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Mega sure is annoying now. There a link for the google doc?




How should I say this, I think the Ishvalan war of extermination is awful. However, I believe that it wasn't completely unnecessary; after all, the fighting will end, when one side wins. Yes the homunculus started this massacre, but the context is that this civil war lasted for 7 years causing death and destruction throughout the country, I'm sure many soldiers were just like Hughes, Hawkeye & Mustang, who simply had the intention of ending this conflict to protect their loved ones; who were simply manipulated by people with horrible intentions.


I don't think it's that simple when it comes to the chain of command. The one thing that gets drilled into every soldier's mind in every military is that orders are absolute. Even if you think this is wrong, there's nothing a soldier can do about it; if you run away or rebel, you get sent to court-martial at best, assuming you don't get executed on sight by other soldiers or your superiors. Deserting also doesn't solve anything, the wrongdoings didn't stop. At the end, this is just a cruel reality, nothing an individual can do about it; unless it's a massive coup d'etat.


The extermination of a entire people is never, "necessary." And within the context of the show it is also not necessary and could have been ended--the show is clear on this.


I didn't say the extermination was necessary, I said ending the fight for good with overwhelming strength isn't unnecessary even if it looks like bullying. The original material gave more insight into the war; how amestrian hometowns have been attacked by terrorists, how much damage the war caused all across the country, and how some state alchemists fought with honour, like the iron blood alchemist, who actually killed his superior officer for killing innocent civilians in front of him.


I mean this kinda did happen in the real world. Look at what Hitler did. The big reason he failed is because he lost the war, but what would've happened if he succeeded? The big difference here is that Amestris is the leading power and not really anyone can oppose their decision like that.

Diego Zenhäusern

I think the fundamental difference between Kimblee and Hisoka does not lie within themselves, but in the anime they are in, respectively what the anime want us to feel and think (I have to mention at this point that I've never seen Hunter x Hunter completely, so this is all based on my impression of the anime so far by watching it on this channel and this interpretation might not be entirely complete or accurate). The reason Hisoka can be enjoyable and Kimblee can’t is because Hunter x Hunter distances itself from reality: Death or murder ultimately do not feel as bad of a thing, since they are present everywhere and all the time, without really being commented on. Often they just seems to be a natural consequence of a situation or a task or are even used as something dangerously close to something comedic (I just want to remind everyone here of the "egg-task" or how Hisoka “determines” whether the first examiner is real). It is as if H x H is telling you: “I mean, we know murder is bad….but it really isn’t though….at least not here/ in this situation/ this moment.” Or: “Look, we don’t really care that Hisoka is a psychopathic killer, so we’d suggest you don’t either and just lean back and enjoy the show” Fmab on the other hand emphasizes the brutality and immorality of murder, war and death. It lets characters grow on you just to brutally and tragically murder them; just to show you how wrong and painful all of this is. It tackles real world conflicts and dilemmas, gives characters real live motivations and reasons for killing and fighting and encourages you to think about what is right and wrong, who the heroes and the villains are and whether things even are as black and white as they sometimes seem to be. To me, this means that a character like Kimblee makes me feel sick to my stomach, as he seems to be are representation of a real live person, whereas Hisoka can feel quite entertaining and charismatic (even though I still don’t like him as a person since I can recognize what he actually is), as he feels like some presence that does not really fall into the real world’s moral settings.


Yeah a lot of real world similarities to Amestris. I mean their leader is called a Furor not just for jokes.


I would say also that Hisoka rarely if ever kills an "innocent" character, at least on screen. He fights other hunters and has a code which makes him hate fighting unfair contests. It is easier to view Hisoka as a sick person with morals, rather than someone who murders families for fun. All of his victims consent in a way. Other characters meant to be seen as villains in HunterxHunter do not have the same philosophy. Those "real" villains kill innocents and those weaker than them--they attack, without consent, those who did not choose a life of fighting. Essentially: it is the difference between a man who beats up a random woman walking down the street, and a man who beats up another fighter in an MMA ring. It is good writing that positions Hisoka appropriately for the audience, because the author wants Hisoka to be liked.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, that certainly is a factor too...and the anime in general tries to make him a charismatic character various other ways. For instance, by leting him enjoy the killing silently and for himself in his thoughts, rather than outright shouting at the world around him how much he enjoys it (even thought the ouside world might still be able to guess as much) or by making his obsession completely over the top and borderline comical. But I think the fact that Hisoka can grow so strongly on you resp. you can enjoy him so much is ultimately based on the fundamental vibe of the anime. And I believe that you couldn't create a character like him in fmab.


It does show the flaws of a militaristic government very well. Everyone looks up to one person but if that person is bad news, this country is doomed.


Not just Hisoka; Togashi intended for his world to be completely grey, that the audience would be confused why they find Hisoka (psychotic murderer) and god forbid the spiders (a damn group of sickos) so intriguing and likable. As for Fullmetal Alchemist, it's pretty clear that Arakawa wanted the audience to know what her stand is in the story. This is why Kimblee and Hisoka felt so different when they are essentially the same people