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Yess queen!!


I would love it, but it's really intense. Based on the reaction to the last overlord episode, is slightly worrying as this show takes dark to an 11/10 so be ready for that.

Jesse Gallimore

Considering most of what you've been watching is dark you might want a break. This show IS DARK


Youjo Senki, because after finishing overlord and this you could watch Isekai Quartet


I’m just gonna be the guy over here suggesting katekyo hitman reborn...

catalin alradi

If you want a dark show I can't recommend another enough. Oh and I hope you're still doing Seven deadly sins

Corrupt Zain

I second this, i like this show and would love to see your reaction but its a level or 2 darker then overlord so if your gonna watch it then prepare yourself mentally and in my opinion the first episode is the darkest

André Bessa

Goblin Slayer is an excellent Anime, however, it's away havier tank Overlord. And Code Geass is not that light too.


I thinks it's a good show with a smart MC (what I think you like)... but it's also a VEEEEERY DARK Anime...on about the level of the last Overlord-Episode in general, just that it's not the MC doing it...violence & abuse are kinda big themes...if you're in for a bumpy ride, by all means go for it, but it would break my heart to see you crying as much as you did in the last Overlord-episode again...


Heck yeah!! With this show. You shouldnt have a problem with rooting for the the mc since he is a good guy with dark childhood. The enemy which is (spoiler alert) >>GOBLIN << is a brutal enemy so brutal scene will be present. Overall. If you can get past the first episode which has some intense graphic scene to weed out the weak hearted i suppose. You should be fine and i hope you will enjoy the show.


Not that Goblin Slayer is bad but I would like something lighter, but don't know what.


Tanya the Evil should be next it's a little more light hearted (though not by a lot) than say Overlord or this show.


GOBLIN SLAYER?! Yes please! Though I think this needs a fair warning that it is very dark, specially that first episode, lots of shocking and disturbing stuff happens. If the main problem with that sort of thing is that people tent to find an excuse to justify it (like in overlord with ainz) then I don't think that will be a problem with this show. Also if you can get past the first episode it overall gets sooo much better. I would detail what I mean and what not but that would go into spoiler territory, I will however say that despite how dark the themes can be I think the overall message is a positive one.


Why not try something wholesome? Something like Clannad.


I thought we were gonna do Tanya the evil? Was looking forward to it. Goblin slayer first episode is hella brutal and then it's kind of meh..(imho)


I think you should watch something more lighthearted next and maybe after that watch goblin slayer. Titles i would suggest are: - Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Toradora! - Hyouka


yeah, it's not as graphical, but the themes of war(crimes), not so relatable/cruel MC (some say evil, some say not, but that's a discussion for another time) are still very present, so not really "uplifting" 😅


I recommend if you haven’t already watched: made in abyss, cowboy bebop, fate/zero, trigun. I would have loved to see your violet evergarden reactions and would have been #1 on my list. A silent voice is another nice one.


Oh and Gosick too. Just because i don't see anyone reacting to it, which might disqualify it for you already, but i really liked the show.


I would actually recommend making a poll of anime you’re interested in and let the community vote on it.


I think it would be a fun reaction but like people are saying the first episode is supposed to shock you so don't get scared away by it.


Nice Patreon deletes everytime my Comment... Goblin Slayer is honestly to brutal for you if your Emotionaly not stable. You will see in Ep1 a Girl that get rapped ( or the " Action" before it) and some other gruesome Stuff. Its not as Brutal as the Light Novel Original Source, but if you have Discomfort with Overlord, you shouldnt watch it. Better watch some Lighthearted Storys, like Toradora, Sword Art Online, Danmachi etc. I will search some others out.

Dan McKellar

It's pretty damn brutal. If you know that going in you'll probably be alright.


The first part was intentionally like that to weed out scrubs who start reeeing about meaningless shit at the drop of the hat


Trigun>Bebop, IMO. Both are absolute units in the same genre, yet Trigun doesn't get enough recognition as opposed to Bebop, which I personally wasn't as attached to as with Trigun (altho the MC is good enough, I still like Vash more)


Other Light hearted Storys: The Devil is a Part Timer, Log Horizon,. Or if you want a really Cute one that only started this Season, they have Nekopara, then Plunderer, BOFURI: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense and Somali to Mori no Kamisama.


Ey yo, no offense, but you had trouble with Overlord and Goblin Slayer is full of stuff that is way more graphic and disturbing. Please don't call us sick people for enjoying it, that was pretty hurtful, but other than that, you do a great job reacting! If you can go in there with the right mindset then sure, I just think something a little lighter might be more fun for you!

Touch Me

Based on your last Overlord reaction you'd want drop this right after the first episode , SO I'll say try Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the evil ) instead

Lich King

i'd love to see you watch Goblin Slayer next, but if you want something more lighthearted after finishing Overlord may i suggest Toradora, Beastars or Chunibyo? Or if you don't want to do Goblin Slayer but want something in between you could try Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil). Another i want to suggest is the Monogatari series, probably my favorite series of all time


Demon Slayer


Something more chill, like Mushishi maybe, might be cool after Overlord but I don't know if Mushishi is your style or if it'll work with YouTube copyright system. Whatever you choose to react to I'm sure it will be great. Thanks!


I don't think it is a good idea.

Theloneous Washington

I would like you to watch goblin slayer, but are you going to be alright watching it. I'd recommend Saga of Tanya the Evil.


No lies, Goblin Slayer is pretty damn brutal, especially the first episode, so don't get shocked away, if you decide to watch. But judging from the Overlord reactions, i'd say, go for something else, for now. Goblin Slayer is not about rainbows and unicorns living happily ever after... Soo yea, if you go for it, prepare mentally before you watch...


Probably not a good idea, would pass on this one


she already started to react to it, but she got copy striked and didnt want more copystrike so she stopped reacting to it


I don't know if Goblin Slayer is a good idea after your reaction to Overlord. Maybe take a break before watching it and instead watch something like Saga of Tanya or even Yuru Camp (really nice and relaxing show)?


But hey, if you really want something dark and fantasy, why don't give a try to Berserk (1997)?


its an okay anime. And its probably not a good idea for you. Here are my options. Psycho Pass or Fate series

Darth Danker

"That time I was reincarnated into a slime" Is a pretty lighthearted isekai which is a pretty nice watch if you ever felt like checking it out.


Yeah if she didnt watched it, its also an Option. Especially since Season 2 will start in the Summer Season this Year.


Definitely not a good idea. Goblin Slayer is very gory and dark, and the whole show’s plot goes downhill after 2 episodes. There are definitely better options out there.


I would recommend Spice and Wolf if you haven't watched it already.


I don't think you will enjoy it much, because it is not a happy anime. It is a smart anime, but you already watch Code Geass and Overlord. Plus there is the controversial rape scene in the 1st episode. My recommendations: -Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Cute, slice-of-life about a dragon turned maid living in a young woman's home. -Himouto! Umaru-chan Comedy gold about a spoiled little sister. If you like snacks and sweet drinks, you will have something in common.


I wouldn’t use the word excellent if only 3 out of 12 episodes are good.


I Voted "Yes" it might not be the best Anime for you... since its Gobline Slayer, but i personally really liked the Anime. Also i would say the only really Dark part about it is Episode 1, after that its still kinda dark but not as extreme. If you want to Watch something else, i would recommend DanMachi. I really like DanMachi and there is kinda lots of it. Season 1 > Spin Off > OVA > Movie > Season 2 > 1.29.2020 OVA > july 2020 Season 3

James Hardin

I'm going to vote for something a little less dark, at least for now. Take your Darkness is small doses :) Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai was a wonderful show with a great relationship at its core.


gone be honest with you on this one, even tho it's a good anime it's a dark one, avoid it for now maybe come back to it later

Waffles ^.^

goblin slayer is too much for you... Hunter X Hunter lets goooooo!!


Gotta agree with Goblin Slayer being a little too dark. Hunter X Hunter's got my vote!


Nah, HunterxHunter, or fairytail, ooh, or Log horizon

Zakarin Talvas

Judging by previous reactions, especially your recent bumpy relationship with Overlord, I think I can safely say you will not like Goblin Slayer at all, you will probably feel literally sick by the end of the first episode.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is heartfelt, wholesome, and it’s voiced by Naofumi and Raphtalia!


Some animes you can react to : you can try Fate series, Psychopass, 91 days, Parasyte maxime is also a good series, may be Kaguya-sama, if you want some romance, Toradora is a good romance too, mob psycho 100%, Spice and wolf is a really fucking good romance series, may be full metal alchemist brotherhood, made in abyss is a really good show. Also Violet Evergarden, bunny girl senpai, monogatari, (last two are also a good romance animes), your april lie but these four might not be the best choice to react to, but still would reccomend you to watch.


If you gonna watch something new. I suggest you watch. Dr. Stone. It is a fun anime that is quite education. With that. You can flex on dem dummies with your big brain.


For anime recommendations A Silent Voice is a wonderful anime movie and for a Show id recommend the Fate series like Fate/Zero, Fate/ Stay Night UBW


Fairy Tail is a bit meh for me honestly earlier episodes are nice from my point of view, but it feels like the further the show goes, the more the protagonists can overcome problems by screaming "FRIENDSHIP" loud enough (stopped watching last season because it got to much for me to enjoy); if that doesn't bother her it's a valid choice, plenty of episodes to keep going for a long time


Psycho Pass would get my vote as well, interesting setting & themes that get you thinking and questioning law/ morality


Yea she should watch Silent voice movie and fate series


One Punch Man for awesomeness. Ancient Magus Bride for touching moments with beautiful animation and overall nice story. I hear good things about Dr. Stone as well.


Not enough people appreciate shows like Ancient Magus Bride. The art style and storytelling with world building and interpersonal relationships is really good. But because it's more mellow of a series that gets carried by the characters and world rather than flashy action scenes, this and many shows like it are overlooked. AMB seems to tread the line between fantasy drama and SoL, and I'm a huge fan of SoL series. But, they tend to suffer from people getting disinterested because lack of action. Like you'll never have a bad time watching Non Non Biyori or Flying Witch or K-On, but people ignore them for being super slow paced and boring to them. Which is fine, but I feel like some of these character driven stories can really carry some amazing build up and moments.


-Kill la Kill Action, motivational, comedy. Has exaggerated animation style. Female protagonist resembles My Heroes.


Vinland saga is a pretty great show. You should react to it next.


There is at least 1 more Anime of this Season that is Funny and light hearted. Murenase! Seton Gakuen. Another interesting one of this Season is Kyokou Suiri.


After reading most of the recommendations. These are good ones that you can watch. Psycho pass, Clannad (Must watch, chill with a spicy of tears), Youji Senki, Fate Series, Nagi no Asukara, Death Note, A silent voice


Goblin slayer was a good anime in my opinion. but i think you should watch Log Horizon, If It’s For My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord , Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest, usagi drop A silent Voice


Feels good that some people are requesting A Silent Voice. Best movie I’ve ever watched


Reincarnated as a slime 1st, then goblin slayer


SAO would be awesome or Gurren Lagann

Eli Kisamo

Gauging by your previous reactions, I don’t know if you’d love Goblin Slayer. I can tell you for damn sure the first episode is probably going to have you feeling sick. Anywho. I vote FullMetal Alchemist BrotherHood. It is regarded by many as the best anime of all time.


you should react to Clannad ud love that one!!!


A Silent Voice would be amazing.!