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Mason Dunne

AUGH! TEASE! Something to relish! I just realized there are no sound effects!


Really hope we get a full size pic of how huge both of them are.


Did someone say crack theories? No? Well I'm too lazy to carry these back to the factory, so I'm leaving them here. -The plan isn't actually to outgrow Than, it is to literally topple her by knocking her off the antigrav platform. Somehow this will oust her from power. Like, somewhere ELSE in the charter it says something to the effect of "Also the presidential platform is like a throne and whoever has the largest breasts and is currently standing on it is queen of pATAgon" -Than considers getting anyone to have larger breasts than her a victory, because she loves boobs, and therefore will happily step down from office when Alexis outsizes her. ...And then return for vengeance one or two time skips later. From space. -This much size in one place will produce a singularity, allowing the normal laws of reality to be thrown aside. The boob-off devolves into a ridiculously anime magical girl battle throughout the city. -Than was prepared for the return of Alexis, and she releases her SAP (Secret Anti-Prois) Weapon: a handful of ducks placed at strategic locations throughout the room. Alexis must stop growing, or crush the duckies : (


Visual puns are much more fun with boobs involved!


So by the looks of it, Than is expanding too? Looks like her boobs are growing down and underneath her platform? Like won't they just wrap around and suffocate her if thats whats happening or will she bust out some anti grav thing pretty soon?


It'll just be a set of 4 big circles at the rate they're going

Ree Mcgee

Alexis boobs look awesome!

Darth Cabbage

Pretty sure that is Alexis' breasts having expanded far enough that they are bumping into Than's platform. Than herself has yet to "retaliate".


Just to put things into perspective: look at C5 P15. If Alexis is bumping into the platform Than's standing on she is not even close to her in size.


G.rape O.atmeal and T.una H.amburgers on A.pple N.ut bread. hopefully that wasn't too offensive this time.


Go baby go! I love it! Can't stop the Alexis train now! And perhaps this was what Than always wanted in the end? A true rival. Someone that is always there to challenge her and give her reason to keep growing.


Looks like there will be some docking procedures happening. And someone may be caught in the crossfire of this.
