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Killua X

And the StayAwakeSquad payoff is here. Thank you! **Omg I'm so triggered. The fact that you're implying that you and your sister even look younger than you are, like basically kids, and grown-ass men were stalking you.. If I was there I woulda taken them out. So glad you did the smart thing and got out of there safely. Please be careful. Ugh makes me sick.


Don’t mind if I do. Lol 👀


Can Ging make NPCs? Remember it's possible to conjure objects and people from nen. For Kastro, conjuring a double was intensive, but that's because it was a second self and under his direct control. An "NPC", having a few binary behaviors and set responses, the equivalent of a few lines of code for an actual game, would probably be infinitely easier. I love Killua's voice acting when he says "could you SHUT UP for a minute?"

Killua X

He was so chill about it too, made it even funnier.

Christopher Rivera

I hate hearing about guys harassing women like that. Sorry that happened to you and your sister, hope it doesn’t happen again but it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to be decent so just rely on your paranoia/intuition when it tells you something’s off about someone. I personally owe a lot to my own paranoia but in different circumstances so I can’t really speak on women’s difficulties.

Christopher Rivera

I don't think this was explicitly stated before but remember when Chrollo cut Silva's arm in York New? He recognized it was a Benz knife (his favorite swordsmith) and said it must be a good blade to cut his skin. Meaning, enhancers multiply the strength of something including a blade's sharpness -- given the same amount of aura, a sharper blade will be exponentially more effective than a duller one. Ex. if the sharp one has 5pts attack power, and the dull one has 40% less or 3pts then a nen user with the same aura or slightly less will be more dangerous than his opponent with the duller blade; it gives one a slight edge. -- Same with the body, strengthen the body and you'll get more strength out of your aura when enhancing yourself.

Christopher Rivera

I love how much emotional range this series gives me, just like the fluctuating tonal range of each arc, from light to dark, and being gradually different each arc. Also, Greed Island isn't a long arc but Chimera Ant is the longest. Not sure if anyone already mentioned it but just in case I won't give a specific episode count since that might affect your predictions. Unless you don't mind.

Killua X

Wow, first time my comment was deleted by Patreon. That sucks... It's 6 am for me so maybe I'll just wait to see if it reappears by tomorrow (I mean later today) and regather my thoughts...or maybe I won't. Oh well... hope you saw it before it got deleted.


I think you might have been reminded on Karate Kid regarding the "daily chores" training. :)

Diego Zenhäusern

Hmm, interessting...so Gon working out should pay off exponentially do I get that right? That's a rather neat concept ^^


Nice after last times very sad low energy hxh reaction you seem much happier and energetic this time around. Made me more happy as well!


uuugh...creepy....are there issues like that more often where you live? Tought about sending something to your way recently, but maybe some mace-spray would be more useful than a T-shirt or Plushy? 😅