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Death note has the best or second best dub of any anime


Death note only worth with dub


Only good thing about the dub is just a potato chip scene y’all know what I’m talking about she doesn’t tho lol


In my opinion death note is one of the few anime’s that are better in dub then sub

Tyrone Tyrone

It's a very dry series with several episodes that will feel like you're just reading a book so do what's best for you. A react is no good if you're not enjoying it because you're trying to keep up with the subtitles.


That "snack" scene alone is worth the dub IMO.


even though its kinda wordy, there are scenes that go really well in sub in my opinion


fck sake man all yall dub is just sm better for reactions.


Dub. I've no opinion on which is better for viewing an anime but as a member of an audience watching someone react I'd rather that person be able to enjoy it and understand it in one viewing which I just think is harder if you've gotta read paragraphs of dialogue and give a satisfying reaction. I've only ever watched the series all the way through sub though soooo I cannot vouch for the quality.


Sub is always better than dubbed.


Death Note dub is on par with Code Geass dub Some parts the dub is better than the sub in Death Note's part, specially Light's voice


Sub is better always in any anime :)

Bilal Rajput

jose thats not correct the dub from code geass for example is a lot better than the sub

Dan McKellar

sub is always better than dub.


We all know light’s laughing voice can not be matched. It has to be sub


Dry... I guess that depends on what anime’s you like. I watch a lot of slice of life anime. So when there are “quite” episode I enjoy them. Also there are a lot of episode like that in psychological animes, just pure talk and reading


I think it will be quite hard to follow and comment at the same time if you choose sub (dialogue heavy). Just like it was with code geass. So I would strongly recommend the dub.


Bilal, im quite sure its really personal preference, i prefer the sub for code geass, even though the dub is good, but im able to read the subs really quickly just glancing at it, so i think that would really affect my preference alot.

Valuable Oranges for Sale!

As someone that watches you mainly on my phone, for subs it's almost impossible to read (again, as an audience member). It's easier to follow (for both you and us) if it's dubbed. And the dub is really good too. Is sub better? That may be true but it isn't my argument I'm making (if sub is a 10, dub is at the very least an 8, then you gotta factor in everything else I've said). But yeah, ultimately it's your choice.

Bilal Rajput

i think lelouch sounds too old in the sub dosent match the voice of a high schooler


Just wondering if there was any point in this poll because you switched from sub to dub in code geass around episode 7 even though you had a poll for that aswell. Would just like some clarification if possible?

k go

the subbed ppl can watch dubbed but the dubbed ppl cant watch subbed.