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Hm, maybe some sort of implant in her mind now?

Mason Dunne

Well, Than is certainly taking it in stride, literally striding that is.


Than… and not in orange? On the other hand she no longer looks “deflated”… Than haven't turned into raving lunatic, sure, but I would't call that she took it in stride! P.S. I REALLY hope we'll not see the repeat of this chapter battle. That would just be stupid: direct frontal attack is just not Than's style. She prefers to change rule when she can… and while I'm sure that she would like to regain her position I think she will think about fate of pATAgon first: what good will it give her if she'll become the presideon of a runited company?


Or CAPI has a link to her via a wireless unit plugged into the transcranial port.

Mason Dunne

I kinda meant that she was walking/mobile under her own power again, and not having to stand on an anti-grav pad on a relatively stationary pedestal she inhabited. Failed pun on my part!

Mason Dunne

That be convenient, provided CAPI acts as her barrier and firewall!


Yeah, that confinement to anti-grav pad sure will affect Alexis a lot. Alexis still could walk, mind you, but if she'll try to do that without “raising” her breasts she'll be inclined 75°, which looks more like crawling on her back (she could easily touch floor with her hands in that position) and not walking… If she'll try to walk more-or-less “normally” her head would be between her breasts and she'll only be able to see her breasts… literally… well, maybe a tiny bit of sky, too. Or may be something directly in front of her if her breasts are pliable enough to part (which is doubtful: since they were pushed to such a huge size in such a small time they are, most likely, would be very tight and unmovable). Would be interesting to know how that all affects Alexis: Than had time to “grow into” her role of stationary “tit-empress”, Alexis was pushed into the same state in hours. P.S. Of course there's a chance that Alexis right now is just a bit bigger than Than: her motivaion was always “to be biggest”, not to be “as big as possible”, LOL… now, when Than shunk (temporarily?) she could be much smaller and still would be the president… such turn, while logical, would disappoint some readers, though…


Alexis shrinking down to some size that's just above Than seems kind of silly too. If she just did that what would stop Than from going away to fill up just enough to be slightly larger than Alexis? The whole thing with Than before was that she was so much larger than everyone else so that her size was seen as this insurmountable barrier to anyone sort of challenging her until Alexis stepped up. I'd think to some extent Alexis would have to stay a decent amount bigger than Than to discourage her or anyone else from trying to one up her.


What is Than up to now? Can't imagine she'll just take all this in stride and just let Alexis take everything that she's worked to build up. Then again its not clear how much time has passed from the end of their face off to this page here. So maybe the next couple pages will break down whatever new situation Patagon and everything is in with the feds and the board.


Alexis could just use law ( <a href="http://goo.gl/01bqmb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/01bqmb</a> ) to remove this section from the charter. Sure, to use it to become a president then turn around and remove it because it's illegal looks more like what Than would do, but hey, Rhea was on this, too. It's not unconceivable… She could just keep herself slightly bigger than Than for the vanity reasons, not to keep her position. Than could try to fight removal of section on the BFOQ ( <a href="http://goo.gl/PLhe8G" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/PLhe8G</a> ) grounds, but I really have no idea how… just why having largest boobs in the universe could be considered “reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise”? Than or “Moarcraft guy” desires hardy turn something into “necessity”… P.S. Of course all these discussions are kind of pointless. As I've said before: Than defeat opened so many roads that I would really be surprised to see if anything we are talking about here would be used by Zdemian… too many possibilities and nothing is predictable…


Than have changed her habits, that's for sure. She ditched not just her favorite orange (before she used shades of orange most of the time), she finally ditched her glasses, too! Of course they become quite useless for reading long ago (unless Than have extremely flexible neck she couldn't use macula ( <a href="http://goo.gl/Cc1MR0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/Cc1MR0</a> ) without an HMD), but she kept them as fashion accessory anyway… Looks like she decided to become a different person… only time will tell if we should cheer or weep…