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Good work with the workouts^^ If it's just the muscles that you feel afterwards you're probably doing it right 🤘 The commandments aren't really 1:1 the biblical ten Commandments; seems like the author used that idea as inspiration and invented some fitting stuff for his characters, so don't worry about it. Seems Elaine's mind-reading isn't that nice when Ban gets naughty 😜 For "not feeling like talking for 20 minutes" you sure kept going pretty well 😆 Just for the sake of complicating the whole "take away memories"-thing even more: Assuming Gowther was a real monster before his memory & emotion loss and got at least turned into one of the good guys (even if he still has the no-sense-of-morality-problem) - how do you feel about that? One could say that, if that saved lives, it was a good thing, but wouldn't that be riding the line to "ends justify the means" really hard?


Someone being selfish around Gowther wouldn't necessarily set off his commandment. Galand said that his commandment was bestowed upon him by the demon king, so it's safe to say that if a commandment can be given then it can also be taken away. To be a member of the 10 commandments is to be a member of a team and admittance to that team comes with the demon king bestowing upon you a "commandment", which is really just a unique power with unusual conditions. If someone were to leave the 10 commandments team then it would be reasonable to assume that they would lose the "commandment" power and it would go to whoever replaced them.


Let's put some things into perspective. Diane is around 750 years old and she has lost the last 16 years of her memories. That is the last 2.13% of her total life thus far that she can't remember. Let's apply that to you, who I think I remember you saying you're 22 years old? In that case, 2.13% of your life to date is just over 5 and 1/2 months. So her forgetting the last 16 years is equivalent to you forgetting everything since last September (2019).


well sure he lost his commandent but he had the selflesness.. and even after whole season 2 i have no idea what that means.. :D some of them wasnt explained at all.. like reticence or selflesness or Purity,Repose and Patience.. kinda sad.. :D