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Not enough big boobs on the street! Can't wait to see what's next though. Than seems to be more than confident enough to handle this. I really hope her boobs have something to do with how to protect herself. Unleash the boob power!


Hmmm... Those tanks... Are they for Alexis? Or for Than?


If that's fight then they are probably for Alexis, but then why all the dramtic over-the-air transpotration? And there are four of them thus they could be for both (if these are not tanks but some kind of measurement tool).


I like where it's going. I think Than will eat her words… She's absolutely right… but this time her opponent is not Alexis and not even Rhea, but few branches of the federal government! I'm pretty sure they consider Alexis both their “greatest” asset and their greatest liability and know what they are doing… better than Alexim herself, anyway. And as I've already say I hope that Alexis-lead (well… formally-lead, I mean) coup d'état will succeed and Than will lose this BATTLE (but will not lose the WAR)—not even because I dislike Than, but because this outcome have the greatest future potential. I mean: If Alexis will lose here, then Than could easily solve her “problem” with her “friends” in high places. If Than will somehow lose the war (will be arrested, thrown to jail, etc), then this could provide few interesting pages, but then it'll be more-or-less the end of LBSM. But if Than will be displaced as CEO yet will remain free to create an opposition then we could see many more interesting chapters: Alexis incompetence will be compensated to large degree but her position, but I'm pretty sure pATAgon supporters are in large part in reality are supporters of Than, not pATAgon, thus we could see many magnificient fights!


Bombing pATAgon with Anti-Boost (Tsoob, if you will), which Alexis has been immunized to. Pfft, no, this ain't that sorta comic. Though it would fulfill Alexis's Fever Dream Prophecy of flattie Than, and also be horrifying because I mean, what would those implants do when their house shrunk?


Perhaps the containers are holding a revolutionary new growth slurry. These samples contain nanites that incorporate anti-grav technology; removing the need for anti-grav bras. It also means that, due to the dispersion of the slurry throughout the breast, extreme breast sizes will no longer cause deformation problems form being supported solely from below. Alexis could use it to become larger than Than "naturally", or she could offer to buy Than out with the growth product of her dreams.

Clark Nova

Go on! Flood that building, Alexis!


Buyout is not in the cards: Alexis is still a fugitive. Feds have postponed the investigation because of the more pressing problem but they could easily resume it if Alexis will ignore their wishes—and currently they want to depose Than. If, as many suspected, “Prois Fitness Products” have went under because of Than's meddling then we could say that she dug herself a hole: Alexis would fight her to the bitter end because she's not at liberty of doing anything else. Cease-fire is not an option! P.S. And problems of extremely huge “natural” breasts are not problems of underpowered anti-gravity pads or “deformation problems”. We have “word of god” on the subject, after all: <a href="http://goo.gl/KeFpA9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/KeFpA9</a> … Don't see how that “slurry” could circumvent the problem… you could probably install external respiratory system in Alexis cleavage, but you could do that with good old Boost, too…


Rather interesting turn of events, now for the waiting to see how it will go.