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Ree Mcgee

Should have got her drunk and pumped her up while she was asleep


Ah, Sadie's revenge plan was the same as Mad Scientist's - "Kay, as a sterling representative of the ignorant masses, will boob herself into destruction given the opportunity". Or so Sadie hoped, but it turns out Kay is immune to her trickery. Oh, also, that bag contains Sadie's favorite bra, and it is a story about friendship and also being happy with who you are.


As I've said: Sadie has great pocket face, but her planning skills are aww… She pissed off Heather (and this is probably why Kay never did her booty with Heather), but did nothing to Kay… That's sad…

Mason Dunne

Well, she can probably target her spine and back muscles to give them a helping hand in being able to support all her new weight. Unless, that stash of filler is something she keeps for personal use.


So is that it? I guess at this time Kay was only thinking of her boobs and not expanding her butt, like later, otherwise you'd think she'd have used the filler on her butt now. Still wondering what they do with the filler since it seems neither of them want it anymore, I guess, but it has a short shelf life. Give it back to Heather or just dump it? Still hoping for the jump to present time involves Sadie and Jan meeting up with Kay.


Can we now cut to the present where they still have the filler then go crazy with expansion?


Can we talk about how confident and sultry Sadie is looking, lounging in that chair, a devious scheme swirling behind those eyes... She is one fine looking lady! Also I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that the revenge plot would be anti-climactic. But the big question remains what becomes of the filler? And by extension, Heather?


Hm, was 'You're finally home...' supposed to be Sadie's line?


Or perhaps the moral is...don't fall asleep or drink while operating certain devices.


Clearly boobs need to come with a warning tag, both for those who would borrow them, and the owners.


I've said this before but Sadie's boob size is omg perfect