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Yay early AOT Hype 😝😝😝, now I can sleep normal hours since I have to work tomorrow. 😎 Ok going to watch it now. 🤗

Sierra's pichu

The season is 16 eps but the story wont be over by then, they haven't announced when we're getting the rest of the story. There is some talk about making the rest into a movie but who knows.


Wait really? So why are they saying it’s the final season if they aren’t going to be able to cover all of the material? That seems odd. I’m actually pretty upset right now.

Christopher Rivera

I’m not surprised by your views on HxH/AoT but poor Killua x, lol. Oh and... @AP - You cried like a baby for a certain older brother. :)

Elijah Khazzouh

They should totally end the series with a movie. If season 4 delivers like it has been, then a movie would probably be able to rival the results of the Demon slayer movie.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIleqAWSIco A few days ago I've stumbled upon this very cool edited video about Eren. I would like to see you react to it but just hearing your opinion is fine :)


i love when she says she wants something from hunter x hunter and it happens 30 episodes later

Christopher Rivera

I'm not going to hold it against you if your tastes differ from mine but I'd like to point out that you're comparing stories at very different points in their story. AoT, if there are 24 episodes for S4, will have 83eps, and you're 66 episodes in or 80% of the story. In FMAB: 39/64 or 61%. In HxH: 57/146 or 39% (minus recaps). You haven't even reached the midpoint* of HxH. *Midpoint: An important scene in the middle of the script, often a reversal of fortune or revelation that changes the direction of the story. I don't expect that you'll like HxH more than AoT** even when you finish it but you won't get why we hold it in high regard until then. By then I think you'll see it's deeper and better written than you thought. **Reason why is I think you're more plot-driven whereas in my case I'm more character driven, I enjoy psychological narratives closer to HxH or Monster. I think AoT has a better plot but HxH has better characters (the quality of which wasn't apparent to me until I finished the CA arc).

Christopher Rivera

I also think HxH has better theming and will share Aleczandxr's thoughts (youtuber focusing on character and thematic analyses; has seen 1,000 anime): Quote/ I think I’m done with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood content unless someone [Patreon] requests it and I agree. I’ve said everything I wanted to about the series and adequately covered my favourite characters. Anything more would be redundant and superfluous, I think. I wrote and recorded a script about Mustang but trashed it because it wasn’t good and just repeated a lot of the points I made in my Scar video. I think the themes of the series are pretty repetitious; Arakawa ingrains the “balance/human nuance/everything is as it is” sort of ideas into the majority of character arcs and plot developments, so it’s easy to run into redundancy when it comes to video topics. This isn’t an insult to the series btw, just a remark of the thematic style. It’s nearly polar opposite to the type of stuff Togashi does with theming in HxH, which is interesting given that they’re two of the most popular modern shonen. They’re not opposite in themes, they’re opposite in theme execution. Arakawa goes all in with few ideas and ingrains it all consistently throughout the story. Togashi tackles different ones every arc (except for the overlying shonen spirit and “detours” idea) and is much bolder. /quote Highly recommend his channel (only after you've finished HxH as he discusses spoilers), he's educated me a lot on the overlooked depth of characters and themes in some of my favorite series like Berserk, HxH, S;G, F/Z, Monster, AoT, etc.

Killua X

I just now understand this comment after finishing watching the reaction. Debating on whether I should comment more on it or not.. I think Christopher makes a great point below about the length of the series (AOT, HXH, FMAB) and where we're at in the stories. I actually completely understand how she feels right now given where she's at in the shows. AOT is a masterpiece in its final act. Like Christopher said we're not even halfway thru HXH. I'm 100% confident that if we were in the final act of the CA arc right now and she was comparing the shows that it would be a completely different review. Not saying she'd for sure say HXH is the best thing ever, just saying her commentary would def be different. I don't think it's a completely fair comparison right now: a show in it's final season vs. a show 39% through. Though, comparing the writing during, say, the second season of AOT to where we're at in HXH right now, I still get why she feels the way she does right now about it. I really do think she will have a greater appreciation for HXH later on. Yeah, York New City arc is great, but I'm one of the ones who believes the greatest moments of HXH are still to come. I'm more interested in her comparison/review after she finishes both shows (or all 3, yeah, I've watched FMAB but I personally don't think it's in the same tier as either AOT or HXH tbh).

Killua X

Lol I just now saw this. I'm not totally surprised either. It stung a little at first but I still ❤️ her lol. And I already splattered my opinions all over this comment section lol. I have faith. When we're 75% through HXH I'm gonna ask her thoughts then 😅.


lol probably not considering how much the animation quality dropped. On top of that, as much as Attack on Titan is my favourite of all time, the genre and story not for everyone unlike Demon Slayer, so I doubt it can rival the Demon Slayer hype train, which I think is probably the one and only for a long time


The lines are getting blurried now, what's the right thing to do?


In case anyone doesn't know I just wanna point out that Levi is almost 40 now...still kicking ass left and right