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Mao was going to cut C.C. into pieces so he could fit her inside a suitcase, then reattach her later. C.C. is shown to be a capable fighter. This is the only way to transport her. I don't know how he's gonna pass it through security scan though. Maybe cut her into tiny pieces and claim they are food?


An Earl is similar to a Duke, Suzaku just didn't expect a goofy weirdo like Lloyd to be a nobleman of Britannia. Right now they're calling Suzaku's father a traitor because it's believed he called for total resistance against the Brits while he committed suicide. It's not uncommon for Japanese warriors to commit suicide rather than being taken prisoner, which was considered the greatest humiliation in their culture.


I doubt Mao thought that far ahead judging from his simple mind..nevertheless it was entertaining to see the way Lelouch dispose of him


I’m not sure how it’s structured in Britannia, but the royal hierarchy goes from Earl/Count to Marquess to Duke then the royal family. Not sure how much more power a duke has over an earl, but like you said they are similar in terms of nobility.


well, to be honest...I think each one of us has to find the balance between living healthy and still enjoying food/ life; if you have to forego almost everything what's the point in living a long & healthy life? Maybe first trying to be more conscious of what one eats and making informed decisions is a better first step than going hardcore...tried switching from average food to e.g. cereal with 1 or 2 berries mixed in I almost threw up, so...maybe one should first think what's worst & what they would/ wouldn't miss?


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following every single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), gave him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it of, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passager...sooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if to many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following every single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), gave him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it of, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passager...sooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if to many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following every single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), gave him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it of, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passager...sooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if to many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following every single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), gave him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it of, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passager...sooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if to many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following every single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), gave him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it of, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passager...sooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if to many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Your opinion on the memory-manipulation is completely valid, one of many valid opinions; because there is no easy right-or-wrong to default to, I don't think there will ever be a consensus on such a complicated matter^^ by the way: It's nice that you care about subscribers' potentially being "ripped off" on a end-of-month-subscription; some wouldn't bother with the explanations If Lelouche's Geass grows beyond his control, he may end up like Mao - unable to turn it off...assuming people would start following eery single one of his orders to the letter, even if he didn't intend to and just said something in a fit of rage like "shut up", would people suddenly be unable to talk until he allowed it again? or, worse, with something like "I wish you were dead", would people he cares about suddenly commit suicide just because he said something by accident? Took offense with C.C.s actions as well...she basically raised Mao from childhood (maybe just as a tool for the "contract"-stuff), have him the mind-reading power that, as long as he can't turn it off, makes it impossible for him to live a normal life in a city with so many minds around and then left him behind when she moved on, without taking any responsibility for what she did with him...I mean, she almost MADE SURE he would make her the biggest supporting pillar in his whole life and THEN left him...and it broke him...what did she expect him to do? But I love how that shows: just because you're done with someone, doesn't mean that person is done with you. I guess he simply thought he could not smuggle her out against her will as a passenger...sooooo...put her in the cargo... and yeah, the memory-loss is getting old if too many of your favourite anime use it 😂


Oh boy I can see the rage and tears coming by the end of the season


All I’m going to say at the moment regarding C.C’s action is, she did what she did because she was too kind and soft, she thought Mao would be worse off if she had stayed and followed through with her contract.


One cool thing I noticed on a rewatch. Watch that conversation between Lelouch and Mao again. Lelouch didn't actually know what he was saying. He only had a rough guess. You'll notice Lelouch rudely interrupt him and change the topic at one point. It comes off as Lelouch provoking him, when really he had no idea whether or not Mao was talking so he acted as if he was interrupting him. Just before that, he also stays awkwardly silent long enough for Mao to taunt him about it.


hah! villeta boobies