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I’m most-likely dropping overlord after this season. The reason I watch a show, is to go on a journey with a character or characters. I want to watch them grow, learn from experiences and become better people (or worse). If they never changed, it would be a boring journey and I wouldn’t get as invested. I’ve tried to have hope for Ainz and his NPC’s, but you all keep telling me that they will never learn, never change, never even question their stances or perspectives/outlooks on life. They are already so powerful too, more powerful than anyone else on the show. If these characters are just going to keep winning, while simultaneously never changing, its kind of like watching a game or movie, knowing how it’s going to end. You just don’t get as invested, at least I don’t. There really isn’t any point. Therefore, if it is as you all say, and the “monsters” never realize they can go about things another way, never realize they are unnecessarily cruel, then I’m just done. It’s boring to me now.

Again, I’m not saying the humans should be assholes either. Some of them are evil or terrible people! Take renner for example, or the eight fingers, or the guy who had elf slaves and cut their ears off, etc. yet, we have good humans too. Take Nphirea, Enri, Lizzy, Nemu, pretty much everyone from Carne Village, Gazef, Brain, Climb, etc. Both sides have good and bad people. But, as you say, the NPCs have no hope of becoming better, kinder people. The humans at least have a chance, which is why I will side with them.

So, for this reasoning, after finishing the season, I’m done with the show. It’s not worth the constant drama, being made fun of for getting so emotional, constantly seeing you guys stating that I’m saying things I’ve never said (like that ALL humans are good, false. I have never said that), constantly being told I’m not being objective. It feels like no mater what I do I can’t win. No one seems to agree with my perspective, or at the most, very few of you do, and when you do, it’s only part of it. I think I am just not the target audience for this show. I probably shouldn’t have watched it for the channel. Sorry I wasted your time. So if you notice my reactions are kinda lackluster, it’s because there’s really no point of me getting as invested anymore. I know how each battle will turn out. I know Nazarick will win. I know they will probably torture people, and I know they will rule them all in the end.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.



I already dropped my sub soo that's fine

Cameron Hall

Understandable. I think the show is really just about enjoying the bad guys win. Not a show for people who like to invest themselves in characters and watch them grow. This is the last season anyway so at least it's done and dusted. On to other shows that you will enjoy and get attached to :)


This is totally understandable. You should never have to watch something you don't want to or are losing interest in. Thank you for sticking with it this far. I hope whatever you find to replace it will be more to your liking. and to all the people who have been leaving mean comments - bully to them, you're great, they need to shut up or gtfo.


Never thought Overlord was your taste anyway, lots of way better options out there.


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that that's totally fine. I'm a huge fan of the story myself, though I prefer the light novel over the show, but I understand your point of view too. You are probably not the show's target audience and that's fine, no need to force yourself. What you are looking for is not really what the intrigue of Overlord's story is built upon, so best to cut your losses and move on. And the people who are giving you shit for "not understanding the point of the show " while simultaneously not understanding your point of view are not to be taken seriously. Have a nice day and I'm looking forward to your next video!


hopefully you change your mind by the time season 4 actually comes out i love your overlord reactions


Oh shit i subed for overlord only but let see which one you pick for the next show.


Maybe! But I probably won’t I’m so sorry. 😩 I feel bad but it’s just not as interesting of a story to me. 😞


Sorry. I’m finishing the season though. So you can stick around for that if you’d like. No pressure.


Well there isn't season 4 but I hope you watch the ovas ( they are chibi version ) and if you watch Youjo senki next ( Saga of Tanya the evil ) then you can react to Isekai quartet ( Wich is atm airing it's s2, it's like the ovas of konosuba, overlord, Tanya, rezero chibi versions combined )


That's absolutely fine. Everyone enjoy different anime and there are times when you find one which you doesn't like. It's happen. Also, if you like following characters which growns and gets experienced, then I would suggest to watch Goblin Slayer eventually even if it's dark cuz that's exactly a journey where you see them change, get a better look on the dark side of the adventurer life. Although, I wouldn't recommend straight away. You should watch something more light hearted first. ;)


Please don’t. It’s a show that causes constant emotional distress, I can speak for the majority of people who got very uncomfortable watching it.


I must say I feel the same way about overlord, the third season totally lost me.


Damn, not the end of the world though. Screw the guys making fun of you as well. There's other much more calming isekai's out there. Even Ainz backstory is majorly F'd up, I think if they added a little more info here and there you'd of enjoyed it more the crulety is just abrupt in the anime. If someone is here for one show, they clearly aren't here for the creator. Good riddance to em, we'll be here with whatever you choose.


This show isn't really about the main characters growing in power and developing as people, it's about evil monsters taking over the world, how they go about that, and how the world and the people in it develop and change around and because of them. It's fine to stop watching something if you aren't enjoying it. Some people when watching a nature documentary and seeing a snake eating a cute bunny will think "oh no poor bunny somebody save it" others will think "sucks for the bunny but its a tough world and the snake needs to eat as well so it's just natural" and some people will even think "wow cool! Look at that snake eating the bunny whole, go snake!" Overlord is going to be more appealing to the later two types of people.


@Everyone Just a personal thought, when recommending shows, please include your understanding of the reactor’s preferences rather than your own desires, if you want to watch a show you should just go watch it alone. A reaction is only entertaining because the reactor enjoys it.


all cool. What you reacting next?


Well i heard that the Anime is already Nicer compared to its Original Source, the Light Novels. And well thats what makes Overlord different from other Light Novel Storys, that its a Bad Guy in the Main Role doing his "Evil" schemes. But it is indeed a Emotional Rollercoaster, and everyone who cant understand you for being Emotional or whatever they say... Typical Reaction from People, who cant understand People like you or, take me as Example. But dont let it get up to you to much, there are also a lot of People here who understand you perfectly. (You can see it under your Post where you asked if you should watch Goblin Slayer. A lot of People ignore the Fact that it isnt a Show that you should watch yet, others try to give you other Options)


If there will be a Season 4 we probably find out 2021 the earliest. And yeah its understandable that people don't enjoy Overlord, because its pretty dark and so its not for everyone. Same like Goblin Slayer were many people stopped watching after Episode 1. I personally don't like to watch Animes were all the Main Characters are Girls and its all about their Daily life and stuff like that. For me thats just boring since nothing really happens. Everyone has their own taste and there is Anime for every taste and thats great.

donald johnson

no worries totally understandable. any update on seven deadly sins? last week you said you were starting season 2 on monday or tuesday.


Dropping a show that simply doesn't interest you is a perfectly valid choice; your only other options would be: a) keep watching & let it show in your reactions that you're pretty much only doing it for your fans by now, which I guess not many people would enjoy or b) just pretend to be interested for our sake, which in my eyes would cost it genuineness that drew me to your reaction videos in the first place. Don't let anyone tell you that you're wrong simply because you don't enjoy the same things they do! Different people, different tastes; it only gets problematic when people think their favorites are somehow >>objectively<< more entertaining than others and that people who disagree are either prejudiced/biased or just don't get it... I honestly watch Overlord because I enjoy the worldbuilding, the dark main characters (simply different from many anime protagonists, without judging if that's good or bad) and the cool, fancy abilities Skelepope & friends reveal. If that's simply not your cup of tea and you'd prefer another show by all means, go for it!!


Fully support this decision. As said previously anime is meant to be fun for the person watching it. If you aren't enjoying a show then it will impact upon your reactions. So never feel pressured to watch anything outside of your interests. You also shouldn't feel the need to apologise: people have been begging you to watch/ carry on with your reactions so you haven't wasted anyone's time. Thank you for the reactions you did though! Although it's finishing there has been some great moments and it was a fun ride! P.S. I think more people probably agree with you than you think - they just aren't watching Overlord reactions! Although I personally enjoy Overlord I agreed with majority of your conclusions in regard to good/ evil.


no offense here, but I'd say suggestions could just as well include BOTH; personal opinion AND why you think she might enjoy it..in considering if a show would be entertaining for the creator as well we're in the same boat

catalin alradi

Hey don't worry you're still the best 🤗


As I said in the previous posts about u debating dropping the show, I personally want to support u no matter what and even tho I have my reasons for liking the anime, doesn’t mean everyone would as u said you’re not the target audience and I can respect that I still support your content and hope u keep up whatever u want to do it’s your channel❤️


I totally understand where you're coming from. If you weren't already convinced that ainz and his group weren't the bad guys then ep 7 and 8 should have done the trick. It was brutal and left me heart broken for a bit. I continued watching because I wanted to see ainz and his group defeated. You're right, it is boring when one side is too overwhelmingly strong and always wins. I'm hoping the author knows this already and is building up the good guys behind the scenes. What kind of story is it when one side has no conflict or opposition right? We get to see the perspective of the good side many times, and then we get to watch them fail and it really sucks. But it will be that much sweeter when we finally get to see the good guys win and avenge all of the deaths caused by Nazarick. Of course the final battle will be very impactful, since the bad guys have the most screen time some people will be cheering for Ainz which I totally understand. Of course I could be totally wrong lol. It really could just be a story about the villains taking over the world and go the "if the villains won this happens" route. If thats the end I would probably stop watching or reading too.

Matthew B

Good! You can switch to a show that isn’t terrible instead 😁


Well, I'm absolutely fine with you decision, since I don't like overlord to begin with.

Nefarious Nox

Goblin Slayer is a good replacement for Overlord then. It's dark like Overlord, but you get that character growth you want. EDIT: Dang. I know it's hard, but don't listen to people that criticize without the intention of helping. I watch a lot of reaction channels and you are the only one that I decided to pay. You're doing great.


same here, you're still going strong, even if some people don't agree with you or your taste of shows. And always remember: not even nearly all of the 293 patreon-subscribers are posting here, so we (myself included) might just be a VEEEEERY loud minority 😜 + people tend to voice their opinion more on things that annoy/enrage them, so could be that many who are OK with it just lean back & chill without joining the discussion 😉

A Joe Schmo

Understandable, the show certainly isn't for everyone. The only reason I root for Ainz is because everyone else is worse. The Kingdom, the Theocracy, The Empire they are all equally bad or worse.

Jesse Gallimore

First, you do you. If you want to drop it, drop it. There's plenty more to watch and it wasn't a waste of time. I've actually never seen someone with your perspective watch it, so it was interesting to me at least. But I also want to mention that the light novel isnt even close to concluding yet so I'm not sure why all these people are lying to you saying that they will always win and will never change. Maybe it's just my personal perspective but I think several NPCs have grown immensely at the point that the story is currently at in the light novels. That being said... season 4 isn't even out yet so at this point anything after season 3 is irrelevant for you anyways. Dropping it shouldn't be a problem for anyone. Perhaps in 5 or 6 years when the anime is where we are in the light novels you'll be down to take another look.


If that’s the case than drop seven deadly sins too and quitter 😒


Does this mean we can start spoiling you with the light novel after season 3? SPOILER: Jaldabaoth tortures thousands of people in the invasion of Roble Holy Kingdom while Ainz shows up as the savior. All part of a devious plan to rule the world through deception.

Mad Goldsmith

I‘m definitely the second type there. The main difference between Nazarick and the snake is, that the snake does not go out of her way to needlessly torture the bunny, give it false hope or simply kills it any slower than it has to. Heck, snakes even hypnotize their prey before eating it.

Mad Goldsmith

Absolutely understandable. I wonder what you‘ll go for next. Your reactions are always entertaining, one way or the other, but never are you boring or seem uninvested and we wouldn‘t want you to become like that. There is a lot of anime out there with good character development, both light-hearted and dark.


You shouldn't watch it if you're not having fun with it


while i do love overlord and your reactions to it (its been a lot of fun) i would much rather you enjoy yourself, instead of forcing yourself. so if you want to stop i completely understand. this show is definitely not for everyone, but i will always be thankful for the fun i got to have seeing you experience this show for the first time

Lee Coleman

If your uncomfortable and not enjoying something then stop you did well to get to the end of season 3. The comments of splat on YouTube is not at you. Everyone who has reacted to this show has had it when they watch season 3. For you I would say watch the last 2 episode together as you may not enjoy it.


That is understandable, if you don't enjoy a show you should not force yourself to watch it.


Most of the mean comment is in youtube is it? i notice alot of the comment in patreon are supportive for the most part. Just because some show is quite popular doesnt mean everyone gonna like it. So, it is understandable that this show is not to your liking. Better stick to what you love to watch so we all can enjoyed it together. :)


how i feel when i watched Overlord is that. This anime is about anti-heroes. And the people the humans are the ones to fight them. There is so much development on their side from climb to gazef to renner and the Marquis, El Nix and all of that side. And they have so many ups and downs. At least thats how i see it. An anime about the antihero and how all the humans deal with it ad change