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Am I doing a bad job following the sub for code geass? Would you guys prefer I do the dub instead?

Also, are you guys upset with me about the overlord upload? I will finish the season btw. I was upset by it yesterday, but I do want to see how it ends at least since I’ve come this far.



So far, i think there's no problem with you following the sub. Also, why would I be mad? I want to see your reaction - how you react depends on how you feel, there's nothing forcing you to enjoy those scenes.

Lich King

Not mad at all, i'm here to see your reactions for these shows and it's exactly what i'm getting. About Code Geass i prefer the sub (i usually do in most shows), but i'd have no problem at all if you want to switch to dub


CG: Are polls supported here? Might be more suitable. I definitely prefer sub, though at least Lelouch has a pretty good dub, saying as someone who tends to hate dub.


You're doing great following the sub; I prefer it as the dub is mostly great but a couple characters' voices annoy me in it, but it's your choice!

Jesse Gallimore

I have no qualms but I wouldnt be upset if you gave the dub a try. As for Overlord, I left a comment on the video but I guess it was too long because it disappeared lol. Basically I just said that it's okay that you feel the way you do. Nothing wrong with being sentimental. The great part about Overlord isnt the villainy and misfortune, it's the evolution of Ainz's psyche as a human turned Lich King. The reason people are such hardcore fans is because it has great RPG elements and we're all nerds for RPGs.


You can always skip back the video if you miss something in the sub. My problem is with the translation being awkward, which should not be an issue in the dub. Maybe put up a poll to decide which episode to watch in dub just for the experience? Not upset about your Overlord reaction. You should congratulate yourself for overcoming this difficulty. There are still plenty of enjoyable moments left from other characters in the anime. I cried with you at the sisters part, and felt better afterward, like a stress reliever. Maybe it's a psychological thing.


Not really mad about the sub , it's just that sometimes the translation are off but even with that your reactions are still great.


I originally watched Code Geass in the dub. It’s a pretty decent dub - even if sub purists would argue otherwise! But I haven’t noticed anything wrong with your sub reacts either - been enjoying them! In regard to Overlord if you faked a reaction as you knew the show was popular I’d be annoyed. We are here for your real reaction. Anyone that doesn’t want that is following the wrong channel. Although given I agree that Ainz was in the wrong I’m probably not the type of viewer you are worried about!


Glad you're sticking with overlord, that was a very hard episode to watch, but there really is nothing remotely as deep or thoughtful out there. Its worth the heartache (IMHO of course)

Jesse Gallimore

The story is indeed very thought provoking. I often want to go into a 10 page essay on Ainz's character and explain how I see the show but then I'm like... no one who doesn't already realize all of this for themselves is going to read it and care, so let it go.

Zachary Paskovitch

I think overall that overlord is bittersweet. The idea of an overpowered character that essentially has no risk is something many want to see and this is the show for them. However it does get a little too dark with the demon style stuff like demiurge and what not. Ainz overall is not human anymore. He believes he is God and nazarack is his heaven he must keep safe. To me, the way he stops caring for human life is an example of a god complex. He thinks he is a god and because he is emotionless he believes that humans are just pests, no different from rats and deer. It makes it hard to root for ainz so I don't root for or against him I just watch the madness

Mad Goldsmith

Nah, you're doing great. I said that several times, but I really think so.


I do always prefer sub over dub and Code Geass is not an exception. I have no problems with you rewinding the video or pressing the "stop" button during your reaction, but if it is hard for you to react with subs, then do your reaction with Dub. And no, I'm not upset about overlord reaction, quite the opposite. You are right. Ainz is a scum. But I can't blame guardians for what they are. It is their creators' fault. That's my main problem with overlord. I can't even be angry at guardians, since all of them are programmed to act that way. It is shitty approach and writing, as for me. Scripted behavior, scripted relationship, scripted character. Meh, I couldn't care less about this shit.


So I was a little concerned about code geass when you first started; simply because there is so much information being thrown at you in the form of subs that it can be hard to process what is actually happening BUT you're actually doing a better job than most people I've seen so I think you can stick with the sub no problem, also I never posted this under any of your uploads for code geass but it has been on the back of my mind so I'll say it here - Thank you for taking your time and for stopping and going back to re-read parts, it makes a huge difference and is very much appreciated :) As for overlord - No, I'm not upset. I'll admit that some of the stuff you said during the review part felt a bit like you were attacking anyone who enjoys the show and that it made it sound like any of us who like the show are horrible people but I don't think you actually meant to hurt anyone so its all good. On top of that, that last episode was definitely a very emotional one, lots of fucked up stuff happens in it so not liking ainz and the way he and all the guardians go about their methods is perfectly reasonable imho. On another note, I'm glad to hear you're finishing the season, is not all rainbows and unicorns from here but we are definitely over the most fucked up part and there will be a few good (and bad) moments by the end of this season.


You're fine on the Code Geass sub. Quite frankly, watch it the way that works best for you. I prefer the dub for Code Geass personally, and would like to see you react to it, but if you're more comfortable with the sub, or it's easier for you in some way, by all means, keep with the sub. However it works for you!


Sub over Dub always

Touch Me

I'm a sub over dub guy for most of the time , but I wouldn't mind you doing the dubbed version , Code Geass can get a bit complicated and confusing ( don't know how you're doing so far cause I haven't seen any of your reactions yet )


Sub is better for this how imo


Personally, I preferred the sub version over the dub every time so far, plus you're doing a good job; I know I for one had to pause every now and then when there were huge blocks of subtitle, you're holding up pretty well compared to that! 👍 On Overlord: don't want to speak for everyone, but all responses I saw so far seemed to unanimously agree that there's no reason to be mad at you and that Ainz's actions weren't morally right in any sense of the word, just still enjoyed the show enough (for one reason or another) to still keep watching. WE WANT YOU TO BE HONEST!! so there's nothing wrong with that


For the overlord thing I’ve said a few things in the comments and I’ll just summarize it again I think this anime isn’t like any anime out there and I would support whatever decision u made since I support u not bc u do things that I want but bc u do and say things that u want if that makes sense basically it’s your channel I’m giving u my money cuz I love your content and I think the CG reactions haven’t really had problems I personally prefer the sub especially if you’ve already been watching it subbed


code geass has really good dub. And in all honesty i feel the sub is a little immersion breaking. Brittania probably would speak English and they wouldn’t bother learning Japanese (elevenese)) they would make the elevens speak their own mother tongue. But I don’t mind aye im enjoying seeing the difference between the dub which ive watched heaps and the sub which ive never seen. Do whatever makes you happy mate 🙂


If you think that doing the dub will make it easier for you to follow, go for it. But I for one don't mind if you have to pause to air your thoughts and then rewind again, especially that there's a lot of little things that you can easily miss and other reactors haven't really noticed. You keep doin you girl we may have came for reactions but we stay for you and your insight.


imo subs are way better, like always. Dubs are not too bad for this show, but some character's voice are really off compared to the subs. But well, in the end i'm find with whatever you decide is better for you.


Couldn't care less about Dub or Sub in this case. For Code Geass the dub is really good too and I'd watch it either way. So whatever's better for you. As for Overlord, I like it for what it is, a very dark, different kind of Isekai that gets darker gradually as the plot thickens. I love each of the characters, but I understand the issues some others might have with them. If you chose to keep watching, cool. If not, I wouldn't blame you. I know I wouldn't keep watching things I got zero enjoyment out of.


I think dub is fine too, but choose whatever works best for you. Most people i've seen react did not like overlord season 3 as well, but you have to remember that Ainz has no real attachment to humans/humanity anymore and it was pretty clear since the start of the series that they were not the good guys.


I like the sub but I dont mind of you prefer the dub, also I dont think been mad at you because of that reaction would be fair is your opinon and everyone should respect that I love your videos and I'll continue watching them no matter what :)


About the overlord reaction: I’m personally fine with it. I‘m not upset with you. It’s a good thing to see your honest feelings about it and see your reactions. That’s the point after all, or not? Everyone have there own opinion and that is good. After this reaction I personally see some things in other light in this show. Keep on going! I love your reaction videos. :)


Yes I am sorry about that. I didn’t mean to say liking the show makes you horrible. Or maybe I did at the time but that’s wrong of me to say. I just meant that if people who see the torture and think it’s excusable or right or okay, it bothers me. Those are terrible things to do so when I see people rationalizing them, it hurts me somehow. Idk. Like it literally makes me sad. I guess that’s what I was trying to say.


Tbh you doing a good job on the Code Geass reactions. It's not easy to catch everything even if you change to dub. Plus you can miss things with dub too cuz they would be talking too while you talking/reacting so either way wouldn't be easy to get everything in 1 go. As I said before, I personally doesn't mind you stopping the video for reacting, giving thoughts on stuff or going back to double check stuff. I personally prefer the sub but I don't mind if u want to change to dub. You also could do like reacting to sub and after yourself check out the same episode with dub. About the Overlord, it's perfectly fine I think. I enjoyed your completely different reaction to it. And while I do love this anime and I like Ainz because he is way too op and cool, I do understand what he does is evil. I just watched too much good heroes anime where the guy defeat the demon lord and win the princess etc. ;) so for me was refreshing to see the other side where the Demon King (Ainz) is the main character. So don't let you bother your reaction to it. You doing a good job! ;)


Dubs for code are good compared to most so either is ok from me. Watch a few dubs from the beginning and see if you like it. If it doesn't break your immersion, then go for it. Overlord is ok too. I watch reactions to see other people's prospective. I like watching your reactions. I like the honesty:)


Personally I really prefer the dub version of code Geass but it’s up to you then whether or not you feel like you can adequately keep up with the sub version


The Dubs pretty good


There's only a few voices from the dub that's horrible. Otherwise majority of the voices are good. Lelouch's voice is exceptional. And it will deffo help you out with keeping up with the plot

Nefarious Nox

I was one of the ones mentioning switching to the dub, so sorry if I caused any stress. I just want you to enjoy the show to the fullest, because when you are enjoying it so are we.

Tyrone Tyrone

With Code Geass stick with the subs. The some of the inflections in the voices don't translate well like Kallen and Cornelia. If you're trying to figure everything out now you'll just struggle and be confused. Everything gets answered without endless filler which is what makes it a great story.

Tyrone Tyrone

Are you doing a bad job following the sub for code geass? HELL NO. It's great the way you pause or go back so you can stay on track. You're gonna need to in the upcoming episodes.

Tyrone Tyrone

Have you ever seen Death Note the Anime?


an awkward moment when he signed because of the overlord and almost everyone is unhappy