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A log with an eyepatch and seatbelt?


its log, log. its big, its heavy, its wood


Lord Gnarlington T-Shirt!

Ree Mcgee

Well, looks promising but we know how it's going to turn out.


Mmm, one thing I love about this, besides all of it, is how Heather's shorts can't fit over her sexy sexy ass.


And then Heather swore an oath of vengeance against Sadie, which she has not yet fulfilled. Or maybe she ended up feeling grateful and became a born-again flattie, or an inspirational speaker or something. In other news: Lord Gnarlington confirmed for beloved fictional character in the LBSMverse.

Coco Wren

Wow...Sadie is pretty crafty. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side.


Yup. But what happened with all other pictures of Lord Gnarlington?


I wonder where that filler's going


Really? We know that Kay and Sadie are now at their final sizes but we have no idea what'll happen to filler…


We've yet to see how crafty she is. But she has great poker face, that's for sure.


That's Sir Gnarlington of Wuud. New Zdemian's character. Created at last stream by Zdemian, named by mr.coma if I remember correctly. I still hope Z will publish these few pictures of his (its?) adventures..


Couple interesting points I've noticed from this page. 1. Sadie still seems a little small compared to her LBSM current self. (even compared a few of her previous full frame shots and they still seem a little small.) So does she still have one more round of filler ahead of her? 2. Sadie is about to get back at Kay it would appear... But being this is a flashback and they both seem to still be on good terms in the present; I'm curious as to how this is going to get resolved. 3. The fact that the anti-grav bras where already around at this point tells me that body modding was already booming and a finding an active market. And lastly, but most importantly, Heather is looking hot! I especially love that she is wearing shorts that are clearly too small to handle the level of booty she is now sporting!


Hi there sir Gnarlington, I hope this comic is the testing grounds for t-shirts based on him. It was fun seeing you draw him on your last stream. Hope to see more of him someday. Also wondering what Sadie is up to. Can't wait to see.


1. Sadie here is clearly [slightly] smaller but she was at her canonical size on the previous page. Perhaps just a minor error in a picture? 3. Yup. Note that battery is custom-made for that bra. That's not a hastily-assembled prototype thing, that's a mass-produced device! Which is kind of strange: this story supposedly happened before start of the LBSM but if such modifications were already common back then then why “certain “attributes” of Alexis have garnered the lion's share of media attention”: <a href="http://goo.gl/RS5PN1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/RS5PN1</a> ?

Mason Dunne

Sir gnarlington of wuud! Okay, two merch items I would definetly buy! A OK key chain fob and a Sir Gnarlington shirt, and shoot, a Cappie plush!

Darth Cabbage

I am going to throw a guess out here and say that Miriam in full spy gear somehow gets involved here, taking the filler slurry from Sadie.


Love the too small shorts on Heather. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of her. Wondering what Sadie is going to do with the filler. Would seem she's out to get back at Kay somehow but at least in the flashback, Kay and Sadie seem about at their present time size. Maybe Sadie concocts some scheme to get at Kay, only for an angry Heather to barge in and wind up taking on the effects of the filler? Or is Sadie some real master strategist and playing a long game, biding her time until present day with her having held on to the filler until now, and she uses Jan to help get revenge on Kay in the present?


She couldn't keep it. It must be used or thrown out. Heather have pointed that out quite explicitly—“they grow that stuff all the time, but it has really conservatively short shelf-life”: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2281108">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2281108</a> That's why she have it in the first place :-) And I don't think that Heather lies here: shelf-time of cell cultures is, indeed, quite short. It proobably could be freezed ( <a href="http://goo.gl/80Rmb6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/80Rmb6</a> ), but I'm not sure Sadie has the required facilities on hand. Miriam could, though.


Agreed. I like to imagine she went out to buy the biggest shorts she could find but still had to cut the sides of them just to squeeze them on as much as she did.


Panel 2 makes me think there must be a cow-tipping joke available somewhere...


...Sadie stealing huh? Didn't expect that to happen.


Sadie is so beautiful if I can say so