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Kevin Baker

Keeping track of days during the pandemic is screwy.


"Were they being funny when they said this is the better one?" I'd guess yes and no. I think it's fairly split between which one people like BETTER, but lots of people like "What's up, people?!" regardless, simply because of how stupidly, ridiculously, outrageously, over-the-top, intensely, insanely silly it is. It's great :D


Also, this episode had one of my favorite lines in the dub, just because of the surprise pun it gave to L. At 28:52 in your reaction, when Misa is declaring that she couldn't live without Light, this is the exact lines in the English dub: Misa: "We catch Kira! I would never dream about living in a world without Light!" L: "Yes, that would be dark." (You can find this on youtube by searching "death note that would be dark" or something similar. L's deadpan delivery is just gold.)


tottaly, it is one of my favourite lines in Deathnote. i was so sad to find out that she didnt get to react to that or that its in the english sub.


Lol whoever said that the second intro is better than the first one is lost. The first one is really great in terms of the song and symbolism


Light's intentions aren't that clean either. Yes he does believe he is making the world a better place by cleaning away the dirt. However he also wants to become the "god of the new world". That sounds... seflish


currently at 13:45, these guys dont know that Kira kills by WRITING down the name, not even the investigation group, so he is thinking, support L or possible die by some divine reason he'd have no idea

Tyrone Tyrone

😃Some of her questions are answered by the Death Note rules shown in in the middle breaks but if she studied them all her brain would explode or her hair bun would 😄 The possibilities are overwhelming.😵

Diego Zenhäusern

To be honest I don't really see Light's and his father's point here. If the current theorie is, that Kira can transfer his powers to another person, it makes no sense to try and arrest anyone until they know who Kira is as well as how he kills/ how he transfers his powers and then try and "sneak up" on him to prevent him from transfering his powers. So firstly they both should understand that they're likely to save way more lives in the long run if they're patient and find out who Kira is first. And secondly: Even if they didn't wan't any of the persons to die, they could still work with L until the month's almost up and then arrest all the people anyways if they didn't find out who Kira is/ how he transferes his powers.


I've always hated it personally. Especially when compared to the first one.