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My grandfather passed away today. I’ll upload tomorrow. I’ll try to double upload to make up for it.



Its okay, take your time


You should take some time if you need we'll have no problem with it. Hope you stay strong and sorry for your loss.


Don't worry about videos. Take whatever time you need.


Sorry for the lost. Take all the time you need to recover. Wish you well.


sorry for your loss take your time


you don't even have to worry about that rightnow, family is way more important! Take all the time you need to digest this, wish you and your family all the strength in the world to get through this

Diego Zenhäusern

My condolences! Don't you worry about the uploads, take care of yourself and take as much time off from recording as you need!

Lich King

i'm sorry for your loss

Dead Man Talking

My condolences. Honestly, take time iff if you need or want to, it's important not to overload yourself.

Christopher Rivera

Nothing to make up for. Take whatever time you need.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

So sorry to hear that! Don't worry about the upload, just be with your family and take some time off. We will still be here when you come back!


My greatest apologies and good vibes Sending to you 🙏❤️

Theloneous Washington

Condolences. Take all the time you need. Hope your doing well.

Michael Anthony

Take all the time you need. Keep your head up we'll be pulling for you