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Nobody suspects a thing~


Bo Squiddly! I love the coloring.


"Random human woman, did you know that octopi are masters of disguise? It is for this reason that I feel for them a deep fondness inside my human heart," -Lu, not quite realizing that most people just hear slightly Lovecraftian burbling when she speaks.


I have so much love for this piece. Wanted to post a comment half a week ago but was away from a keyboard to do so. I'd assumed Lu was a pale green but I really enjoy the vivid blue and pink, especially the design of her feet. The way you posed her contortion really draws the viewer's attention because it looks wrong, but that's a perk of being an invertebrate. Great work with the clothing folds around the tentacles, I assume imagining how multiple limbs take up space in the cloth would be more difficult than the usual single arms. A great gal with a beautiful design. Well done.