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Schedule got FUBAR'd past couple of days, should be back on track rest of the week.




§ "...and to the largest goes the spoils."


Exchange went about as well as could be expected… yet we have no idea what that mysterious “” section says… argh. More waiting… P.S. At least we've gotten couple of pages even if they clarified nothing… people outside haven't gotten even that: everyone expected that Chapter 5 will start @ zdemian.com, but… nothing. Hmm…


Than is bigger than Alexis by quite some margin, thus it's not it…


I have prepared A LIST of possibilities for the requirement to rule Patagon that Alexis meets better than Than. -Blue Hair -Magical Girl Trivia -Stupid Technicality over Than's Identity -As part of the corporate image, boobs must be entirely, or almost entirely, composed of titflesh rather than, say, implants. And her fillup holes mar the boobs, which also is not good for the company. -Ownership is tied to winning wet t-shirt contests, and Than has been unable to participate recently. Alexis won via a figurehead that does not resemble her, to avoid suspicion. -Turns out Than is a robot, and not allowed to own things. -Somehow Than's breast cancer disqualifies her.


Not necessarily, if Annabel is still worried about it then there has to be a catch. There is a precedent for this kind of stunt since Than was willing to wager her entire organization during LBSC; the head, the tail, the whole damn thing. § may not be sheer size but a contest of some kind. My best guesses, either a pure growth race or an Olympic-scale event where Than's implants will be a massive handicap during the milking marathon.


I'm thinking that, given that the cowgirl robobody is technically ALSO Alexis, she can leverage THAT sweatermeat against Than as well. Legal Loopholes Agogo!


“Than's breast cancer disqualifies her”—if Than have a breast cancer then mysterious § is not something she would worry all that much, the need to do something about it will be more problematic than fate of pATAgon…

Mason Dunne

I'm gonna wager that rather than size, it's actual tissue that is specified in the subsection. Because 8.008.5 = BOOBS (?)


Waitaminute. Page 126 Than had her glasses. Now she does not. She slipped them in her cleavage while we weren't looking, standby for her to realize what she just did and start pouting as soon as Alexis leaves.


Well i expect that Than knows every rule/article. Looking at her reaction she is confident that the article itself doesnt put her in a weak position. To me it looks like Annabel got a message or something via her tablet. I expect that the content of this message will be the thing Than will worry about.


If she loses glasses in her cleavage that often then perhaps it's time to add tiny anti-gravity and homing system on them?


Than knows what was SUPPOSED to be written there, not what's ACTUALLY written there. Remember that things like charter are written by lawers and sometimes lawyers make blunders when they try to translate from English to Legalese. Than just THINKS she knows what's written there, but when Annabel have checked it out she, most likely, have found our that actual words are different from what Than had in mind when she prototyped the appropriate part. Than is VERY intelligent and capable woman, yet she's not omniscient.


A request. I'd like to see Than being undressed and dressed - something she obviously can't do for herself - by her attendants. And bathed in place? Many thanks for the marvelous art, and the intriguing storylines.


What's the eye test?


I think Than just wants to point out that one does not need to use precise measurements with specialized instruments to see who's bigger. Simple glance is more than enough…


Where's the strange idea to always portray everyone more helpless than they are comes from? I'm pretty sure Than could dress/undress herself using specially designed gadgets. Heck, we've seen how she does that partially to attach pumps to the input ports on her boobs in previous chapter. Anti-gravity and AI are wonderful technologies… even if they are kinda overkill for such a mundane tasks, but hey, if you have them then why not use them?


That would require her to spend money on things that aren't her breasts or her company.


It will indirectly benefit her company—similarly to how Su-Z Q show sponsorship indirectly helps it. Less time spent looking for glasses == more time for everything else.


Here's guessing that the Charter has a requirement that the head of Patagon has to BE somewhere in person, under some particular circumstance, lIke appearing in court to testify under oath in a proxy battle. That'll be hard for Than to do.


time to catch up after the sidestories~


Addenda - Due to a fuckup in the legalese, the position is tied to natural breast size. And prior to enhancement, Than was a flattie.


Now this should be interesting turn of events.