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That is the most anime thing Alexis has said in her life.


Jesus, they're so big now. Any chance in the future to get an exact scale of them both?


I take back everything I said about Alexis' possible wisdom. Things are just not done that way! Why warn Than about her future dismissal? Few seconds of gloating are just not worth it. Now Than is warned and will be able to mount suitable defence, argh. Ok, Alexis was never all that bright, but what Rhea was thinking? P.S. Visuals are stunning, though.




That doesn't look like Alexis at all.Totally different face.The hair can grow and get styled differently,but I was expecting Alexis' trademark narrow,piercing eyes.


Unless Alexis actually does fail, there's no reason to automatically assume this one line will be her downfall.

Mason Dunne

I say a solid time skip was employed and some big personal growth happened!


True, but why tempt fate? One does not start corporate raid with a regular appointment. Usually you use police or paramilitary force to block the vital workers (accontants with official seals, workers with electronic signatures, etc). If you want to guarantee that everything will go smoothly then you put on floor most cubicle dwellers (usually guns are used but in pATAgon government-provided hacker could just disable Atlas bras, LOL). THEN and only then you finally visit the CEO to notify that s/he's fired. No appointment, of course. Alexis here did everything wrong. It does not necessarily mean she'll fail, but her chances have just gone to shit. Even if she'll succeed Than could quickly issue few last orders while she's still at the helm which will turn simple and nice hostile takeover operation into a months (if not years) of court battles.


I wish… sadly her actions just don't support that nice theory…


I absolutely love her confidence! I cant wait to see Than's reaction

Mason Dunne

Okay, an ongoing side effect of the boost dosage coming from the "Wizard of Oz" dream, that causes either vivid day dreams or oddball night escapades? I'm pretty sure Alexis is wearing her hair down as her current style now though.


In the real world, sure. In a boob comic, not so much.


In some other boob comic—may be. Heck, anime-style bombastic proclamation would look right in place in “Lord Gnarlington tales” or “ΔG of Fantasy”. But LBSM is unique in a sence that it combines insanely huge boobs and VERY real-world-like settings. Here Alexis' juvenile approach looks totally wrong and could only lead to grief. Heck when Chase have tried to play such cartoonish scene everything fell apart for him (Fetcher have saved the day with less pompous and more realistic approach)—why do you think now, when shoe is on other foot it'll go differently?


Bombastic anime style declarations. Totally in character, because I am convinced that Alexis watched a shit ton of anime when she was younger. Blue hair isn't natural, after all.


We've seen some definite growth on Alexis over the past few months.I was talking about her facial features;Her entire face shape is different from when we see her here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1178933">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1178933</a>


her face looks different yet again in this one: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1084662">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1084662</a>


A bold move Alexis has made now. Now to wait and see what her next move will be. Something tells me she's got an ace up her sleeve.


I'm sad we missed the walk there. Seeing Alexis stroll down the street is my favorite thing.


If she'll continue to insist on direct frontal attacks and go in all guns blazing like she does here then she'll need four if not six aces up her sleeves. Of course here Than's responses are somewhat limited: usually corporate raid's biggest problem is in getting the company but with loss of working capital and/or some bad “last ditch effort agreements” signed in the middle of hostile takeover process, but here Alexis would only be too glad to receive pATAgon in such a state: this will make it's disintegration almost assured which will be acceptable outcome as far as FTC and IRS are concerned. Even so such bombastic proclamations and no helpers are not advised. I just don't understand what Rhea was thinking when she allowed this show of vainglory.


It's the middle of pATAgon district, gals like Alexis are not all that rare there. Look on pages 110 ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1492810">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1492810</a> ) or 113 ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1519635">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1519635</a> ). Still waiting fot that “ace in the sleeve”: just what makes Alexis “a suitable induvidual” which could “take over control of pATAgon”, hmm? If not the breast size (and she's clearly smaller than Than here), then what's her advantage? I mean: what does she have that neither Than nor other bosses of pATAgon have?


Yeah, that'll work. If Alexis is the only one in the whole world who have “naturally blue” hair (for some definition of “natural”) then yeah… would be interesting to know just who and why added such an insane requirement to pATAgon's charter, but it'll work.


Y'see, the charter was written up specifically to keep Than in power by being as specific as possible without flat out saying "Than Dall", and she dyed her hair blue at one point cuz she was a rebellious teenager. As a result "Must at one point have had blue hair" is included in the requirements for the head of pATAgon.


You are aware that I draw this by hand, right? How shit's drawn varies from day to day. There's style drift and inconsistencies throughout the entire thing.


Will not explain why FTC and IRS would go to the trouble of contacting Alexis: blue dye is simpler and cheaper… and if it just says “must at one point have had blue hair” then why would Alexis more qualified than Than? No, that'll not work. But if someone screwed up and wrote not just “blue hair” but “naturally blue hair” then it'll mean that Than does not really qualify while Alexis (who have gotten blue hair because of early Ysabel shenanigans when she was not developing Boost but just played around with body-altering chemical compounds thus by now her hair is “naturally blue”) would uniquely qualify. Yeah, it'll work, but I somehow doubt that's what Zdemian had in mind, LOL…


Alternatively, the contest is to speed run Final Fantasy 7, and Than's use of "METEOR" in the fever dream was foreshadowing. Specifically 7, as I'm not aware of any other games where Meteor was a plot point. ...Than plays a lot of video games, because she doesn't get out much. Likewise for "Sexy Lexy Pizzabutt". This one clearly can't be it, cuz I don't think Z wants to risk a tangle with Square Enix.


Why do you think it's related to Final Fantasy 7 ? Metor attacks are common in anime and games. Here's how Larhal does it: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkaBy-OHlP0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkaBy-OHlP0</a> and here's Madara: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FMPtx9GLGg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FMPtx9GLGg</a> … in Naruto, at least, it IS a major plot point while in Disgaea it's only used as a plot point in side-quests… I don't think charter would mention any contests and Alexis proclamation does not make any sense if it's a contest she could win or lose. No, whatever it is she's certain she qualifies and Than is not.


She took her jerbs!


Could be, but then, most likely, there are a lot of “suitable candidates” among the pATAgon dwellers, Alexis is certainly not unique! What makes her be sure that she'll get a job instead of one of dozen of today's Than underlings? Which will not help FTC and IRS but will just lead to situation kinda like in Russia between 2008 and 2012 (where there was a joke “should I engage the president or go higher, to the prime minister?”)…


Can Alexis even see Than? I suppose she's high up enough that she might be able to see some orange.


Also, I'm so happy that you gave Alexis some cleavage to show rather than her more conservative outfits in the past.


And that same cleavage should give her an opportunity to see straight ahead (recall that widest point of her breasts is slightly below her head) and up. Yup, she could see Than, not just “some orange”.