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And finally we arrive at one of, if not the most controversial deaths in the series. When this chapter first released in the manga, Gabi got a lot of unnecessary hate. But so help me if I won't defend her actions to my dying breath. Consider: you're a 12 year old kid, you've spent your entire life living in what's essentially a ghetto, and you and your people have been raised to hate your own ancestry from birth. All you've ever wanted is to free your people from oppression by proving to the world that they are good and worthy of love. You've been told countless stories about these mysterious devils that live on a nearby island, and you live under the constant threat that any day, they might attack and ruin everything you've been fighting for. And finally, that day comes. The devils show up, slaughter your friends, and destroy your home. Again, and I can't stress this enough - you're a 12 year old child. And all of your deepest, darkest fears just came true. Unfortunately, people are going to crucify Gabi for having a perfectly human reaction to the raw horror she just experienced. For some reason, they expect her to be omniscient and understand enough about the story to spare their favorite characters instead of taking revenge on them for killing the people she actually knew and loved. Unlike Falco, she wasn't there for the conversation in the cellar. She never saw Eren empathizing with Reiner. She doesn't understand what he's been through, like we do. So far, her only knowledge and memories of Eren are of him unleashing absolute hell and devastation on her hometown. Just minutes prior, she was listening to Willy declare Eren as a threat to the entire world. This episode is a big "you thought" to anyone who thought Paradis was just going to waltz into Marley, commit acts of terrorism and mass murder, and simply walk out of there unscathed. Confronting bias is a hard pill to swallow when watching this arc. It's one thing to feel hype and satisfaction at seeing our main cast again, but people who spent these episodes rooting exclusively for Paradis and enjoying seeing Marley's side suffer loss and defeat have missed the point. I'm not saying Paradis wasn't justified in what they did. But so was Marley for fighting back. You can make the argument that "Marley did it to them first," but Marley's hatred comes from centuries of Eldian oppression and genocide. At a certain point, these arguments don't mean anything anymore. They're just going to keep attacking each other, and more Erens and Gabis are going to be created, over and over until one or both sides are totally wiped out. Right now Gabi is crushed, and probably going through more pain and desparation than she's ever experienced. She chose to fight back and give her own life, just to kill a few of the invaders who took everything from her. And while I still miss Sasha to this day, I don't blame Gabi one bit for what she did.


Zeke on ep 1: War is terrible isn't it?


Rest in peace Sasha, you were the joy of AoT for years..Ah man, the real devil here is Isayama, this man took Sasha from us far too soon, we’ll never get to see how much development she’s gone through over 4 years

Killua X

So glad I just watched the episode before I ran into the comments here. Haven't watched the reaction yet. I thought it was just gonna be Commander Lobov that would die. The way things played out, the music, everything.. ngl I lost it when Sasha died 😭.


yeah i also stay away until i see the episode. comment sections are scary places


I don’t blame how she turned out to be, but her actions are condemnable as much as other characters’ actions are. What Gabi did was driven by pure hatred. It was completely pointless the fight was over, her gunning down a few more soldiers does nothing to change the outcome and neither was dying for no reason good for Gabi. All she did was added more tragedy into the cycle of violence. But then again, she wouldn’t know that if she was a 13 year old raised in a militarism society.


I'm not complaining about the pacing of this season. Every episode hits the spot. But if this season is confirmed to be 16 episodes it is going very slowly. If this season is final, it needs to be 40 episode or something with this pacing.

Killua X

That topic is kind of worrying me a little bit. I want more episodes but more than that I want this show to have the best ending it can have, aka without cutting anything from the manga or the creator's vision. I know it isn't the same situation, but I just don't want it to turn out like GoT. Wish they would clarify the 16 episode thing.


Throughout this season for a lot of people Gabi has come off as arrogant and a narcissist. I never really thought that but after watching her conversation with Falco where she talked about being spat on for being an Eldian and wanting to be able to prove that Eldians are good so that she can wear her armband with pride it made me rethink parts of her character. Now I wonder how much of her cockiness and confidence is just an act. A desperate front she puts up to cover for deeper feelings of insecurity and uncertainty about her place in the world. She so badly wants to be accepted for who and what she is that she constantly seeks attention and positive affirmation. It kind of reminds me of early Naruto although the difference with him was that he wanted any attention good or bad. Anything was better than just being left alone and ignored.


Lets gooo😃 excited to see the rest 😔rip my girl sasha. Sucks to see this shit again from when I first read this in the manga wayy back. Dope reaction like always👌🏼

Christopher Rivera

Great video by NewWorldReview on this whole Gabi mess: https://youtu.be/pXgYKy_PrZU


Gaby wasn't here when Shingashina was destroyed by Reiner and Bertold, as you said, but remember that Eren wasn't here when Eldia enslaved Marley for 2000 years and build their empire by destoying many countries. Nobody was here before and the circle of hate is the tragedy of snk. Imo of course.

악 ᄏ

I just gotta say that, I like your vid not cos it's not always 'Right'. But because you are always true to yourself and show your genuine feeling. So keep your head up, an keep up the good work <3