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The "good" people from Nazarick of any significance are Sebas, Yuri Alpha (maid with glasses), CZ2I28 Delta (Robot maid with eye patch and guns), Pestonya Shortcake Wanko (maid with a dog head who talked about Sebas marrying Tuare), and Nigredo (older sister of Albedo who isn't shown in the anime as of the end of season 3). There are others who are "neutral" like Cocytus. NOT-SPOILERS since it's not shown in the anime but Pestonya and Nigredo actually sort of rebelled against Ainz to defend the children who were among the humans Demiurge captured when he attacked the Kingdom's capital city. It's because of them that Ainz spares those children and put's those two women in charge of an orphanage he has built, with all those kids and others living and going to school there.


33:10 The emperor is saying that if Ainz finds out that the empire is betraying Nazarick then Ainz will likely destroy the empire first. He claims that he knows Ainz will do that because it's the same thing he (the emperor) would do in Ainz's place, destroy the empire totally as an example for all the other countries of what happens to people who fuck with Nazarick.

Lee Coleman

Ok so this is the real problem I think you have. The show has taken so much out which is important to understand about this new world. When you look at this world look at how many dim humans you see in human city’s? Zero or there slaves to humans. This is a world where humans look down on anything that is not human. So magical beasts or dim humans are hunted and killed and you are paid money. This includes children. If the goblin child had come across adventures they would kill him and cut a body part off to get paid. When you realize that humans are the evil ones in this show not Ainz. I would truly say read the original books up to book 10 to full understand what is really going on. Then you will look back and see how evil the humans are in this world.

Waffles ^.^

use vimeo instead of mega =)


Jesse Gallimore did a good throwback in the comments in the first uploade of this episode, when he said "He managed one last attempt to calm himself by actually giving them more gold than they could dream of for free. No effort. No loss. And these people said to themselves 'If this is what's laying on the door step, then what's deeper inside?'" When the Workers went over the Walls of Nazarick they found small Tombs on the surface and there was tons of Gold inside it, after that they meet at the entrance to go deeper. So if they took the money they found before entering and just left, they would be alive and had probably enough gold for the rest of their lifes, but they wanted to enter the Tomb for more. Also you talk about Humans and Non-Humans should life in peace and don't fight, but in this Episode we can see how it turns out. Ainz says he has to make preperation because Nazarick will be trouble since people now know about the existenz and that he will destroy everyone that goes against them and means trouble. And the first thing Jircniv says after leaving is "We have to creat a Allince with all the other Nations to kill Ainz". Ainz probably woulnd't do anything against the Empire as long as they don't do shit to Nazarick, but still they scheme something against Nazarick/Ainz because he is a Monster and they see him as danger. Also if Ainz or his people would be weak the Humans would kill them without remorse or talking. People like Yuri Alpha, Lupsregina etc would probably either get killed or enslaved as sex slaves (since they don't really looks like Monster and are good looking) if they would be weak enough so that they cant really harm anyone. I mean Shalltear would be raped by those thugs in S1 if she would be weak. Like Lee Coleman said, in this World Human really look down on anything that isn't Human (there are exceptions) and even Human treat Humans really really bad for example Tuare's past.


An AwakeProductions!-video that actually starts with you waking up? 😁 To me it looks like Ainz is less aiming for a friendly "peace", but more a "peace of the graveyard"; if he rules the whole world and everyone who could oppose him is either brought into the fold of the sorcerer kingdom, dead or subdued there's simply no one left who could mess with him ---> Peace, YAY!


TBF, it's a reasonable guess, as it indeed WOULD serve as an example, and I'm quite sure Demiurge might plan so, unless he has a more refined way of benefiting from this betrayal, besides annihilating the Empire


Fluder actually betrayed the Empire because of his LUST FOR KNOWLEDGE, not because of power (altho since we are talking about Magic, I suppose those two are interchangeable in this case)

Zachary Paskovitch

I can't watch this video. The mega thing it plays on is trying to make me pay to use it

Nefarious Nox

For anyone that has the issue of the files being to big for the browser cache (the site asks you to download their manager), chrome has a big enough cache to download directly. It's good to have multiple browsers installed just in case you need to troubleshoot these kind of things.

Waffles ^.^

use vimeo so everyone can watch uninterrupted

Zachary Paskovitch

Yeah I'm on chrome it says I exceeded megas viewing whatever limit. It wants me to pay more than the pledge to view the video. Unless you swap I'll have to end my patronage :/


Guys. I’m not saying all monsters are evil. Just like I’m saying not all humans are evil. I don’t knew where you all keep getting the idea that that’s what I’m saying. It’s getting really frustrating. It’s like you all don’t hear it. Also, yes I’m not saying that then trying to take the money was right, but I do think it’s kinda harmless to these monsters. The humans have nothing on them power level wise and therefore there is no reason for themselves monsters to go so far out of their way to be so vicious. I don’t think humans should go out of their way to be assholes or cruel either though. No one should!! But just cuz they are monsters and the main characters, it doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse everything they do wrong or not call them out on it. Also, I disagree that Ainz would have left them alone. He could have stayed where he was. He chose to go into town and wreak havoc with demiurge and company just because he’s power hungry and wants to rule over everyone. He wants to instill fear into others. Example: the lizardmen weren’t bothering anyone. But here comes Ainz to the ‘rescue by slaughtering a lot of them”. I don’t care if they’re living better lives now as you guys say. It doesn’t mean it was okay to kill innocent beings because he wants more power. The people of Nazarick will never be better. They’re a lost cause. So, because they will never change, I’m probably dropping the show after this season

Zachary Paskovitch

I can't hit download either it does the same. And I'm on expressvpn