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Shinigami's are like angels of death or reapers basically.

Reuben Filimaua

And so the cat and mouse game begins. Light showcases his genius intellect, but also how rash he can be when his ego and pride is threatened. Him killing a supposed police officer before finding out he was a criminal just proves that his motives are less selfless and more self serving than what he claims. Saving the innocent? Yet when such a supposed "innocent person" defys him and calls him out he straight up kills him without hesitation. Yeah, your god complex and ego are clouding your general common sense Light.


Like that you're enjoying the philosophical stuff that much, stuff for endless talks in the comment sections (& of course real life) 😊 No, it's not fucked up to say, the want to defend yourself and those close to you, to retaliate when harmed, is hardwired into us, that's why it takes concious effort, restrain & learned morality to NOT do it. Light seems more like a crusader driven by religious zeal to me, less grounded than e.g. Lelouche; "I serve justice, so if you oppose me, you oppose justice and thus are evil", with L defending the authorities monopoly on violence and evidence-based, rational justice & punishment. Rule through fear is more straight-forward, but I'd guess more fragile, because it only lasts as long as a) the feared force is around and b) it's the scariest thing around; as soon as it vanishes, the opposition tears down everything it build, because noone would defend it of his own volition. Ryuk is more like us viewers I think; he's just around to watch it unfold for entertainment value XD


yup, certainly a good deal of self-gratification in it.


Plus, ruling through fear can easily engender resentment in the ruled populace, and that can lead to outright hatred, which will then lead to revolution. Even Machiavelli's "The Prince" brought this up. The quote most people know is "It is better to be feared than loved". That quote is half-complete, the whole line is "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." Machiavelli goes on to explain that it can be easier to rule through fear(which is controlled purely by the ruler) rather than rely on being loved(which is subject to the whims of the populace), and he goes on further to say that it is important to avoid being outright hated. Hatred can override fear, and if they hate you more than they fear you, regardless of what you do to them, you aren't going to last long.


L vs Light, one of the greatest duals in anime history begins..easily one of my favorite scenes when Light got outplayed by L this episode


there is no way to define something truly good or evil. Its a societal thing, for example whats good for us its not looked as that good in other places hence we are the bad. For example when it comes to women rights and stuff, there are many places on earth whether its africa or the middleast and even in some places in south america where i used to live, thats looked as the normal but when others look to them its the bad and when they look at us given women so much rights its like a nono. and this is just one example of many in which good and evil, whats good and wrong, depends on the environment you are hence why i dont believe in a god and if there is one then that god doesnt care for either.

Tyrone Tyrone

So you're laughing at Light Yagami...Light Yagami. OK will see how long that lasts.


Shinigami translates to Death God. It's like a Grim Reaper in Japan. Light is pretty smart for a teenager, but he still lets his emotions get to him. L labelled him as something he least identifies with, so he gets triggered and does something rash. His immaturity and inflated sense of self importance will be his downfall.

Tyrone Tyrone

There is no such thing as good and evil. They are human inventions like Gods and Devils. At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. Aristotle

Tyrone Tyrone

Light Yagami = Psychopath Lelouch vi Britannia = Not


Yup, his ego his his biggest weakness I guess...shows that, at least to some level, it's personal instead of everything being about his "higher cause"


Well, Aristotle was a racist and thought that slavery is necessary.


good and evil do exist... if someone kills another for no reason we all instinctually know its wrong... there are certain things that clearly good and clearly evil. and the only way to know whats good or evil for sure is to follow an objective truth such as the law of God. society isnt good enough for that.... society changes many things over time... like homosexuality was frouned upon know its ok and promoted... some societies in africa eat human flesh... hopefully that drives the point...


These uncompressed video files are wayyyy too big. You must be paying a boatload on storage


Oh nooo, you skipped the opening Great reaction and I loved the philosophical analysis!


Regarding what Shinigamis are, I think this definition is very good: "Shinigami (死神, "god of death", "death bringer" or "death spirit") are gods or supernatural spirits that invite humans toward death in certain aspects of Japanese religion and culture."


I think you're thinking of Attack on Titan when you are thinking about the false bottom in a drawer. There wasn't an elaborate trap but there was a false bottom.


With all due respect I don't think you're listening closely to certain scenes since u have the mindset that Light isn't confirming before killing like with the one guy with the scene where he was in his room, u said he better not write that down when he's just suspected and just before u said that the TV said his statement about how he lost control which is basically pleading guilty


Okay so if that guy lost control, and it’s confirmed, then fine. But how do you explain what he did to L, and the people in jail? Did he confirm that those people actually did what they were convicted for? Did he do research to make sure they weren’t wrongfully accused or persecuted?

Mad Goldsmith

Here come the White Knights....really makes you wonder. MC does not equal good, you know? Not even arguably. You've been doing a great reaction. Most of the series will become a game of chess between L and Light.


State is simply an organization powerful enough to enforce its laws on a given territory. That said, what makes it better than Light who randomly got his hands on a power that enabled him to do the same? Nothing. Depending on who wins( L or Light), Light's justice will be either proclaimed the new world's order or condemned as mass murder.

Jean Claude Discaya

You could say Light/Kira's desired effect on criminals is the same way All Might's status as the Symbol of Peace affects criminals.