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I've been waiting for this!


I literally was just like I wonder when this will go up 😂



Killua X

And I just finally got caught up last night 🤗 Edit: tbh though, I skimmed thru the episode before this reaction went up because I couldn't wait after the cliffhanger from last episode. I'm so ashamed 😭.


Thanks for the upload! Sorry if I missed this in the reaction, but any thoughts on Eren killing the Eldians in the building they were under? I think it's the most interesting part of this episode and I've seen quite a few people explain that it was justified since Willy had declared war, which... not sure how I feel about that lol. For me, it looked like Eren just wanted somewhere that guaranteed Reiner wouldn't transform and where he would be able to quickly kill/eat Willy.


Festival audience: "Damn they really went all out with the special effects in this one"


I don’t know if it’s justified or not. I didn’t think about the building to be honest. I’m sure they don’t deserve it (hard to say because I don’t know them). I think for Eren, he just sees them as casualties. Just like how Reiner, Annie and Bertolt treated his people. He decided he can’t put other before his people. I’m sure he knows it’s wrong though. Even if he didn’t kill them, innocent people were still going to die by his hand at some point so he would have had to of thought about this eventually.

Matthew B

Love the shirt


One does not just watch attack on titan and skip the entrance song. :P


- I love how Eren only has to show Reiner a cut on his hand to tell him that he was holding everyone in that building hostage. Reiner couldn't transform in that moment without killing Falco and everyone above them. - Hoover (the man Mr. Leonhart mentioned) was Bertholdt's father, not the man who jumped off the roof. - To answer your question about why Marley attacked Paradis: it was a number of reasons. It was mentioned in the lore episodes in season 3, but Paradis sits on an enormous cache of valuable natural resources. The Marleyan army wanted to invade the island for these resources, so they implemented the Warrior program to recruit inheritors of their titans. The Warriors were ordered to attack Paradis under the guise of "eradicating the island devils." The logic of "saving the world" comes from them believing Paradis is full of devils who are a threat to humanity. Marley's other main goal was to reclaim the Founding Titan: The rest of the world's firepower was on the verge of eclipsing the titans (and still is). If they had the power of the Founding Titan, their military would be unstoppable. - The way Willy delivered his speech makes King Fritz sound like the good guy, but consider this: Fritz's pacifist ideology seems like the sensible way to go, but it was ultimately the coward's way out. If Fritz really wanted to end the bloodshed and violence, he could have used the Founding Titan to take control and end the Great Titan War. He could have given Marley their freedom and used the titans to help the world prosper. But instead, he fled to an island, locked his people behind walls, and manipulated their memories so that they believed they were the last of humanity, all for his fake "paradise." He abandoned a significant number of his people, leaving them at the mercy of Marley. Because of this, the world continued to hate Eldians and now treat them as less than human. Fritz's attempt at "peace" fixed nothing - it only made things worse. He was selfish and ineffectual, and only succeeded in screwing his people over in the long run. And because of his vow to renounce war, Paradis can't even use the Founding Titan to fight back against their enemies, because Fritz decided it would be better if they all just laid down and died as atonement for their sins. What he did was understandable to an extent, but he is no hero at all. - I still support Eren but in my eyes he's defintitely not a good guy anymore. At this point both sides have killed innocents for what they believed to be the right cause. That's what I love about AOT - there aren't any fully "good" or "bad" guys, there are people on both sides you can support and you can understand why they fight.


Eren: Sit down or I'll kill Falco and everyone above Reiner: Sits down in panic Eren: *kills everyone anyway*


I agree with your opinion about King Fritz. His idea about moving his country to an island behind walls isn't a bad idea, the bad part was robbing them of their memories, abandoning a significant number of his people, and the worst of all leaving most of the titan power to Marley, allowing them to become another oppressive tyranny reigning terror to other races of people.


I believe I just came too an understanding of Willy's character that makes sense. He seemed inconsistent too me, especially at the end of his speech. But then I realized that Tybers view of Eren seems to match Reiners view. And Reiner would have had to have been the main source of information. Tyber wasn't doing propaganda or hate mongering against the island. He was just responding to what he thought was an actual threat. Reiner's actions this episode did indicate he always saw Eren as dangerous. As if he saw a different Eren then us. As an example, when Eren showed his cut hand, Reiner immediately took the threat seriously. As another example Reiner had clearly taken Eren's past statement of "I'll make you guys suffer and die in the worst way possible" as something of great concern. Reiner said that line in such a way as if it has been a concern to him since he left the island. I don't think Reiner ever talked to Willy directly, But Reiner was the only source of information from the island, and he would have given a confidential report. The report would have needed to say who had the founder, and the threat assesment of that. When Tyber gets this information he becomes afraid. Not only does a royal decedent of Fritz not have the Founder titan (with the oath safeguard), but it is now in the hands of someone who said "I'll make you guys suffer and die in the worst way possible." He decides a world alliance is needed to stop this Eren Yeagar threat. But he also sees how he can use the alliance to help bring peace to the world, and a better life for Eldians. So in the presentation he comes clean about the history, in hopes it will motivate the audience, and make them see Eldians in a better light. His war is against Eren specifically, but he knows the island would defend Eren, so that makes the war against the island. I don't know about you guys, but considering the information Willy had, I agree with all his decisions.


Basically Willy Tybur decided to save the Eldians outside of the walls and the entire world by having the Eldians inside the walls as the common enemy and exterminate them. Each side has their reason for their actions that's all, there's no side that I can fully support. Quite frankly for moral and philosophical reasons I can't get hyped or happy for any of their actions even though I am excited to see what happens next.


At first I didn't think much of it but I wonder if Willy Tybur was coordinating with Eren. The way he looked to his household behnd the stage and saying this was his atonement as if he knew he was going to die. Clearing the name of King Fritz and making Eren the bad guy which Eren agreed. Gathering everyone around the world so that Eren's attack to stage would be witnessed by the represantatives from all over the world. Also he used an exact line of Eren from the first season: Armin: Eren, why do you want to see the outside world? Eren: Because I was born into this world! Williy Tybur: I don't want to die because I was born into this world. I think Eren made contact with Willy Tybur and they hatched this plan to make Eren the bad guy instead of the Eldians on the island.

Killua X

:completely ignores the headphones warning :goes deaf But fr, the way she reacted to the whole "necessary evil" twist and dynamic of Eren comparing himself to Reiner and essentially becoming the "monster" he vowed to defeat with "fuck it, I wanna see a fight!" 😬😬😬 Got me super hype for something else far far away... Btw I'm kind of drunk and it's really late so if anybody catches this reference and thinks it's spoily, please tell me and I'll delete.


I just thinks it’s complex. No one is fully bad or good. To Eren, fighting them is the only way to save his people. For the Marleyans it’s about power and human greed. For the Tyburs, it feels as if he is saying fuck the innocent people within the walls. He is choosing his people over them. It is what it is. I can understand both sides. I disagree with some of their reasons and methods on both sides. If I was forced to choose a side, I would side with the people in the walls because they didn’t ask for any of this. None of these things that have happened, starting from when the kids were sent over to find the founding titan until now (and everything that will follow) would have happened if they would have just left them alone.

Petr Boháč

This point, Eren lose his humanity :(

Diego Zenhäusern

Interesting theorie...this would be some "code geass stile"-shit that I could be here for if it's executed well🙂 But I don't really buy that at this point since Willy still said that he wanted the world to help him defeat the island devils and not Eren, which implies to me that he's absolutely ready to sacrifice the islanders🤔


The more I think about it I don't think that soldier can be Armin since in season 3 P2 the only time Pieck and him were close to each other was when Armin was a very crispy boy so it's unlikely she could recognize him. Though that raises the question who is it, and if it wasn't Armin why block his face for most of the scenes, or if it's a local (Pieck did recognize the person) are the Paradis crew even involved in Eren's plan at all.