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finally we can see her tremendous belly uncovered (again since the first page). I'm still wondering if she has a detailed plan, or if she wants just to have a crazy road trip adventure?


Ok, so she TAZED his dick, I stand corrected. XP

Mason Dunne

And that's how pirate colonies are seeded!


I was really sad when Delta G was taken off the regular rotation, but this comic is more than making up for it.


No doubt about it:he loves her,plain and simple.I'm thinking that would REALLY hurt.A lot.But he doesn't seem too upset about it.


I'm thinking Ra-En is kind of a sado-masochist.For reasons known only to herself,she signs up to be a "Baby Factory",which isn't likely to be all that physically pleasant.She must be desperate for some new kind of experience,even if it's physically taxing.On top of that,whenever she uses her taser to knock someone out,she's got a big,joyful smile on her face.