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Matthew B

Thanks :)


I was hyperventilating watching this episode, who would've thought Endeavor can get me like this..I'm mad at that cliff hanger knowing I gotta wait a year at least to continue as well. Personally I don't want to see Midoriya fight All for One because that defeats the purpose of the All Might fight, I prefer having Shigaraki vs Deku for a final showdown


So it felt like you went to a chinese restaurant & they served you fries? XP Yeah, was a great episde...must have sucked for Endeavor to see so much of himself in a monster obsessed with power...let's hope there aren't more of those intelligent Nomus, and where did it come from? I mean, until now I thought All for One was the only one who could create them with his quirk, and he's locked up so...did he have those up his sleeve? did they experiment one ones he already had? or did they find some workaround to create them without All for One? Happy you finally got your fix :P