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Diego Zenhäusern

Firstly, I like it when you go off on philosophical tangents sometimes, so feel free there :) Secondly, I can see how you'd be surprised, but to me it makes actually a lot of sense, that his team suspects Light. I mean: Two of the best and smartest detectives in the world independently from each other started to suspect Light of being Kira....if that doesn't get you thinking, then I don't know what would.


The show definitely is different now if you compare it to season 1. Tastes may differ on season 2, but the first season was definitiely awesome, so it can be disappointing if an awesome show becomes just a good show. I think of what Kira does like that: his methods are morally wrong, but to some extend they produce results. On the other hand even if Light is a genius-intellect detective, he isn't infallible & his capacity to actually investigate the people he punishes is limited, he can't know if all people who were accused of/convicted for something were actually guilty or the product of mistakes law enforcement made, so the only way to stay safe is not even coming CLOSE to being a suspect of anything serious. That's not freedom or justice, that's turning the whole world into a prison where every inmate is afraid of being shot by the jailor if they look at him wrong. I get the president being afraid for his life, but after he caved in once, it was pretty sure that Kira would keep pushing more and more, knowing that he's susceptible to intimidation...but the timing should be very suspicious for the Task Force members...and I don't think Light knows Mello's real name; his father knew it when he made the eye-deal & stormed their hideout, but died soon after - without telling anyone if I got it right. By the way, you got the term right (micro expressions) :)