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This concludes LBSC... my apologies to anyone waiting for actual sand castles to appear. It's been a pretty fun interlude, I hope you all enjoyed it, and many thanks for supporting its creation. Next week I'm going to do a couple one-shot pages so I can get ready to start the next part of LBSM after that.




Nice side-story. It changes surprisingly little, though. Now Alexis actually knows that she couldn't ever trust Annable or Than—at least if they are still breathing. But it's not like she had no idea about that before! Still does not explain why she have no tried to see a way to make future engagements more “fair”. She does not have many options, true, but the actual approach chosen (wait around for months seemingly doing absolutely nothing at all?) is the least productive one.


A very fine end and also answers a few questions lol Though I can't wait to see what you create next! :D


Well that was rather anticlimactic. :p


And now back to our regular(and supersized) programming...


What "future engagements"? This was(what she thought at least) her best and only chance at getting the upper hand against, for all intents and purposes, her captor. And we know where this is going, she's going to be sold off like some prize sow to who-knows-whom. Her subordinates can't or are unable to help her, the government wants her for questioning at the very least(and I doubt prison will be viable at her size and probably even more uncomfortable even if so) and she can't even get around since all of her anti-gravity brassieres seem to be under Than's control(at this point anyway). The only thing she does is get back into her routine of exercise just so she doesn't go stir crazy from being virtually immobile. Alexis' situation has been bad from the start, ignoring the fetish fuel. She's been kidnapped, extorted, manipulated and now sold. She's made herself unfeasibly huge breasted(though she was steadily growing from who knows what, whether it be natural treatments or small amounts of Boost) but her breasts were still manageable and now she's damn near a prisoner of her own tits as Than is.


This is making me hope for a character with reasonably large boobs, but a huge butt. Dat ass, man.


Her eyes are smaller.