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Hey. I hope you guys enjoyed the video. I feel like I overreacted and I’m sorry. It was just me being overwhelmed and lashing out and it was childish. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m too sensitive. I hope you guys can forgive me for being a baby. Let’s just have fun with HXH from here on out. I love you all, stay safe, and I’ll see you later today with a Promised Neverland Reaction! ❤️



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Oda Nobunaga

Thank you for thiss!!!! ❤️ The shoutout did make my day 🤩 but of course we are always going to be there if any ruckus breaks loose again. I have seen many reactors who dropped out because of all the hate, and all I can do is just support, support, and support. Some still go, some others stay, but at the end of the day, I always hope I can make someone feel better.❤️😭


Oh no I just got in bed. 🥲 guess I’m waking up to hunter

Killua X

Thank you so much... I hope you're doing ok. It's only been a couple of days, but missed you😭!


I've seen a few reactors lose interest in hxh, not because it wasn't good but because the community hypes it up entirely too much and gives crazy expectations. Not to mention how they can't handle peoples opinions. I feel like most reactors would enjoy the show more if they would have watched on their own.

Christopher Rivera

Thanks! I’m sure I’ll enjoy this as I very often do!


everyone has their own taste and preferences, fanbases will always have a toxic vocal minority and at the end of the day we can all laugh at dragonball fans

Killua X

(Only watched the intro) But bravo for you looking straight into the camera and speaking your mind so boldly. So proud of you for that 👏👏👏. I hope it helped a tiny bit to get that off your chest because I think you needed to. You didn't deserve it btw, you're absolutely correct about that. Those comments were definitely toxic and yeah, actually, they pissed me off because you're right, they just make you not want to watch/like the show even more. I hope those people read and understand this comment.. Those kind of remarks, that kind of attitude, just makes her always have a bad taste in her mouth when thinking about HXH now and not even want to record. That's BS. Be respectful, mindful, and sensitive to other people's opinions and perspectives. You're obviously here because you enjoy her reactions and want her to continue reacting to HXH and like it, but that toxic fanboy shit just does the opposite. I just got to the part where you were giving shout-outs and it made me smile so hard, like cringe-level hard lol. AND it was great to see you smile after being upset talking about the toxic stuff. Thank you for being awesome and I have a good feeling that your supporters will always be here to pick you back up (but definitely me 😉😁😋). **Oh, and you absolutely made my day. This might be too personal or whatever but idc, I'm going thru some life shit right now and feeling like I made some kind of difference.. like helped you just a tiny bit.. is the kind of thing that's keeping me going right now. So, yeah, thank YOU for that ❤️.


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/65/09/496509fe6a42ee90f30b9b4c95a24291.jpg this is the first thing that popped in my head hearing about comments last week well, this pic is kinda the opposite, more like "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE WHAT I LIKE" i'll never understand why people take others opinions about a show so seriously that they get toxic

Sierra's pichu

Omg what were people saying last week? I went back and looked and i didn't see anything negative really, most of it is support and the other is ppl explaining stuff. Did the comments get deleted or something?


question for the people watching. how do you guys watch the full video? whenever i try to watch it on mega, 30 minutes into the video it stops and says i have to pay for a subscription on mega.


I love you so much it hurts!!! 😊😖😭❤️ thanks for always backing me up! If my shout out made you smile cringe-level hard, then reading you saying you’re proud of me made smile that way as well. It just makes me feel more confident about my decisions (something I struggle with). So thank you😘😁


Most of it was people posting about HxH on other show AOT,FMAB reaction and not the HxH ones. 😓 😤😞


I always download. Even if 🤬 Mega. Keep getting download error taking 10x longer than it should. Instead of simply downloading like every single other site. It has to use their special download thingy 😠😡🤬

Oda Nobunaga

May I suggest something? I would suggest for you to not watch the opening from now on until this arc ends. I won't say anything specific, but there are certain points in the opening that spoils a 'mystery' within this arc, and that would kinda ruin it.

Christopher Rivera

I said nothing I did not honestly think or feel. I don’t think my comments are being accurately represented, I was only (quote:) “a little disappointed” in one episode (#58) — and not due to an opinion, but due to what I saw as inattentiveness leading to the opinion. In another comment (AOT S4E7) I said: "I’m actually relieved she didn’t bullshit us and just told us what’s real." Because it was an unpopular opinion (from youtubers) and the courage to say it is commendable. I even enjoy when people criticize me personally because I enjoy finding opportunities for growth. I hope we can drop this and move on because emotions are high and I don’t wish to irritate you anymore. I’ll refrain from criticism and stick to the positives (like the 99% of your reactions). I hope this wasn't too hard to read. If it's better that I unsubscribe then I can do so, no hard feelings, and no further discussion necessary.

Christopher Rivera

"Killua is happy that Gon is this light in his life." Exactly. That's a prescient thought... Gon is the reason Killua is free of family obligation (like Gon's father), of an assassin persona, and to choose his path in life. Gon shines a light on who Killua truly is (and could be).


i need drive google


Hey! I've seen a few reactors drop out of reacting to this show because the community is too passionate. A word of warning: the fact that the community is toxic shouldn't dissuade you from watching the show or enjoying it. I've seen this vicious cycle over and over again: the reactor says they don't like somthing about the show, then the community gets on their ass about it, which makes them more even more skeptical towards the show and more critical of its imperfections, then they comment about that, so the community gets on their ass about that, then the whole thing becomes a chore and they ultimately drop the show completely. I know this is easier said than done, but try not to let the toxicity affect the show, because it would be a shame not to enjoy it. I, for one, am enjoying your reactions very much and would hate for you to drop the show. At least be aware of the whole psychological aspect of it, so it'll affect you less. Best of luck.


Also, I have a suggestion: instead of people throwing paragraphs at you when you miss a detail overexplaining what you missed, how about they tell you "hey, the answer to your question or the detail that you missed is in Episode X timestamp xx:xx". I think that would be less annoying and you would come to appreciate the show's attention to detail more.


Well I enjoy watching your reactions to hxh. Its one of my favorite shows but who cares if you like other shows more..Its the reason I came to your patreon. That rant at the start is giving way too much attention to negative opinions imo. Why would you need to apologize for it not being your favorite show? Everyone has their own opinion. To me it looks like you enjoy watching it and appreciate the show, that should be more than enough.. I usually dont really see negative comments on the hxh patreon eps though so I guess I missed them


Wait, there were some toxic comments here under the HxH videos? I guess i'm kinda blind to it and probably because i skip some of these hour long comments. :) Anyway good job for standing up to your opinion here. Don't feel afraid to even trash HxH if you find anything negative, i personally appreciate an honest negative feedback more, than a fake positive one.

Christopher Rivera

Well, I don’t think she should apologize either. I was one of the comments. I think I may have been the only one bringing up a slight complaint with 1 episode of HxH. The other complaints were about questions she asked at the end of FMAB. While I was singled out I think others took a harsher tone than I did. I think I was just the last straw.


Weird, i think i have seen one negative comment only since the start of the series. I don't read everything obviously, but i see a lot of support at least in the HxH comment section. Maybe you were unlucky to read the negative ones? Either way, most people here support you, try to focus on that and ignore everything else =)


I'm also sad they ruined this for you. I was pretty confident you would enjoy the rest of the series more than the Yorknew City arc, since that's what happened to me and i believe we have similar personalities. But people decided to over hype this arc (that's why i consider it a bit overrated compared to the ones next) and then bashed you with negative comments. So now you might not enjoy the good stuff as much. I hope you do, but this people need to stop so you can forget about all of this and enjoy the show. Stay strong <3


I dont tend to read comments on Patreon, so I wasnt aware until this video; but I can tell you this: these comments are 100% not your fault, and you're not letting anyone down. Hunter x hunter is one of my favourite anime. (I say favourite long running anime, as it is by no means perfect. Promised Neverland is a bajillion times better.) So I have watched it over 10 times, and have watched a lot of reactors. So, in saying that, I can tell you that Hunter x Hunter has the worst toxic fanbase of any anime I've seen. Every reactor I have seen has basically had to have rants at the start of their videos due to these toxic fans. Therefore, these toxic people are the common denominator; and nothing any reactors can do will please them. I personally love your reactions, and have had no issues with anything you have said. Hunter x hunter is my favourite; but there's a lot of faults with it.


I will not be a hypocrite here and throwing flowers here and there. Thats gonna be my last month subscription in ur patreon not because u dont like the show as much as i do or maybe many ppl do but because you are aware that u keep missing things in the show due to whatever problems that u have in concentration which i totally respect from the bottom of my heart and even tho u keep giving injustified claims on the show. i just cant keep enjoying watching someone who doesn't enjoy what hes doing and keep pushing it just for financial matters. Thank you for the old HxH enjoyable reactions nd wish u a gd luck girl.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏 thanks a bunch! I know I need to just get over it and move on. It is actually shocking to me that this is a trend for other HXH reactors. I had no idea. I mean now that I think about it makes sense. The fan base is so huge and it’s got a nostalgic feel for so many people so I get why they are so protective of it. I’m just going to do my best to enjoy to the show to the fullest extent from here on out.

Christopher Rivera

There isn’t a single reaction channel that doesn’t have an occasional lapse in attention. I pointed it out in HxH because it seemed to ruin her experience and the series is more demanding of one’s attention later on (CA). She says she enjoys some aspects just not as much as other shows.


I need more Melody x Leorio content :3 wholesome duo


People always say skip the intros from a certain point on and I just wanna say it's not unanimous. I never felt spoiled by watching the intros, they just made me excited. After all, what the intros are referencing is only obvious after you've seen the scenes yourself, and unless you're scouring them with a critical eye you're not gonna come up with the right answers. Also some people seem to think knowing a character's appearance is a spoiler, even when they know that character exists, which is dumb imo. (I think I'm probably in the minority for this though, at least for the arc after this one.)

Christopher Rivera

Melody describing Leorio’s heartbeat as soothing while a soothing soundtrack is playing... I love those lighthearted moments.

Christopher Rivera

It depends. Some openings show characters before we’d ever know if they were going to appear and before we hear their names. They aren’t big spoilers by any means but jt depends how strict you are, I’m very strict about spoilers personally and watch them later in the arc. Might be silly but that’s how I like it.


G.I tutorial with the chibi lads is an after credit sequence btw. You might find it interesting. I think it makes Greed Island more intriguing.


You 100% do not have to memorise the cards to enjoy this arc. My previous comments about it being fun to read the cards (if you want to) is because there are some really weird ones which are the "items" you can supposedly take out of the game. Specifically, they are item cards not spell cards. Just crazy exotic stuff.


They will talk a lot about the relevant cards. So no need to focus memorizing them.


GI overhyped? I did see a comment suggesting this arc was hype, which is definitely not the general Fandom opinion of the arc. I like it but most peoole are meh Sonim surprised anyone would consider GI overrated when its often called the weakest arc.

Raphael Lyons

It's just the fact that these comments get to you so much that I don't get I mean those people are literally paying you to watch your videos I never saw any hate towards you and if they did then you still are getting payed so who cares a few critics or explanations about a show should not get to you that much imo just enjoy the show like usual

Christopher Rivera

Raphael Lyons: “I never seen someone misinterpret fmab like you lmao you ask way too many irrelevant questions“ What you said was insensitive and rude because it implies she lacks intelligence and singled her out (while seemingly laughing at her about it). She said it herself beforehand, she is sensitive, so you could be more considerate of that by using a less offensive tone and not implying deficiencies on her part. Since I was the last one to bother her it might be why she places all of the negativity on the HxH community but I was the only one of the 3 who brought up HxH, the other 2 were FMAB, unless I’m forgetting someone?!


Im Kinda new, but to make it short i really love your Reactions. Sadly you cant please everyone, there will always be people that are upset over their favorite series. Anime/Manga fans can be the best or the worst people at the same time. I hope you can enjoy the rest of the Show without feeling too pressured, or not just what you feel is best for you^^


hai. i know that it's different being in front of a camera but try not to worry too much about remembering/understanding everything. I'm pretty sure that when i was watching it the first time i just read what other people thought after each episode e. :d

Matthew B

The HxH fandom did this exact same nonsense to animaechan's HxH reactions. Made her drop the show for months. Good job again guys.


Your reactions are fun, entertaining and I really enjoy them. Your Batman pants are cool too.


Just don't listen to the complaints , people even complaining about an anime reaction are stupid.. Why join somebody's Patreon if you don't like what the reactor is doing..

Diego Zenhäusern

I really enjoyed the part where Killua was saying what his father would tell him to do and then boldly stated that he won't do that because he is no longer a killer but (at least in spirit) a hunter :)


I don't really comment much (think it's like my second time), but I like the work you're doing. Keep it up. I don't think anyone should have to force themselves to like something, either. I've got my own list of big popular shows that I couldn't get into. I can't make myself like The Walking Dead (it's just too dark for me), but me not liking it is not an insult to the show, which seems like it's clearly well made to me. It's just a preference.


HI, I don't believe I've ever commented here before but I just wanted to say, your opinions of this (or any) are valid no matter what they are.


Except if somebody tells me God of Highschool has good story writing, then that opinion is automatically invalid LOL


I like your Batman jammies


I made a super long post but it disappears 😩 Probably for the better. TLDR Like Ging said, Greed Island, you won't find any answer but let just enjoy Greed Island.😝 I think is good to rant sometimes to get things out and release some frustration. Now let move on and enjoy Greed Island. 🤗


Hey I don’t comment much but wanted to say don’t worry about those toxic comments to much, seen this play out plenty of times, it will literally happen with any fan base if you say or miss something, there’s always the overly passionate ones that get angry if you don’t like something they like. I can 100% guarantee you you’ll get more of those toxic comments in the future, you can’t really avoid it unfortunately but you can sure as hell ignore it and move on, it’s not worth wasting your time getting upset over it. And most certainly not worth letting it effect your views on the show, that would mean the toxic ones got what they wanted. I dont even have to go to the other posts to check, just take a look at all the comments on this post, look at all the support you have to just be yourself, toxic comments are the loud minority, don’t give them extra attention when they don’t deserve it. I found myself disagreeing plenty of times on different takes you had on episodes/arcs etc but guess what, that’s your opinion and that’s great, I have my own and we can discuss it with each other like normal folks lol, that’s why it’s fun seeing another persons perspective on it, specially yours, you seriously have really unique takes that I love hearing even if I disagree, you even pick up on things I haven’t even thought about and I’ve rewatched the show countless times, there’s no need for negativity in these things. Speak whatever’s on your mind fam. We’re here for your honest reactions and honest discussions. You don’t like something that’s great, go ahead and tell us and we can give our thoughts on it too if we felt the same or not and give you our reasons for it, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing it’s just your opinion. We are all here to discuss the show with you and see each other’s takes on things, I know for a FACT everyone who watched this show first time missed a ton of the details on their first watch, you’re lying to yourself if you say otherwise. With reactions it’s a bit different since you have an audience but it can be a great thing if you embrace it, if you missed something or didn’t understand why or whatever, I always see really nice and respectful comments letting you know about it to help you out. Toxic or not, when it comes down to it, all we really want here is for you to get the best experience possible of a show we all love, that’s why we leave you so many helpful comments on your videos 🙂 it’s not to have the opposite effect. So please please don’t stress about missing things either, it will happen, just know we’ve always had your back and got you covered! These are things I love about the community that people don’t speak enough of, we are all here to share our thoughts and discuss the show with each other with an open mind, I’ve had many great discussions with HxH fans about what they think of characters/arcs the way things play out in the story, manga/anime adaptations etc, all been great and positive. I share a bunch of very unpopular opinions too but I love discussing it to see other people’s takes. I don’t bother talking to people if they are being a dick simple as that, a toxic comment tells you one thing, they’re clearly not here to discuss anything or share their opinion on how they see it vs yours so why even bother with them in that case? Anyways, I’ve been typing too much and my eyes are starting to hurt lol I feel like I’ve repeated myself plenty of times here but I want to stress it, ignore those dumb comments, don’t beat yourself up over this pointless stuff, it’s a TV show just kick back and enjoy the show like you would for anything else, we’ll be here for the support 😋 Hope you have a good rest of your night and weekend!!!


I just want to say that you have a large audience who do support you and do enjoy listening to your opinions. All the toxic people are a very small minority, but toxic people tend to be a lot more vocal online. Now, I don't want to write a whole essay, like the person above me, but I do want to let you know that I love watching your content, and I love how your reactions feel 100% genuine, and even though I don't always share your opinion, I do love hearing it. Anyway, just keep doing what you're doing, and don't let the toxic minority keep you down.


I hardly ever comment or read the comments but like many others have said, don't even sweat it. At the end of the day, if you're enjoying the show it doesn't matter what any of us think. I LOVE HxH and will tell you straight up that parts of the community can be toxic as hell. There is a very vocal minority that have a weird gatekeeping/elitist relationship with the series for whatever reason and when someone (a reactor) has a small criticism they freak out. I've moderated for one of the bigger channels in the anime reaction community and I also have friends who actively moderate for other large channels. With one of them, it got to the point where they didn't want to react to it any longer because of the toxicity. (Another poster mentioned her name up above) Something I learned as a moderator for a reactor was that a lot of people that comment tend to forget that the reactor is a human being with thoughts and feelings of their own. Maybe I need to start commenting more often to spread a little more positivity up in here. Lol.


People blaming the HxH community when most negative comments came from FMAB and AOT comment section, okay... Instead of attacking an entire community you could blame the individuals that are leaving negative comments (which are a small minority). I'm tired of this narrative that hxh fans are toxic and stuff when most of us are supporting her and leaving positive comments. It's not fair.


thx for drive google


If all you do is feel sorry for people, in the end you'll only feel sorry for yourself


Ok people this is the 100 comment 😱. Now that we reach this milestone can we just dropped the subject. I don't think anything can be gain by dragging this on. It's time to let go and move on 😜 ... ... ... ok ok I confess. I only wrote this comment so we reach 100 🤫 but it doesn't make it less true 😅

Dillon Hansel

Hearing all that shit in the beginning of the video really set me off. Yeah guys, we love HxH. It's personally my favorite Shonen anime of all time. But it doesn't reach that point for a while to come. The Phantom Troupe arc was, at BEST, a 7.5/10 arc. Good arc, but not pants-shitting awesome. The Greed Island arc is awesome and fun, but it's still not the peak of the show. This show is amazing, but it honestly takes too long to hit it's high point and it has a weak beginning in all honesty. I'm not gonna shit on anyone who says that there are better shows out there. I'm not gonna rage if someone says it's not their favorite. Fuck you guys. Favorite does not equal the greatest. If you can't handle that, then you need to stfu and crawl back in your hole and let the rest of us casually enjoy things in peace. I don't want you asshokes pushing her to the point that she doesn't want to react to it, especially before she gets to the best arc of the show. We love this show to death BECAUSE OF THAT ARC! It was just another really good show before that, just without the mass of filler of other longer shows. So chill out guys. Toxicity isn't the way to go here.


Yes, you need to kiss ass to be allowed to comment on her videos. You can't voice your precived reaction to her reaction that's to much to handle. I understand.

Norrin Radd

Don’t worry about the cards. When they’re important you’ll know. Otherwise don’t get distracted trying to memorize the cards. It’s a huge waste of time. This is a pretty fun arc so enjoy.


I literally have no idea what you mean by "childish", like if people have the right to voice their opinion about your reactions, you have the right to talk about their opinions. That's how that works. Personally, I think you're gonna enjoy the show in the later parts, but I just like watching your reactions.


I've never had the impression you find the story/arcs as a whole "boring" or "trash"; to me it just feels like the Yorknew City stuff overstayed it's welcome for you... not every show is a 10/10 & for you HxH simply isn't at the top, doesn't invalidate anyone's opinion or enjoyment if you don't jump on the bandwagon; there's a reason there are so many anime out there who all have enough fans to keep going^^ bit late to the party due to my job, but thought it's still worth throwing my hat into the ring, hope you still get some enjoyment out of it :)