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Mason Dunne

Called it! I knew CAPI was going to have a hand in this! I'm guessing CAPI is going to fulfill the roll taking everything that can be of use for Alexis to win. And that is the cutest shade of pink lipstick on Miriam.


Dammit CAPI and Miriam are so cute. I'm hoping this leads to CAPI overwriting Than's computer, reversing her saline theft and boosting Alexis instead, thus fulfilling the drug induced dream prophecy from LBSC.


What cuties.


Yeah. These two are really adorable. But the big question is: do they have time to do anything? I hope so: when we are dealing with literally thousands of tons of filler nothing happens in a seconds and C.A.P.I. was the guy who was able to disrupt all carefully orchestrated Than's plans, but still, when your best bet is someone as scatter-brained as Miriam… I'm not 100% sure even C.A.P.I. could help.


Well, said prophecy couldn't happen literally: in LBSC Than lost everything but here significant (although unknown) part of boobs is not filler, but meat and fat. Even if just 1% of original mass will remain Than will have 300″ boobs which is still pretty impressive rack (and 10%, of course, would be as big as Alexis boobs at the beginning of that chapter).


No cheating from cheating robot face! Than will win fair just as always!


Her task is to dismantle the Patagon, apparently. But given her incompetence at being the CEO she, most likely, will fail to do even that. Which is probably the good thing in that particular case.


What I find funny is that almost everyone perceives C.A.P.I. as “cute” and “adorable” even if he has no face and is clearly not “plush and cuddly” (hard plastic, most likely). Go figure. P.S. Also: C.A.P.I. is apparently “he”, not “it”… what does THAT mean? I have no idea…


C.A.P.I. is right where I want to be!


Good to see Capi again, and this time indulging in his hobby of splunking!


God, is Miriam ever not the best? Also, calling it now - Half of Miriam's eccentricities are just her stubbornly sticking to jargon used at whatever her super secret old job was. "Backgammon" for instance, was clearly code speak for "climactic battle between Us and Them".


Miriam looks so hot!!! Liked her with normal sized boobs and this gigantic size boob too


I really liked her in a powered suit without Atlas technology here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-18-1955885">https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketches-18-1955885</a>