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There is a on going debate on whether light Yagami it good or bad I have looked at it and researched it and the community is very split on this issue. from what I found is polls done on website made just for death note tend to be more favorable towards light for example the sub Reddit for death note did a poll and 70% of the people agreed with lights philosophy.

André Bessa

If you have one power, you will use, the weird it's not using the power.

André Bessa

Light also kills people it's know it's corrupt but the justice doesn't have proves or justice was bought and they still free, like bad politics, and all luke of white-collar corrupt people, the only power he has is to kill people. What will you doing in his place?


I can tell you'll be a fan of Light's archenemy, but so am I because I'm quite iffy with Light myself


"Why are these subtitles so wrong? They're saying 'Ryukkyu'" Good ears catching that, but the subtitles aren't wrong. Ryuk is his official name. What you're hearing is the Japanese accent on the pronunciation, due to the fact that the Japanese language has no hard stops in it. In very general terms, every consonant sound is always paired with a vowel sound, and it never hard stops on a consonant sound. That's what's causing that hanging 'u' sound; 'u' is often used when transliterating a word that stops from a different language. My own name is a fairly good demonstration of this; "Chris". Transliterated in katakana, it's "クリス", "ku-ri-su/kurisu". That last "u" after the "s" is audible. See https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=ja&tl=en&text=%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9 for an example. Another word that springs to mind as a loanword is "yogurt". In Japanese, it's written "ヨーグルト", "you-gu-ru-to/yōguruto". Again, the "o" sound is very audible. https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=ja&tl=en&text=%E3%83%A8%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3%83%88 Heck, even Light's name. You can clearly hear it being pronounced "raito", with the last "o" audible. But "Light" IS his official name.


He has no right to decide who's guilty and who's not, that's the issue here


Interesting. I'm surprised it's even a debate on whether he's good or bad, Reddit is indeed a colorful place


"If only he never found the Death Note" That's a really great line. And I love Ryuk immediately poking holes into Light's delusions, even if he goes along with it cause he's bored. "I was chosen to do this!" "Dude, no one chose you, I threw the Note into this world on a whim cause I was bored, and you were the first one to find it." "I'll kill all the evil people!" "Then you'll be the only evil one left."


Very nice reaction and review! :) Could you maybe try out the dub on the first episode for a few minutes? You might see that it's probably more fit for reactions (even though the poll was in favor of sub).

Matthew B

Eh, Ainz is way worse than light when it comes to morally questionable actions. And light is just an edgy discount lelouch to begin with.

Kevin Baker

Yeah, Light is an over-achieving holier-than-thou MC with a superiority/god complex. The hubris just writes itself. :|


You are right about innocent people being in jails. The setting is in Japan, with 99% conviction rate......Yeah.


i also think dub would b better for reactions but the people spoke and where doing sub so no point in harassing for dub after the fact

Tyrone Tyrone

GREAT REACT. We're not hung up on time, we want to know what you're thinking about the characters not just your physical reaction...although those eyes😂😂🤣 And feel free to hit the pause button if things get more complicated. You made my day with this👏🙌

Tyrone Tyrone

Be prepared Light supporters to come out in force on YouTube. Lucky it's an old anime so they're not as strong as they used to be😄


Do not compare Light to Lelouch untill you finish both of the series.

Reuben Filimaua

Yes Light is a psychopath with a god complex and ego the size of a mountain. Unlike Lelouch, Light takes on this role for himself to specifically put himself in a position of power above others to show his superiority. He justifies his actions with his "the world is rotten, it must be saved" excuses. Light being a villain protagonist is what makes him stand out with other protagonists. Notice how even the anime opening/ending portray him as a villain, an almost fallen angel of sorts with the red tint all over him and eyes. He's a piece of shit with a somewhat wobbly moral judgement, and we're forced on this ride with him to see how far and low he will go to remain as this "god of the new world." Can't wait for more of your reactions to this spectacular series.


Light is a god... don’t even tarnish his name... lol


For Ryuk's name they're saying ri-yu-ku which is the Japanese pronounciation the Japanese language always has a vowel following a consonant with some exceptions


Hope u noticed he's not killing just anyone and only criminals and I'm not saying that justifies it obviously but it seemed like u understood it as him killing whoever just cuz he feels like it


Ryuk is shinigami, he is not a demon.


yup, like the contrast. Light commits murders & tries to paint himself as the one doing the dirty work that has to be done for the greater good. Ryuk is less compassionate, but at least he's honest and doesn't try to convince himself or others that what he's doing is just or right.


just to clarify: Shinigami (死神, "god of death", "death bringer" or "death spirit") Gods or supernatural spirits that invite humans toward death in certain aspects of Japanese religion and culture. Shinigami have been described as monsters, helpers, creatures of darkness, and fallen angels. Taken from wikipedia. So, as far as I understand it, closest to the far-eastern equivalent of grim reapers.


Don't have much knowledge about the manga, but...will be interesting to see where this goes. Wouldn't surprise me if - when people start noticing there are too many cases to be accidents - some would start to support him and go "yay, finally someone who does what our corrupt government can't!"


There are a lot of comparisons between Lelouch and Light as they are both genius and presented with a supernatural power which began their story. But for me, the similarities end there. The main difference between them is that Lelocuh already had his motivations to destroy Britannia since he was 10 years old. Having the Geass only accelerated his plans. Light had no motivation prior to acquiring the Death Note. Of course he was disturbed by the world but he wasn't going to do anything about it before the Death Note. I think this is the cause of a lot of character differences between them.


The pen writing scenes in this anime are dope

Mad Goldsmith

As someone already pointed out, a 'shinigami' is more of a grim reaper or death god than a demon. Demons from Japanese mythology also differ from 'our' demons: Rather than being incarnations of evil those just like to eat humans. About the 6 minutes 40 seconds thing: Converting this into seconds, it becomes exactly 400 seconds. I think, the author chose this number, because the number 4 is a harbinger of bad luck in Japan, just like the number 13 for us. That also explains the 40 seconds.

André Bessa

Yokai not necessarily eat humans, the snow lady it is a Yokai but can live and have children with humans, Oni and Kijin are also demon but the also are responsible to punishment and purification the people souls in one of hells.

André Bessa

What I can say, probably I am doing the same thing Light if I had the same power.


don't have much knowledge beyond anime, but what I skimmed about japanese folklore, their demons/spirits are less split along good and evil, but rather have a specific purpose/ goal that may or may not put them at odds with humans...similarly with some eastern european myths & legends, or most mythology before cristianity's heaven&hell


Will this be once or twice a week?


nice reaction !!!!!