. I usually dip out after wards but it's not because I don't like your reacting style. Just don't care for paying for other shows I don't particularly care about or rewatching again with others.


Pausing is fine by me, I like hearing your thoughts in the moment, and people can always just tap right on their keyboard to go ahead 10 seconds if they're not interested. Let's face it, you're not gonna remember everything you wanted to say by the end of the episode and it's going to be a lot more of a ramble. I think you should keep it as natural as possible. We're here for you, and if we're not, it's on us (if we're feeling impatient that day or whatever) we can just skip through the "talking too much" parts lol.

Norrin Radd

You have no idea how great we all think you are. I’m sorry the numbers have dipped, but don’t let that dim your light. Your personality is what brought us here in the first place, and it will bring more people in time. Chin up.


I like your videos because of how you talk. You are always willing to share your opinion, and you don’t just conform to what the anime wants you to think or even what most of your comments say. I like that. Even if I disagree with you it’s interesting to hear your perspective, and your take on things is often really unique. You often notice things that I and other reactors I’ve watched never saw while watching the anime in question. So no, I don’t think you talk too much.


I haven’t commented before, but I really enjoy your pre/mid/post episode commentary, even if it doesn’t have to do with the show at hand. It lets me know that you feel comfortable and are having fun, which in turn makes for a more enjoyable experience.


Fr tho.. this ark kinda slow


I particularly like the way you do the reactions, I also watch them to practice my English. it is relative depending on each person who is what they are looking for.


I had a thought. I answered "No" like most people here, but asking this within the Patreon is sort of problematic, possibly. It's kind of an echo chamber. We're all people who have already decided it was worth paying for more than you can get from the reactions/links in YouTube. It might actually be more informative if opinions came from the YouTube viewers who aren't already invested. Just my thoughts... probably not thinking of the whole picture, but it just seemed like a survivorship bias situation.


I said no because I don't think you talk too much, you voice your opinions and that's exactly what reactors are supposed to do. However, I have noticed a habit of yours. I think it spawns from your fear of missing things and getting criticized for it, it seems you have a habit of asking questions about things that are either less relevant to the story, or things that will be answered by the show. Try to understand that shows are supposed to tell a story, and they want you to be invested. If something really matters, the show will explain it when it feels an explanation should take place. If something isn't explained and you're still curious, you can always ask us. Just my observation.


I'll admit that on certain reactions I do skip the after commentary because sometimes I just want to watch the reaction however I think your deeper analysis and longer commentary is the main thing that makes me like you as a reactor. Your extra long commentary is the primary reason I decided to pay lol


you do a 'react video'. talk on. people can skip ahead if they want. such a weird thing that people want less talk from a 'reaction video' ... keep doing you!


Even if you did talk too much, I think it's great. Because that means you're just being your genuine self -- and at the end of the day that's what people watch reactions for.


Heeey if I may have one comment for your videos it’s that it’s kinda low on the volume haha i need to turn my speakers up when i watch your videos which then makes other notifications sound really loud. Other than that, you’re doin amazing. Keep it up ❤️