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EDIT: Agh!! I didn’t see that there was an after credit scene until now! I watched it. Wtf Roswall?!? What is he talking about??? Why does he have a gospel/tomb of wisdom? Well clearly we know he has the other copy and that is how he knows what Subaru has been through or what he will go through. What mistake did our boy make? All he did was walk out of the trial! Was it a mistake to do the trial (if that’s what it was)? I’m so confused! 😭





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Im not too sure Echidna is Satella, that might be the confusion. Echidna is the witch of greed while Satella is the witch of envy. My theory is that Satella can possess Emilia or something similar and this was on of the results of her failing the trial, but i could be wrong, im not a light noveller

Rok Gorjanc

You skipped the end part after the credits


I’ve seen it now!! Here I will copy and paste my comment on YouTube; Agh!! I didn’t see that there was an after credit scene until now! I watched it. Wtf Roswall?!? What is he talking about??? Why does he have a gospel/tomb of wisdom? Well clearly we know he has the other copy and that is how he knows what Subaru has been through or what he will go through. What mistake did our boy make? All he did was walk out of the trial! Was it a mistake to do the trial (if that’s what it was)? I’m so confused! 😭

Jesse Collins

A cut out scene. But in the the Web Novel during his conversation with Daphne. The reason for Daphne's blindfold, has to do with her Authority. Which she demonstrated by revealing her left eye, which the effects made Subaru experience intense hunger to the part he started to eat his arm. Also told that her right eye is more dangerous then her left. Another fact that is quite weird. But in the WN, Daphne explains that her centipede coffin moves by mana. But in the LN it moves by and i quote Daphne: "It moves from Daphne's sweat and pee, convenient yeees?"


This was my thought exactly! Why else would Emilia be gone? And when Subaru and Garf are on the roof and see Satella from far away, there's a green glow on her that makes me think it's Emilia's necklace


The author made a tweet about her coffin after this episode aired https://twitter.com/nezumiironyanko/status/1301169067424768002?s=21


This is just my interpretation but I think Echidna was saying that Subaru's "checkpoints" are specific points in time that give him the chance to avoid an otherwise inevitable death.


Satella the Witch of Envy is the one who sets these "checkpoints" and because she only cares about Subaru the checkpoints are only about saving him.


I'm just guessing but I think the reason Satella showed up at the end was because she was pissed that Subaru talked about Return by Death with Echidna and wants to punish him by hurting people he cares about.


She is a jealous witch after all.


alright calling it right now Satella & Emilia are one in the same whether that be an alternate personality or reincarnation. I think echidna knows this as well since she was about to tell him something super important right after Subaru accuses her of making Emilia cry in her trial. It’s likely during her trial she’s realizing who she is and simply can’t accept it which she always returns traumatized. if what echidna theorized about his power is true then the 2 who most benefit from Subaru altering events has been Emilia & him


My theory is (Non-Reader): Whenever Subaru talks about his curse, a "fake image" of Satella will be summoned with a simple command like "Prevent the secret at any cost". However when Subaru was talking freely about this in Echidna's world, the image was still summoned around his body, strengthening the effect over and over each time he mentions it. However because the image was not able to prevent the conversation, it kinda materialized more and more without being able to interrupt, so it went out of control there.


Ah okay gotcha. That makes sense. But I wanna know why she likes it so much. I hope to explain it


Yeah I think you’re right. I didn’t think about the fact that she’s set that rule that he can’t tell anyone about it. I didn’t think about why she may have said that rule. I guess she just wanted it to be a special secret between the two of them.


I have a wild theory in mind. Maybe Subaru is the reincarnation of someone, perhaps even an Archbishop (Pride) or simply a great friend or lover of Satella in the past, who died and reincarnated to the real world. And now Satella brought him back and gave him this power to make sure he can't die again, solely out of her love for him. Other than that, Subaru's path is his own choice and all the suffering he's gone through is only from his own choices when he could've lived a ordinary and earnest life while Satella does not have any other plans for him. And what if the reason he can't speak of the return of death blessing is that Satella wants to protect him from people with ill intent if they know of his power?