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the quietmanno1

in a wierd way, this shows that Ra-en 'does' care for him. She could have just ditched him, or made her way away from him somehow, but she likes him so much, and is aware that he'll follow his contract to take her back as long as it's valid, that she engineers this whole situation just so that he's intentionally recognised as being on the same side as her, so they can journey together without fear of him having conflicting loyalties. Ruthless in how she did it without giving him a say-so, but she clearly recognises that he likes her back on some level, even if he's too professional to outright admit it, so she just cuts out the middle man and gives them both a way of having what they want.


I personally wanna see her attempt the Captain Morgan pose. XD


Ra-en is one of my favourite characters of Zdemian's now. Upbeat and cutely ruthless, she know what she wants and does what she needs to get it. That gym-shorts-busting rear of hers is exquisite and I'll never stop loving her hair and tats. She's a superstar.


"Just like old times"?Let's see what she has in store for her kids!