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Matthew B

This will be a glorious reaction

Kevin Baker

I'm not going to comment on your Rachel musings as it would spoil. One more ep left btw.


I only watched the introduction of the video and hearing that was really really sad. The situation is worse than I expected/imagined. I don't know what to say other than that you deserve better and that I wish you success in finding your own way and making your own decisions! Also, an idea if you want to spend less time at the house: Maybe you could just go there to bulk download episodes you want to watch in the future, actually record reactions at your friend's home and then go there to upload recorded reactions. Yes that would mean an offset in recording vs uploading, as you would essentially be pre-recording multiple videos. However, if you think you'd feel better that way it might be worth it!


Don't worry about us here. It's more important that you do what's best for you right now. Get to the place you want to be. It won't be easy, but you can do it. You are not the things your dad says you are and you do deserve so much better!


just watched the intro. Yup.. way worse than what i was expecting. Your in your 20s, go and live your life but make sure to live it smart. On the positive side... getting a place for yourself is the best feeling ever. Been living a lone for sometime, best shit ever. What i can recommend is to move out as soon as possible, you dont need to wait to find the perfect place to move in to, you just gotta find something decent cuz you can always move to another place after that anyways.


No idea what your father's talking about. I find your face cute as hell no cap; truly a natural beauty. Def not an idiot.. 20k+ subscribers on YouTube and loyal patrons so gotta be doing something right! Wish you the best, your in my thoughts! 💯🙏

Raul Iggynashow

I'm speaking from experience. Whenever your dad wants to abuse you constantly ask yourself is what I'm saying and doing escalating or diffusing the situation? If your dad threatens you call him out on it. Tell him dad if you have to threaten to beat up your daughter you have severe anger issues. But I'm not going to fight you I'm going to walk away and let you cool off. I can see why your family doesn't like your reactions. Getting irritated and grabbing a bat to scare him. Or replying you're gonna hit me, OK go ahead and hit me. I'll call the police on you. You're just adding fuel to the fire. It's a natural reaction to get angry and talk trash back. But if you know your dad can't control himself you have to step up and be the bigger person by diffusing the situation. Maybe if he were a bully at school, antagonizing him to the point he gets himself arrested will work. But your dad getting himself arrested won't help your family. Stand up for yourself but react smarter to always diffuse the situation.

Raul Iggynashow

On a happier note congrats on your channel's new banner. One tiny thing, if your channel is called AWAKE shouldn't the girl's eyes be open just like the cat's eyes are wide open. Hehehe


Wow your dad deserves to be in prison for that kind of shit. Hes so insecure and prolly got bullied in school and now letting his anger out on his family, which is the most weak and pathetic thing he can do. Understand that he provides for the family but I would just call the police and end his career. Just because he makes a lot of money doesnt mean he can shit on his family. Calling you ugly, stupid, useless etc. Hes jealous of you and your yt channel and supporters. Maybe hes afraid of you being more successful than him. Oh and I agree with Slussh, your face cute as hell, your father just ran out of insults


...and you're the villain because you don't play the punching bag? ....yeaaaaahhh....screw him....sorry, but I wish he would some day run into someone who's stronger than him, who treats him the same way he treated you...some karmic-payback.... sounds harsh, but you will somehow pull through if there are some fewer uploads it doesn't matter, your safety takes priority. Don't know how it's in your area, but have you thought about looking for a shared apartment with 1 or 2 people you trust/are comfortable around? I know some people who managed to get out of home that way & a) managed to cover the bills together and b) had a smoother transition between "everything gets managed for you" and "I'm on my own"; also some of them had mental problems as well, so they always had someone around to talk to when it got hard. With all the stuff you dad told you about yourself, he obviously doesn't have any idea who you really are; what he told you is bullshit, he just wants to kick you into the mud so he himself stands out more & feels superior. Stay strong; you'll get through this!!

Raul Iggynashow

You need to decide if you want to rent: 1. a room 2. an apt. 3. a house based on what you can afford financially. As much as you love your cat, you can't pretend you have unlimited money and make living decisions based on what's best for your cat. Start by making a list of potential bills. 1. internet 2. rent 3. food 4. gasoline and utilities like 5. electricity 6. water 7. garbage pick-up. Plus there will be bills your parents were paying for that you may have to take over like 8. cell phone 9. car insurance 10. health insurance. And miscellaneous bills like maybe Netflix, gym membership, Triple AAA etc. It's making sure your income can cover all your bills so you stay out of debt.


Renter's insurance is a good idea as well!


Bam is an Irregular, they basically have no true cap for how much Shinsu Resistance they have passively; thus no matter how deep he falls, he shouldn't die at least (remember: during Headon's Test on Floor 1, he was inside a room that was filled with Shinsu Density optimal for the a species of Divine Sea Fish, a White Steel Eel, which you'd usually start encountering somewhere Floor 20+ and higher, and he walked inside that kind of Shinsu density like it was nothing). After all, the people in the Tower breathe Shinsu, there doesn't even exist air inside the Tower.