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So did she get smaller so confused ha


I don't think Than won.


I want to see more of girl no.4. Big breasts are nice but big bodies to go with them are better. Also, bitch. She more or less rigged the contest in her favor, no one knew about this suddenly rules change but her.


She didn't get smaller this is just the first time we've seen a picture of her AND her breasts in the same frame.


Yeah, because knocking out Alexis and Bunny along with all the rest and the giant "1" on her picture doesn't signify that she won, sure.


Number 2 seems to be having a good time xD

VersusMe, Arbiter of Mermaid Law

I don't know if I really cared much for this particular comic. It seems like a plot cul-de-sac. Nothing we didn't already know about the characters was shown, and the contest itself was a farce. The Wizard of Oz sequence was amusing, and it showed some of Alexis' subconscious, but again, we already pretty much knew what she was thinking. Didn't even get a chance to see Than made humble. I suppose I'll just bide my time until LBSM starts back up again.


i second that request.

Mason Dunne

Ah common, it's only one event so far... I say Alexis pulls a last minute turnover and comes back down on Than. IIRC, she was booby checked upwards, she still has to come back down. Gravity and momentum are more than a match for any Atlas(R) anti-grav bra system. Besides, recall the roof top chase from the 1st chapter? I'm pretty sure Alexis has a more practiced control over her system than Than, who practically lounges about in her home and honestly has only used her Atlas and mass with simply brute force.


Wait....this has plot?!!