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Sweet, was just checking for updates and got to be the first to like this video. Thanks for the double upload.


oh boi, i waited for this.


I just finished rereading the light novel for these episodes. Perfect timing


yea you might be to pure for this anime

André Bessa

So, the dude with the elves, comes from a country that discriminates against all races except humans and this occurs in the vast majority of countries in this world, he cut off the elves' ears and raped and mistreated them, which is why in the end they kicked him, the 3 elves became maids from Aura and Mare. I repeat Aiz will always treat good with good and evil with evil. He is killing people who enter his home to kill him and steal him.

André Bessa

The books are possible to see what he is thinking e he wants the power to defend the NPC's if Shaltier was not turned to an enemy in the first season, he still is playing hero to see the word, the other countries attack first.


You just always have to remmber this is an evil anime he isnt a hero your watching a villain based anime. That being said he was being nice till everyone began attacking him and hurting the people he loves. That plus add in the longer he is a undead the more his humanity is lost so all of this is becoming easy for him. No one else matters to him other then his people and who can benefit them.


The author of the story put up a poll asking people if Arche should live or die. Most said she should live, and he was disappointed because he didn't want to give cute girls plot armor. Arche lives in the web novel version of the story, but gets turned into a sex slave by Shalltear. The good thing is her twin sisters were saved by Ainz and they were all allowed to live together on the 6th Floor. Demiurge taking the sisters to his camp is news to me. I heard they get sold into slavery to help pay for the family debt when Arche doesn't return. They both get "overworked" to death in one day, according to the author. Ainz wanted power because he wants to be ready for hostile Players. He was not the most powerful Player in the game. There were Players who were like cyber bullies who would kill creatures like Ainz for fun. The Eight Greed Kings were Players who got transported to the New World centuries ago. They turned the whole world into hell and eventually fought each other to death because of their greed.

Dan McKellar

"Yeah, you're all fucked." Legit laughed out loud.

Mad Goldsmith

I know how you feel, as I experienced something similar, just with entire other stories. There's some dark stuff out there. I am one who enjoys the series for what it is and there are some series out there with controversial or outright evil main characters. If someone is actually white-knighting Ainz, I'd much love to hear what their arguement is. Sure, he is the MC and we follow his own story, but does the position of MC decide whether or not he is a good person? I don't think so. Anyway, another great genuine reaction from you. I am not good when it comes to crying on the outside, but believe me that I flowed with your tears. Hopefully you were able to recover well and please keep it up.


I think episode 8 is the darkest of this season. And if your boyfriend didn't tell you that was Pandora's Actor pretending to be Ainz. You can always tell by the flamboyant over the top motions.

Jesse Gallimore

The great part of this show is NOT the torture and misfortune. There are people who thoroughly enjoy that stuff, like Demiurge. There are a few twisted individuals in Nazarik, like Demiurge, but most of the "evil" is just apathy. Ainz doesn't use people without regard for their feelings because he's a twisted bastard. He does it because his mind doesn't work in a way that allows him to consider how they feel. What I love about this story is the unique angle and realistic execution. The interesting element to the story isn't their villainy, it's the evolution of Ainz's psyche as a human turned lich king. The reason so many people are hardcore fans is because this story has such great RPG elements and we're all nerds for RPG games. Your perspective is of course valid. Your view is not flawed. I thoroughly enjoy the sentimental moments of Overlord, and I'm indifferent to the gruesome moments. I lament your poor soul but you should definitely keep watching.

Mad Goldsmith

Also, I think we need to bring some happy anime in here just to balance out the darkness from all those others. Some great peaceful anime I know are: - Toradora (Romance, Moe, slight Ecchi) - Love Live (Music, Moe) - Cardcaptor Sakura (Magical Girl) - Ao Haru Ride (Romance) and a lot more. How does this idea sound to you?


I don’t think they were going to try and kill him. But maybe. Idk. They did kill his undead, well I don’t know if that’s considered killing them cuz they’re dead already, but yeah. But all they really wanted was money.


Ainz didn't kill everyone. The three Elf slaves were given to Aura and Mare as servants on their Floor because they didn't come to the Tomb willingly. Team Foresight got the worst, other than Arche. In contrast to Nemu who complimented Ainz's friends and the Tomb, they lied to him in his friends' name. Ainz's undead body can suppress strong feelings, but not weak ones.

Dan McKellar

We need to get you watching some feel good anime after this.


This was the worst story arch/mini-arch in the Overlord anime and light novels and were made exceptionally brutal and disturbing in order to drive home to the viewer/reader just how horrible the monsters of Nazarick can be and how Ainz has at this point basically lost his humanity completely. We'll understand if you can't go on watching this show but know that it never gets anywhere near this bad again (in my opinion at least). I would recommend watching "Interviews with Monster Girls" if you need to recover from this show. It is a light hearted and wholesome anime with plenty of comedy and sweetness.


So this Arche businesses feels brutal and unfair, it is meant to. This is what makes Muriyama-sensei writing brilliant, if he chose to tell you the backstory of one of the elf girls you would think Ainz was a knight in shining armor, it's all about perspective. There are no good and evil in this story it's more grownup than that, it's a complex web of conflicting motivations: The emperor brought order and prosperity to the empire(yay), by removing incompetent nobles(still yay), like Arche's parents, who try to maintain their dignity(still yay, I guess), forcing the family in to hardship, and requiring Arche to do dangerous work. We can all feel for her but only because of the perspective that's forced on us. If it wasn't none of us would feel bad about Ainz punishing some hired burglars making some use of them. Objectively, outside forced perspective Ainz is on his way to being the greatest hero in this worlds history (as your BF already told you, no spoiler) The world is a bloodbath where the humans are hanging on, clutching to existence they are an easy food source for all stronger races, the horror that happens to Arche happens daily to thousands, in the new sorcerers kingdom the humans and beast-men will be citizens with equal rights protected from murder by Ainz law and his death knights. Ainz is immortal so stability, safety and prosperity for the whole world for a very long time.. how much is a fair price for that? wouldn't a good person, a hero, be willing to die for that? Some times the ends do justify the means and it takes scope and wisdom to appreciate that.


(Not Spoilers - since it's only briefly mentioned in the light novels) Explanation for the god/rock experiment. Turned out that Holy Magic isn't a blessing by a god to their followers who pray to them but is just another form of regular magic, since a paladin/priest can be made to think a rock is their god, pray to that rock, and still be able to use use Holy Magic. The chains worn by the lizard people are magical items that increase experience (XP) gains by those wearing them. Ainz has the lizard people using them while training so that they increase their levels/get stronger at a faster rate. Ainz wore one as well because he's trying to see if he can grow beyond level 100 now that he's not in a game, so you're right about that. He's also trying to see if he can learn Warrior skills despite not having any kind of warrior or melee combat class. Ainz, also didn't know for sure right away that the workers were lying about having permission to enter Nazarick. He actually thought it possible that one of his guild mates had been transported to this world as well and might have met those people. He knew it was bullshit when they said that the person who gave them permission called him Ainz and not Momonga, as he only adopted the name Ainz after coming to the new world and his guild mates wouldn't know about that.

A Joe Schmo

Oh man, this really got to you. It's ok it's understandable, a lot of people straight up dropped the show because of this episode. And it looked like you would, too (glad you didn't). Don't worry nothing this bad happens for a while.


Ains gave them a tomb full of gold enough for everybody to go home yet still decide to look for more.. To be honest, I have really mixed feelings about this episode. It is truly the most striking episode of the anime so far. Ainz never was in the anime a hero. But he was the MC. His quest for knowledge, and search for his former guild members is comprehensible and not bad in itself. He did many bad things before S3e8... But most of them can be justified by an (extreme) sense of pragmatism. (Killing adventurers that wanted to help him about Shalltears, to not blow his cover and endanger Nazarick safety. Agreed to the capturing of thousands of civilians to keep the loyalty of his subjects as a supreme leader of a tomb that despite human being...) As Momo the adventurer, he is acting like a kind guy. As Ainz the supreme leader he is really not that bad of a vilain, since he is rather prudent and peaceful, but have to deal with the fucked up plans his subordinates come up too (mostly Demiurge... If you seek the true villain of Nazarick... In my opinion, he is...) Previously, when Nazarick get involved with the outer world, it was to the benefits of the people involved. The human village is now probably the safest village of the realm. The lizard tribes are now unified and under the protection of Nazarick. Nfi his on his way to become the greatest alchemist of his era... Only the criminal organisation (8 bloody fingers?) Got really the Worst from Nazarick... (Thanks to our dear friend Demiurge!!) But really, they are pretty bad people, so no one care.


Episode 8 is the first time Ainz was acting as a true villain on his own. This time, he was not dealing with bad people, he was fighting people with a backstory (so the viewer is also attached to them) and they were "the good people". Morally I wanted the workers to manage to escape out of the tomb alive, or with minimal casualties... Not only did none of them made it out, most of them, and especially the 4 we know the most, are even worst than dead... And it was all under Ainz direct supervision this time... He was the one that personally reviewed the fate of Arche.


Arche's parents are the real villains here since they pretty much forced Arche into the position she ended up in. They probably also had a hand in influencing Arche's group as a result of their greed/ Arche having to take risky jobs to keep her family whole. And when Arche is gone, they deliberately take the action to sell their daughters in order to try to keep their old way of life. Pretty much all the other characters have morality in grays, but her parents went straight evil.


The workers were a hostile force that invaded a country to plunder riches and kill its inhabitants. Without any provocation, This is clearly worse in my opinion. Would not such people usually be labelled as marauders or terrorists?

A Joe Schmo

Ainz is an anti-villain, plain and simple, in fact, he matches the definition almost perfectly.


They say the measure of art is its ability to elicit an emotional response...


you also forgot that their place is a tomb which basically means the workers are grave robbers, Ainz also asked them before they entered why they would invade and to them all they wanted was loot so yeah its justified death lol every theif deserves death specially if they entered your home.


I appreciate your pure human reaction, and I really understand if you don't want to watch Overlord anymore. The motivations and logic of the main cast is designed to be offensive to human sensibilities. That being said, I really hope you'll continue till the end of the season. There's only a few episodes left and then you'll be done. Watching you react with genuine sorrow and disgust was Amazing. That's why I pay to watch the full reaction on Patreon.


is this when in the light novel states that Arche's family gets basically fucked after this and her sisters get sold into slavery or am i wrong?


Agree to disagree. I don’t think the torturous means justify his ideal ends. So slaughtering many innocent people for the sake of your goals no matter how noble is okay ? Is that what you’re saying? To me that just seems wrong. And who is willing to die? Who are you referring to?


I second this recommendation. Got recommended to me a while back and I loved it


"Is this the part where SPOILER after SPOIILER get SPOILER or am I wrong?" I'm sure she'll appreciate your thoughtful comments.


I warned you to skip 3x07! I do love many things about this show -- especially the world they've built, and quite a few characters -- but the devolution into torture porn does make it hard to enjoy. Eins constantly switching from "I see humans as pets. I'll kill them if I have to, but they'll all be mine." to "Why don't we just torture them to death in a series of experiments" has made it very hard for me to like this main character. Still, I'll keep watching... there is nothing else out there like it, and aside from the sadistic cruelty, I enjoy everything else about this show.


Well, the 2 parts you say he "switches" between aren't directly irreconcilable; he kills them if he has to, but without a logical reason to do so he keeps them alive and sometimes enjoys their company...unless killing them or worse nets him an actual, clear benefit, in which case he'll do it without remorse (like powerful items/ boatloads of gold like in the kingdom/ important information)


I think it's amazing how different this anime is in giving us a genuine villain as the main character and we really see how that concept affects the events of the show. I think there's a lot to pull from this show and I know it's actually fucked up that these events transpire, but that feeds the type of narrative it's trying to give so that's what its intent is and they're doing an amazing job. I feel like there are a lot of aspects that can be argued as "too far" but I personally try to see this as its own unique style that I haven't seen in any other anime.


S3 is really where we see him losing that humanity and ever since the beginning of the show like s1 ep1, we get shown how he isn't human and will do things that we as humans find inhumane


Yes, the things Ainz and the Nazarick guys do are fucked up. We don't expect you to support him and his actions; if you want a show where you can bring yourself to support the main character Overlord really, honestly isn't for you. That last episode also left me in tears the first time I watched it...for me, the story was good enough a reason to keep going, but that may simply be you beeing a better person than me to be honest, part of what makes me like you and your reviews. If you don't want to watch anymore that's ok; there are plenty of other shows that you can review that don't mess you up; it's not just not entertaining for you, but on the contrary bringing you down.


If I'm being honest I would personally love to see you finish the show but also I personally want to support you as genuinely possible and would respect whatever decision you come to. I can say the show has more moments that aren't necessarily as graphic that I would love to see your reaction and thoughts on but as I said, it's your decision and would support whatever that decision will be.

Clarence Tan

You are gonna cry even more after you learnt what happened to arche's sisters... Neuronist is a female btw... I get that this show is not for you cos its rather dark in nature, but to Ains, nothing matters at all except Nazarick and any players from the game he was in which he is trying to find... If the show is getting too hard to watch, you can stop, I won't blame you for it, its just not all shows are for everyone... =)


"That being said he was being nice till everyone began attacking him and hurting the people he loves." Except the fact, that it was him, who tempted and invited them to his tomb.


"Would not such people usually be labelled as marauders or terrorists?" Treasure hunters. They were invited to the TOMB(by the Ainz himself, btw).


Ainz said it during his "fight" with the workers, he didn't really want to have them invade the tomb. He went along with Demiurge's plan. Which, coming from someone as evil as him, doesn't really care about potential death tolls on the human's side. Not gonna argue that what's been going on in this season isn't pretty evil. Season 3 is kinda hard to watch if you don't really enjoy Ainz's POV. There's something to be said about the CG too, but that's another topic. I guess all I'm trying to say is that the Arche subplot is heartwrenching, yes. Felt pretty terrible seeing it for the first time way back when. But faced with the alternative ending to it, they didn't really have a choice in which path to animate... actually yeah, no. Let's not go into that.


Kudos to you, for being so honest in front of the camera. I could personally never do that, so much respect for that! I understand your opinions on the show, after these episodes. I feel kinda the same way. It was disgusting what happened in the Tomb of Nazarick and I would never want to justify it in anyway. Contrary to your reaction, which made you want to stop watching the show. I still really enjoy the show, but definitely not because of MC and the People in Nazarick, but because of the interesting story that unfolds, through viewing this story from the perspective of Evil characters (is Evil the right word for it idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). I haven't found many animes that portray a story in that way, which makes me like and enjoy the show. That dosen't mean, that I agree with whats being portrayed. (maybe I just like dark and twisted shows, who knows). If this is your last reaction to Overlord I understand it wholeheartedly but I think you will be okay, if you continue the ride, for at least the rest of this season.


Genuinely - if you don't feel you can watch on then don't watch the rest of the season. You shouldn't watch a show you don't enjoy for your viewers entertainment. First and foremost anime is about enjoying yourself. If you are reacting for any other reason I genuinely think your reactions will suffer for it in the long term. In regard to the morality - this is in my opinion the darkest the show gets and my initial reaction was to strongly hope Ainz gets defeated. I hated him with everything I had (and it was my reason to watch on hoping that would be the case). I remember in season one there was a conversation in the comments on whether calling Shalltear evil or not was fair but... That's the point. They are evil. They are the villains. Its either the brilliant or terrible part about the show. Credit where it's due though - Overlord is unique in that sense!

Jere Kurvinen

I like it because its different, I don't like the things Ainz does, I don't support killing etc, i think its interesting to see a successful villain story. And i also think rationalizing Ainz is alright, its analyzing why he is doing these things and it gives the character so much dept, justification is a different thing. there is no justification for cold blooded murder.


Hey, I’m writing this as I watch your final reaction at the end of the episode. I can already tell you are not happy with how things played out and I completely understand and support you if you decide to stop watching Overlord. But as someone who does enjoy this show, despite how evil the actions of its primary cast are, and as someone who has read the light novel a couple times, I would like to add some context and answer your questions as you ask them. Essentially I’m playing devil’s advocate here. First, I do not think anything he does in this last two episodes are “okay” but knowing how the rest of the story plays out, I’m aware that the actions he took benefit him greatly so I understand why he did them. Also regarding the last episodes, everything that happens was planned by Demiurge. Ainz’s only part to play was the overseeing of the event and fighting Foresight. There are two reasons Demiurge came up with this plan. First, because the actions taken place here are the catalyst to the next major steps that will be taken by Nazarick (I will be trying to avoid spoilers but I may say somethings that never happen in the show). Second it is used as a test for the defenses of Nazarick against outside forces. The power of the Workers sent was equal to a small army. Speaking of the money issue and wether the Workers are innocent, at the end of episode 6 when he asked why they were going to raid the tomb and everyone responded “money” he was giving them an out. But he determined that if they were willing to die for the chance of a payday he didn’t care what happened to them at that point. As for innocence, the Workers Guild is essentially the Adventurers Guild but crime is okay. The fact that they were raiding a tomb in a foreign country is illegal in that world. The dividing of the body that takes place is Ainz trying to respect the dead. He sees himself as the predator and the Workers as the prey. It would be like a hunter using all the parts of a deer he killed and not putting any of it to waste. To give the prey a “proper burial” would be like tossing the deer in the trash. As for what your boyfriend says, I’m not sure. The way I remember it was that the little girl’s parents sell them into slavery to pay their debts and the girls work themselves to death. Not a good ending in anyway, but probably better than what Demiurge would have done. (I might be remembering the web novel version of events here, not 100% on this one) You are 100% correct, all of them would bear down on each other and kill themselves in a gory melee if Ainz asked. You’re definitely not a baby, the episodes giving backstory on Arche and Foresight are there so some people will react like this when what happened happens. The show isn’t for everyone. Not at all. You have every right to stop here. Ainz doesn’t WANT to take over the world but his subordinates think he does and he is too far down that path to change his mind now without giving away he doesn’t know what he is doing. The most important thing to remember is he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s just stumbling into the right answers as he goes. Ainz and the denizens also don’t hold anything against the humans from the game. If anything Ainz respects and likes humans more than his subjects. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to toss them aside if he thinks doing so would benefit Nazarick. Major devil’s advocate moment here. What happens to Arche in the show is much better than what happens in the original web novel. Arche lives in the original version, but Ainz GIVES her to Shalltear. The only rule I think he gives Shalltear is that she isn’t allowed to HURT Arche. I will stop there with that, but it’s not good. I definitely remember the rock thing. Ainz is searching for more power because he doesn’t believe that he is the only one who came to that world from the game. Ainz was not the strongest player at all. In fact he lost every duel against an opponent the first time he fought them. He always won after that (with the exception of touch me) because his strength is planning ahead and using information to his advantage. If there is another player he doesn’t know the abilities of, Ainz will probably lose and die. He wants to get stronger so he doesn’t have to worry about that. Chris is right about the peace and harmony thing, but he wants to conquer to FORCE the peace and harmony. Up to this point in human history in the new world, the humans hunt and kill all demihumans on sight. The guy who abused the elf girls? They are his slaves because elves don’t have any rights in the Empire. The girl from Foresight is technically safe from that rule because she is a half-elf. The Slane Theocracy is especially guilty of this as they have a philosophy of human supremacy and want anything not human erases from existence. Ainz doesn’t plan on killing humans that submit to his rule and will force harmony and integration of he has to. The elf slaves that were with the swordsman are healed and end up working in Nazarick. He doesn’t kill them because they were forced to go into the tomb. They are cockroaches. He actually might have let them go if they had something worth their lives to him, but they didn’t. Fun fact, cockroach guy is one of the few non-evil members of Nazarick. I believe he is considered neutral. Neuronist freaks me out. By “collecting special intelligence” they mean she tortures information out of people. Okay minor spoiler here so skip this paragraph if you don’t want any info on the next episode. Ainz wants to befriend the emperor. He invites him to stay in Nazarick and enjoy its splendors but the emperor is so terrified that he refuses. The emperor gets to live and Ainz keeps trying to be friendly whenever they meet in the future but the emperor is too scared. But that is not all Ainz wants from the emperor. The bug dude that Aura has Mare take the two bodies from Foresight to is not the cockroach guy. Instead it is a living parasite that turns the still living bodies of the two lovers into part of its ever expanding nest, basically treating them as an expansion to a massive ant colony (for lack of a better comparison) while the live through the whole process. So much worse than being cockroach food. You are 100% correct about the chains. Ainz knew he was bullshiting but the reason he let him even attempt to lie was on the off chance that this guy had met one of the other 41 Supreme Beings of Nazarick. He was hoping against hope that one of his friends made it and he wasn’t alone in this world anymore. Disrespectful or not, Demiurge’s plan included every intruder dying at the end. So they were going to die anyway. Don’t think you have to agree with us about anything on this show. If you agreed with everything I thought about this show I wouldn’t watch your reactions because you’d just be saying things I already thought. I know this was a lot to read, but thank you to anyone and everyone he decided to hear me out on this. I hope this gave some perspective stuff left out by the show. Who knows maybe your boyfriend told you all this already, in which case this is for the people who aren’t super informed on Overlord and weren’t apart of your phone call. Either way, I respect whatever decision you make and hope you choose to continue watching this show I enjoy. I’ll admit these two episodes are probably the hardest episodes to watch in the season but next season (they have confirmed season 4) you get to see Ainz kinda play the good guy if they do the Dwarf story arch. And not as Momon but as Ainz.

Lee Coleman

Just to add a little to what Dominic bachelor said. In the light novels on the way to Nazarick he asks the works. What if some dim-humans live in this new tomb. 1 of the workers tells him to bad for them. They have zero care for any life that is not human. It doesn’t come across so much in the show, unlike the books, the humans of this world have zero tolerance to non humans. To the people of this world non humans should be killed or enslaved. Even in the Kingdom where slavery is banned, that law only applies to humans, you can still own a non human slave and it’s all fine. Remember the little goblin when he the girl said she was an adventure he was scared as they kill goblins for money. To live in this world as a non human is a life of fear off humans. But as someone who has a lot of empathy I full understand why you felt the way you did. Unfortunately the show dose miss out a lot of content from the books that would show how bad the people of this world is.


arches sisters are dead, their parents sold them into slavery and they died by overworking themselves. overlords world is a cruel and merciless place. this just hammers the harsh reality of the pain and suffering of the medieval ages. you fight or you die or worse, in this world, those are your only options. I personally want you to push forward to finish it cause you're almost there. plus the fun is about to start.


you can do it, there are a lot of anime that are a lot worse than this, way worse. but I know you can do it and don't worry once your done the next season wont be out of another 2 years, give er take. there are the dark stories and wholesome stories. the reason so many people like this stuff is that these kind of stories aren't shown anymore. their all kiddy or not super dark or threatening, most villans aren't as scary as villians from the 1900s there are some good one now but i digress. I understand if this type of genre isn't your cup of tea. I wasn't either until i craved a different story. I you can admit its unique and different and don't worry there's so many wholesome, happy, and cute anime to balance out the traumatic one out there. the hard parts over, you've made it past. the rest isn't as bad. and probaly don't do a double episode for this show again. take it in one at a time.




i told you to not watch this anime.


these 2 episodes, oh boy lol i knew what was going to happen and was excited to see your reaction, now i feel bad and just want to give you a hug.


i looked through but couldnt see anyone who has explained the collars the lizard men and Ainz are wearing in these episodes. Theyre bonus exp items, to help the lizard men level faster. THough Ainz is max level he can accumulate a pool of bonus XP since some of the higher level spells requires a sacrifice of XP to cast. Its explained in the books xD Also this is usually the part of the anime where people truely realise that Ainz isnt the good guy of the story.... though he personally isnt "bad" most of the NPCs of Nazerick were written to be evil with a few notable exceptions, but no one is written to be good. (Sebas and the Dark Elf twins have a more neutral alignment for example)


Why I love the series? Because it does let you think about those topics. It is not covering things into a sugar coat, but is direct. I know that people die horribly, and I want to always keep that thought in the back of my mind, to think of the reasons, why it is happening and what can be done. It makes me evaluate responsibility and awareness. Here I am able to understand the villian and maybe even cheer for him sometimes, which in it self helps me to reflect on myself, without hurting real people. It makes me think about, how I would act, if I were part of this cruel world, where racism, violence and greed is daily business. I like this series, because it helps me to grow.