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Dungeon master: you’ve come across a fire demon that won’t let you pass unless you give it something. Rogue: I’ll give her the D. *rolls a 7* Dungeon master: you have sex with her but cum to early....you know Frank not every session has to have you having sex with every female we find


As a person who has played World of Warcraft, that got a solid chuckle out of me. :D


What’s funny was back in college I played some D&D and this was a tactic that one of our regulars used far too often. Put enough points in charisma and luck. And add in an overly accommodating DM. And suddenly you two can be having sexy times will all manner of lady monster.


I managed to download the other three, but every time I click on 180611 I get this weird error page. Just thought you should know in case anyone else is having this problem.


Man, the succubus and the witch are top notch. I hope they're the types of characters that get slotted into stories for later!


Roll initiative, the succubus is trying to seduce. Party rolls initiative, and fails. Constitution saving rolls are placed and the fire witch manages to cast "immolation". Everyone is saved from the succubus, except the entire party no longer has any armor. The succubus returns and stares intently at the fire witch.