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Sorry for the delay on pages lately.  There was a holiday, and had trouble with dialogue, and tripped on a rock, and the sun was in my eyes, and so on.




That's okay zde it's a real tight turnaround. We all still love ya <3

Johnny the Spanish Guy

.......kind of wish something stalls things(these splendiferous proceedings), so that they postpone this most titillating of story arc, and the series is rendered kaput. I need Alexis's massive mammaries in my life.......... Post Script I would love it if there's a prequel story arc, wherein It Shows Alexis's in her daily ongoings. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter

Mason Dunne

It brings a smile and a chuckle to me how Than is just sitting on Alexis' bossom like an ottoman. Gotta admit, I missed Alexis' nips, I'm honestly hopping they don't get stretched out and disappear. I confess Annabelle's and Alexis' shower sessions were some of my favorite bits of "fan service" so to say.


The Board of Directors is going to need a new building !


Can anybody read what the display in the middle panel reads? I cant figure out what the word in the middle is. Volume ... : Ready


That is resourceful, as usual… although I admit that I wasn't expecting that she does not have a saline available… that's just strange: saline is cheap ($5 per gallon or so), OTHER components involved are expensive. But the more interesting question is why the hell Miriam went into this attempt without C.A.P.I? Miriam by herself is adorable but essentially useless, but with C.A.P.I. they make very capable team! I would have easily believed that she'll be able to outthink Than: disconnect her bots or something…

Mason Dunne

I'd say she's just delayed; I think CAPI is walking her through it rather than direct umbilical connection.


Nipples wouldn't disappear even if they would be stretched many times more, but if you want to see them poking ahead and not become all stretched out and flat then significant further pumping is inadvisable. If I understand correctly they have grown “naturally” then the help of Boost-based “cocktail” till they were about 650″ thus now at about 1500″ they are already pretty stressed-out.


Why does Than have such an appreciation for Orange?


I don't like Than (as I don't really like “unfair plays” which she likes so much), but yeah, I see where you are coming from. Than is quite “round” character: she could be ruthless and playful, serious or arrogant, she's villain but she's not two-dimensional for sure! Alexis is… well, “flat”. She had her moments (I really liked her in the first chapter), but after a couple of bold, unpredictable turns she become quite dull: she's easy to predict and there are no internal conflict. Even Miriam and Alexis are more round than Alexis! Miriam could be easy-going clueless fool but when she teams up with C.A.P.I. she becomes quite a bad-ass while Rhea is generally a playful cowgirl but she, undoubtedly, have quite an intrigue streak to her (she couldn't be materfamilias without it and a glimpse of it was shown on last two pages). I like Alexis but am quite disappointed that she's so infantile… will she ever grow-up and become a “round” character? I really hope so… but till now my hopes haven't materialized…


Top right panel. Dat Sexy Lexi Pizza-Butt.


Hey, why are you sure it's Pizza-Butt? It's clothed here thus hard to say for sure but if 141208.jpg is to be believed it's now quite toned again! P.S. Looks nice, though, I admit that.


Hmmm... guess that Than will try to snatch the saline/filler supply that Alexis is using for herself but then Alexis will get Capi involved and maybe instead of Than getting filled up, she gets drained? I'm just guessing along the lines of the LBSC foreshadowing but I'd love for Than to somehow win this.


Nobody deserves to be the clean winner here. Than's arrogance is as aggravating as Alexis' stupidity. They both deserve to lose and now, with “MoarCraft guy” attitude that possibility is open: if Alexis will win but in somehow “cheating way” (yeah, right, like Than is the one who never cheats) then he could abstain instead of giving his support to Alexis. This would lead to some kind of crisis which will put Alexis formally on top but which will put some kind of “veto” power into the Than's hands. The attempt of these two to work together (on public, in the private Than would always try to undermine Alexis… but since it's not easy to do without undermining Patagon, too, she'll be quite restricted in what she could do) would lead to nice series of disasters, I'm sure…