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awesome timing i just finished AoT

Killua X

This is all too early for me. I don't like being late in the comments. AP, procrastinate more please, you're working too hard.


Ah yes my favorite episode of the series! If you think about it, Ed, Al, and father are technically brothers


You pretty much understand it but I'll just do a quick recap over what we know. Father and Hoenheim are just 2 giant philosophers stones and when it comes to Ed and Al even Father was surprised that he could have kids. For the Homonculi everyone is a part of Fathers stone that he took out of himself and gave abilities to(They were not new stones that he made). All of them except Fuhrer and Greedling are just chunks that build a body around themselves while Fuhrer and Greedling are human bodies that have a stone inside them. Fathers original goal was just to not be trapped in a jar anymore and when he saw how greedy the king was. Having a body, ruling a country, and still wanting more he decided to use that to free himself and to also give Hoenheim who was also a slave and trapped the same freedom. I am not positive what they have said about Father and gates so I won't say anything there, but we do get more info later on.

Raphael Lyons

I never seen someone misinterpret fmab like you lmao you ask way too many irrelevant questions and most of your questions are answered in the episode van is a stone in the form of a man because of the ritual for king xerxes to gain immortality he was a normal alchemist before

Diego Zenhäusern

I mean misinterpret is a harsh word, but I 'd agree with you that she's totally overthinking it in trying to understand the minute mechanics of the way things work (How do you split personalities? How did you create the dwarf in the flask? What exactly happened during the ritual etc.). I don't know about you guys, but I personally just gave up on understaning this things in detail and it all was just alchemy (="magic") xD. Like: Father makes a giant magic circle (transmutation circle), kills a bunch of people to get energy/ create a Philosopher's Stone and uses the power/ the stone to perform some more magic to build himself a body and make Van immortal. How exactly all of this worked? No idea! But father has the crazy cheat stone/ an immense amount of power, so as long as he seems to understand what he's doing, I'll believe he can do basically anything he wants (create a body, make someone immortal, split his peronality etc.) xD I never really stopped to consider where bodies get deconstructed and reconstructed or even, where exactly the differences between Bradley and Van lie...but maybe I'm just to dump/ not curious for this kind of things and there are actually very precise answers to all of that and I just never made the effort to properly understand it xD

Diego Zenhäusern

Lex at the end of the video: "If I don't cut this, you can just kinda fast forward through it" Me: "I mean it's nice of you to tell me this, but it's kinda to late for that xD"

Joey Joseph Jojoson

You are supposed to be confused, but not THIS confused. 1. Slave 23 AKA Van Hohemheim is a human, and his blood is used to create the dwarf in the flask. So, the dwarf is part human, thus has human emotions/personalities. And that is why when the dwarf becomes Father, he separated 7 sins from himself (all humans have the 7 sins). Pride is FIRST of the SEVEN. 2. How Bradley is different from Van is explained when Bradley was having 1 on 1 talk with Roy. When the Wrath stone was injected into human Bradley, as Bradley himself explained: "all the souls in the stone fought for dominance, and only the most wrathful ONE survived. I don't know this remaining SOUL (singular) is from the stone, or the one I carry since birth." So you see, even though Bradley is a homunculus, his stone only has ONE SOUL, just like any other human. that's why he ages, and that's why Ling asked other homunculus "how many people are inside of you?" but when Ling met Bradley he said "in his (Bradley's) core, he still feels like a regular person", 3. I don't know how to explain to you about the creation of the dwarf, it's not like there is a recipe and procedures written down. Similar with creating a philosopher stone, you see bunch of people sitting in a circle, light flashes, people die, a philosopher stone appears...so imagine the same thing for the dwarf: Hohenheim's blood in a flask placing in a circle, light flashes, dwarf appears...I mean...what else do you want to know?


I want to know how it’s created exactly because if it’s made differently (made up of different things, etc.) then that means that it might have to be defeated in a different way. I don’t know why me wanting to know more is such a problem for some of you? If it bothers you that much you know you can just skip the review, right? There’s no reason to come down into my comments and try to make me feel dumb or ashamed of the fact that I want to know more or that I don’t get something the first time around. 😋😘

Diego Zenhäusern

Man, it really mad me sad to read your last comments😥 I don't want you to feel pressured to figure everything out, because it is literally impossible! I think even though there were some bad examples in the comments here, that most people (especially here on patreon) still understand how difficult it is to watch something for the first time and pick up on things (let alone with all the added difficulties you mentioned above) and therefore don't blame you for missing some things now and then and also don't think your dumb for doing so! I think it was really brave and absolutely correct of you to tell us outright how difficult it is for you to pick up on things and how much it bothers you! And if you wan't to hear my advice: Don't let yourself be too stressed about not picking up on everything/ not understanding everything because you'll never be able to be as perfect as some people seem to expect you to be (and I know fully well that saying this is way easier than doing this!)! And I don't mean to say in any way you shouldn't ask the questions you asked or shouldn't tell us if you don't understand something (because hearing your real opinion is an important part of what makes these reactions interesting...at least to me), but I just don't think you should worry too much if you don't understand something and you definitely shouldn't believe it's because you're being dumb, beacuse it isn't!! And should I have made you feel bad or even stupid with this or any other of my comments, I'm really sorry, because that honestly never was my intention!!


Whew. I really needed a comment like this. I spent so much time yesterday just thinking about that comment and how insecure and inadequate it made me feel. Reading this reminded me that even though there are those who can’t or aren’t willing to try to understand where I am coming from or how I’m feeling, that there are certainly those who do. Thank you so much for giving me that beautiful reminder. It gave me the best start to my day. I love you so much. ❤️☺️


People. Chill out. Things are obvious when you've already seen it. You're watching a reaction, not grading a paper. If I graded my students work as rudely as some of you critique *someone watching a show*, there'd be issues. It's not like she's not paying attention and then complaining it doesn't make sense. Take a deep breath, and remember this is entertainment.


i need drive google


My Theory on How The Dwarf In The Flask Could Have Been Created I believe that human transmutation was used during the process because of 3 things required to make it work: 1) Transmutation Circle that leads to Truth. 2) Blood or Soul Data as Ed refer it. 3) Some form of material(s). In this a case a flask and a live human. The reason I say the Human Transmutation Circle is because it leads to The Truth Realm and it seems that The Dwarf came from that Door where the hands and eye appears from. I believe Van’s blood was used not only to activate the circle but place in the flask and used as material in the middle circle. So when they transmute the slave’s blood that was in the flask got transfer and transmuted the homunculus out from the gate. I believe the Dwarf was able to get out because it corresponded so greatly with Van’s blood as they both are slaves. If you think back to the episode when Edward, Ling and Envy was trapped inside Gluttony’s False Gate of Truth, Ed figured a way to get out of realm through the Truth Realm and back to the human world, so it’s possible The Dwarf could have gotten out that way with the help of King Xerxes and his people. I believe The Dwarf material is a dark soul/or a shadow soul so there I don’t think there is anyway to deconstruct an intangible object in this case a soul/shadow. I think the only reason that The Dwarf can be touched in the series is because of the Philosopher Stone and made him partly tangible. I say partly because is a mixture of Shadow, Stone and Van’s human appearance. The reason I said shadow because of two things: The 1st is that the homunculus Pride attacks are connected with shadows and also resemble The Dwarf Eye and Mouth. The 2nd reason is that The Dwarf resembles The Truth by appearance; One is a white ball and the other is a black ball so they could be considered opposites of each other. Truth is the Good/Holy Spirit/Soul. The Dwarf is the Bad/Dark Spirit/Shadow. Now for the live human part, the reason I say this is because it still has his/her soul intact and The Dwarf is appears to be a soul/shadow with a conscious. Since we seen what happened to the body when Ed and Al tried to bring back a person and went horribly wrong because there was no soul used and they only transmuted small material objects like water, etc. There was a saying in the first intro: what could equal a value of a soul is another soul. Since the show is saying that it’s impossible to bring a person back to life then perhaps the Xerxes people must have transmuted that homunculus instead of a messed up result because this time a actual soul was used to give life to this shadow that came from Truth’s Gate hence the name artificial human that Greed has stated before. By the way, I had the same question too before, so I hope this helps answer some things about how he could have been created. While this is all speculation, I just used what was given to me in the story and connected the dots to what have could made the most sense to me.