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Was not expecting this tonight 😮


patreon is acting weird so just copy and paste the whole link to get the reaction


I believe in the shinigami theory from the OVA so all in all Light kinda wins in the end lmao


btw the anime doesn't show it but Misa commited suicide after hearing about Light

Christo Badenhorst

I have a theory that the death note also changes your personality. I honestly do think it corrupts humans who uses it. you can see when he lost his memories he is actually a more kind person but whenever he has the Death Note it is as its a different personality almost. and I believe its more than just having power that changes him. I do think the Death note have some kind of Impact on the user. It brings out your dark side for example he has always been n person that wants control (god complex) and it takes that part of the human and amplify that part. the same with the other person who had the death note was greedy. I do believe he always was greedy. I just think this amplifies your emotions and Misa Misa was always in love with Light but under the control of Death Note I also think it amplified that part of her. But that's my theory

Michael Tennick

I think the idea that the Death note "possesses" people makes the show less interesting. The characters are far more compelling if their choices are their own. The Death Note is powerful and "absolute power corrupts absolutely", so obviously it 's going to inherently affect the perceptions and actions of the person who owns it, but I think it does a disservice to the characters to say that the Death Note is actually controlling them.


"Misa's fine" Yeah, she's kinda not. It's heavily implied in the anime that she kills herself(standing outside the railing at the top of a building), and I think it's outright stated in the manga that she does. And I love Light seeing L standing over him as he dies, the same way he did when L died. And Ryuk's goodbye was always kind of warmhearted, to me, and I don't know why. "Well, Light, it's been fun."

Davone Kissee

You made it, enjoy some comedy https://www.reddit.com/r/deathnote/comments/j5j8cb/all_official_death_note_omakes4panel_comics/

Davone Kissee

There are 3 more chapters, the Ohba and Obata come out with new ones every couple years. There was a chapter released in 2020 that features #45 which I'm certain you'll find amusing. You should read Chapter 107 which is a little different than this ending. Then there was an epilogue that is not covered in this anime. Following that is the C-Kira chapter. And finally there's the recent chapter you should have no problem finding. Lmk if you want links!


it would be a cool twist (as well as tying back into the whole "death note users can't go to either heaven or hell"-explanation Ryuk gave at the very beginning), but I also read that there was a Shinigami like that visible in the show while Light was still alive and I'm more inclined to go with proof & clues than rule-of-cool until there's a canon explanation for those points or something more concrete


Mello was a ruthless a**hole, but gotta hand it to him: without his kidnapping-action that made Mikami go to the bank off-schedule before the meeting, Light would have probably won there, with them all dropping dead after Mikami wrote down their names - even if he didn't plan for it to end that way.


i cannot find this episode. the mega link loads but without an episode in it


Does she now that Missa commited suicide when she got to the tower ryuk was sitting?