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Diego Zenhäusern

I don't think Light giving up ownership of the Death Note was lucky. I'm pretty sure it's fair to assume Light thought far enough ahead to know that his Dad would see him with the eyes and that his Dad then would know he was Kira if he still owned a Death Note. Also: I think Light's Dad didn't care whether his life was halfed, because (as he mentioned in the episode) he still thought that the 13 days rule was real and so he assumed that he'd die anyway if he ever used the Death Note (seeing that he'd never kill some random people every 13 days to stay alive).


The Yagami family must really be the most unfortunate family :(


Sweet that the mafia ark is wrapped up with this. From here it's going to get better again


Are you finding it harder to be in Lights corner as the show goes on?


damn, Mello IS a sore looser...wonder where he went; might become a problem if he somehow gets the information that the 13-day-rule is fake to Near or even the investigation team...what Light did was really fucked up, but I'm more surprised that he actually thought the others would be as quickly to kill the criminals as he (Kira) is if there's a chance to take them in alive...

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I think that shows us Kira's limits....I think Light without a Death Note would have understood, that his Dad wouldn't do something like that if there seemed to be any other option.


Lol I know I'm late to this reaction but after this episode I really started to despise Light.