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Some how more questions just got raised then answered. I suspect the chief isn’t being honest about things with Blume and those two agents, while I don’t think are necessarily the bad guys, it’s clear there’s other motives going on, so all I know those two are connected to the Apocalypse in blue people and this was a stolen batch of nanos they want back. Or maybe I’m too paranoid


Hmmm this does not feel right, I bet there some other motive behind this, I can’t wait and see more berry agent and if Mel ever coming back to us.


I really feel like several of the questions about what is going on was simply answered with more questions! All I really care about now is wanting Mel to come back to us. Seeing Blume crying over her friend/partner is heartbreaking.


Well they do look like them in the Apocalypse blue but maybe they just model after them, but like you said this only raise more questions.

The Producer

Fwhew, I was on the edge of my seat.

Mason Dunne

I suspect these agents are more of a MIB grade of nanites that make sure their own kind don’t go all grey/blue goo. They may be a separate division altogether. But of course separating the one possible obstacle that could impeded their “objective” while possibly already controlling or colluding with the Chief may be in their root Code... I feel these two are in a grey area, so to say. My feelings say they are gently malevolent, they may have learned much in PR from their initial induction phase from AIB. Let’s hope Mel returns, maybe upgraded, or Blume gets upgraded too? I have another feeling that Mel may return somewhat like The Major from GITS at the end of the film.


I have a feeling something else is at work here. Now hopefully Blume can figure it out and save Mel from whatever has become of her now.


After mulling it over I think I’ve got a idea what might be going on. Namely, that wasn’t the Chief talking to Blume just then. It was likely Cado masquerading as the Chief and using Mel’s com link to Blume to sell the ruse. Those “Berry agents” were sent out to protect the new blue-sphere from being tampered with while Cado is trying to quarantine Mel. Basically, Blume was on the right track. Her punching a hole in the sphere’s protective covering would cause the nanites to deactivate again like they did before.


i'm on the edge of my seat ready to scream at the monitor. DAMN YOU Z FOR TOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS!


Okay The Ladies In Blue worry me.


I like the little touch of the tears still on her face, it yeah like the others said, he suspicious meter is off the charts with those two.