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Waiting two years for Code Geass season 2 back then was the hardest thing I had to do as a kid. I was dying to find out what happened at the end.


I'm definitely backing you on this. There's definitely a line one simply shouldn't cross and Lelouch literally just sprinted through it. I suppose that's inevitable for someone who believes "ends justify all means". Definitely not the right choice to abandon his troops, after all that talk about reforming the world and honoring the dead, he just threw all responsibilities away for his sister. I was amazed he expected Suzaku to help him after everything he's done, and even told him what happened to Euphy was "in the past" so just move on already who cares. Man I hate it when they actually made me root for Britannia and I know they aren't good


Personally, I absolutely despise anyone who wants to blame China for the pandemic. This is no time to be blaming anyone and people cannot imagine the tremendous effort and sacrifices they've given in order to win this battle. Their country's infection rate has been reduced down to a double-digit and that's unbelievable given how fucked the world is right now, I appreciate them for their efficiency and willingness to take responsibility, certainly more than I can say for other countries right now... As for the suicide issue, while I don't think it's justifiable to take your own life, I certainly agree that those people needed as many attention and help they can get to get through it, they deserve it.


Those numbers coming from the Chinese government are fake. Some people in China infected with COVID-19 are being denied admission because hospitals don't want the record to show new cases. It's racist to blame all Chinese people for the virus, but not when you criticize the CCP's cover-up.


I’m not interested in debating about numbers or criticising governments on a patreon comments section, the point is to not be racist to the Chinese or Asians in general, if you understand that then that’s all there is to it. If we only find faults in others then we’ll never realise our weaknesses, we all have our role in winning this pandemic.


Yeah, I was lucky enough to get into CG after it was already all out. I would've gone insane over that wait XD


Hehehehe, very much looking forward to seeing you continue into Season 2.

Barre Bonds

You definitely HAVE to watch the first two episodes together. The first ep leaves too many questions ahaha 💯 Awesome reaction as always!


Except you are praising China for "winning" the battle, which is naive.


Also, one little detail that I always liked: when Lloyd panics after realizing that Nina completed the bomb, Rakshata immediately backs him up without question, even though they're rivals on opposing sides. Despite whatever history they have that causes them to irritate each other constantly, there's obviously a very strong respect and acknowledgement underlying it. She knows and trusts him well enough(or at least, his intelligence and ability) to know that if HE is reacting like that, it's something serious. And yes, Sakuradite is an energy source. It's immensely powerful, and it's discovery is what led to the creation of the Knightmare Frames and the current wars. Nina's little toy is even worse than imagined: it's not just a nuclear bomb, it's a nuclear bomb that's been infused and boosted with Sakuradite. In theory, it would be far stronger than any of our modern-day nuclear weapons.


If you aren't there, you don't know what it's really like. Who's to say who's naive or not.

Tyrone Tyrone

Lelouch never had the the freedom of Japan as his No.1 goal Nunnally is and it made no sense to abandon her so the Japanese would win. He stayed true to the mission. And as far as what he told Suzaku about Euphy he was right, cold blooded, but correct. Nothing he can do will bring her back or undo what's be done. Not helping to saving Nunnally who Suzaku says he cares for would only add to the tragedy. Very logical, but like Tanya said most people aren't logical.


You don't have to be there in person to know some things are wrong. Believing a government with a history of human rights violations to be telling the truth that makes itself look good is naive.


Skip the opening for eps 1-2. There is a little spoiler.


Although, i hope u won't pause this show. Season 2 is so good.


Please continue with season 2 without taking a break


so...Lelouche killed 2 of his siblings - Clovis & Euphy - to get whoever is behind his mother's death...and now it's even possible that noone sabotaged her security & she ordered the low security that day herself. I mean, even after killing Clovis he almost threw up, and that was WITH a strong justification; how will he be able to live with himself if the reason he did it turns out to be bullshit, that none of them had a hand in Marianne's death? Normally I'm not confrontational or stick my nose into other people's business, but...sry...your dad sounds like an asshole. Sickness going rampant & wreaking havoc on the economy - blame it on someone, maybe the people at ground zero, because it's easier and someone has to be guilty, even if illnesses mutating is bound to happen sooner or later, right? Suicidal people getting to a point where death seems more attractive that to keep on living - call them weak pussys, because if it's a problem of society, you would actually have to do something about it, and that would be inconvenient, right? easy way out...


Oh cmon, Ohgi didn't die, at the very least yet.


And yeah, you are saying that people who commit suicide are weak is bullshit, but right after, you yourself described them as weak.


That reaction at the ending was priceless lol


About the Reaction I expected of that cliffhanger...