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And Alexis is rushing to her doom again. That gal must be glutton for punishment. They have not even thrown a bone of stopping investigation before act! How stupid could you get? It's not as if closed investigation couldn't reopened, if it have not actually reached the court then it'll be just a small loss of face—yet they don't want to give her EVEN THAT? Yeah, Alexis is future patsy for sure—but this time she couldn't even blame Rhea for her misfortune! I'm kind of disappointed… when Alexis was first presented she looked so cool and mature, I really liked her back then and felt for her back then, but she's just a spoiled brat, she rushes into an open trap again and again and again. Gosh.

Darth Cabbage

Huh, Alexis sleeps on her back, that surprises me, not just because of the fact she has the two best beds attached to her chest, but mostly because I would think her breasts, being as big and heavy as they are, would crush the wind out of her. And it doesn't appear that she has the sort of anti gravity platform that Than had.


Than have also lied on her back when she was as “small” as Alexis is now ( <a href="http://goo.gl/eYxCj4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/eYxCj4</a> ). She's actually safe in that positon: it's not as if she's under her breasts, she's between them. The big question is whether it's actually safe to MOVE into that position without her anti-gravity bra. She, most likely, have internal bra (just like real models: <a href="http://goo.gl/P6of9L" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/P6of9L</a> ), but is it designed to work in an intermediate positions? We are talking about moving “hills” about 15 tonns in size! And it'll be even more hazardous for Than who's breasts are at least 10 times heavier! P.S. Of course she could have just moved into that position with her bra on, then Rhea could have helped to remove it, but it's not clear what such deed is supposed to achieve.


And I bet the only way alexis can pull this off is to hold ANOTHER wet t-shirt contest!


Rhea and Alexis look so adorable here. We finally get to see Alex completely at ease around Rhea. Let's hope she has a constructive reason for taking over pATAgon.


Maybe she knows that getting revenge on Than includes going bigger...


Why are the bottom two frames darkened like that?


Oh god they're so adorable together.


“Constructive reason”? From Alexis? Whenever she had anything constructive? From her so-called “escape attempt” to LBSC and later to fourth chapter… she's acting like an angry petulant child, not as an adult… let alone shrewd, sophisticated player like a Than and [most likely] Rhea. Sure both Than and Rhea have weaknesses: Than loves breasts and specially her own breasts WAAAAY too much, while Rhea tend to blindly accept Alexis where she needs to help her to grow up, but I could believe in their insight otherwise. Alexis? Not so much.


You know, i'm really glad that they not only became a couple but Alexis found some measure of happiness :) Good for them both and fight the power, Alexis!


I expected to see Alexis attached to a giant milking machine.


Why? It was established in the previous chapter that Rhea was just teasing Alexis when she asked her to become a guinea pig.


Just who IS this guy?What is his department?If what Rhea says is true,they can't do anything to Alexis,let alone just appoint her the new Head Honcho of Patagon.


As was already said he's federal accountant: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1713236">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1713236</a> And yes, they couldn't do anything to Alexis… as long as she's in Cowloon. Once she'll leave it's haven… she's fair game. Note the peculiar wordings of the “agreement”: “You are free to keep… property, proceeds, or other gains… subject to legality… of course”. How much could they leave to her if their suspictions are correct and that there are lots of illegal [yet currently undiscovered] deeds behind pATAgon? The answer is obvious, if you'll think about it. Alexis will spend time, efforts, will, most likely, become even more handicapped and as a reward she'll get… NOTHING. AT ALL. Well, perhaps they'll leave some baubles like couple of antigravity generators as a consolidation prize. To get something valuable she'll need to outsmart both Than and federal agents at the same time. And her track record if playing such games is not that great to say the least. Rhea understands that but I don't think she could save Alexis from herself. She (or perhaps C.A.P.I.) could probably invent some way to win in that situation but for that to happen Alexis must first understand that noone plans to play “fair”… least of all federal government… they will play all the applicable laws to the letter, sure, but that not playing “fair”, it's almost the direct opposite.


Do what now?


The Federal Trade Commission has the authority to investigate any allegations of unlawful business practices in U.S. territory.If Patagon is to be granted "corporate Statehood",it would need to have a very good reputation,and if there is suspicion of foul play,news would inevitably circulate and spark public outcry,resulting in suspension of any procedures in Patagon gaining its desired statehood. Than Dall's brazen "goddess complex" isn't going to help her gain the sovereignty she desires. I don't see how Alexis would be so important to the FTC's needs to investigate further.Miriam would be a much more apt "mole",since she's skilled in infiltration tactics,and she's FAR more mobile,and can (for now) squeeze into smaller spaces and run around more.


They're gonna take down Than and install Alexis as the new CEO of Patagon.


1. We don't know the laws of the LBSM world. Physical laws are objective, human laws are malleable, they could differ significantly from our own. 1a. Indeed: In OUR own world (or world similar to our world) they would need no mole or anything like that, as we already discussed: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1492810">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1492810</a> Discrimination charges would be enough to bring the whole empire down or at least slow down the “state conversion” significantly. Discrimination against males and/or smaller-breasted feamales, LGBT (except for “L”, I guess), heck, even the very charter this guy is talking about could be a reason to severely prosecute pATAgon! 2. As for investigation… I'm pertty sure they already have enough moles in place. Amelia could be one such (why else Zdemian would spend so much time on her?), or they could use someone like Miriam (do you really believe Combat Analysis and Prediction Intelligence v6.07revB only exist as a singular entity in the LBSM world?), who knows. Alexis is not supposed to be a mole: she's probably supposed to grow larger than Than to supplant her, then go away. The most interesting question here is not about federal moles, but about Than moles: does she know about IRS plans or not? This could affect story direction significantly! P.S. Inquiring minds aslo want to know if pATAgon operates by AOPA rules (for contender to be viable it must be at least XX% larger than previous record-holder)?


Its pillow talk well after the meeting with the accountant


Actually the Feds have a good reputation for keeping white-collar criminal deals as long as you are completely above-board and full-disclosure with them; in particular, the IRS is known for straight-shooting - all they want is their money, and they have explicitly cut (and honored) deals that include “We won’t tell that other agency what you agreed to and what you did”. This is CLASSIC charter economics - political - what they’re objecting to, is the top management. They’re forcing out the gangsters (or the politically disfavored) at the top and allowing a more-favored management team to take over. I’d worry about whether this guy is who he (and Rhea) says he is, and that the whole thing isn’t a double-deal by Than or Rhea.


Double-deal by Rhea? Now that's too convoluted: she already betrayed Alexis' trust once and almost lost her altogether, I don't think she's ready to try to do that again. Possible, but unlikely. Than's double-play is more likely, but even that is not really believable: I'm not sure what she could want here. She have already beaten Alexis once and it was not all that hard, why would she make yet another slughter of unworthy [and already defeated!] opponent? As for IRS… perhaps these guys are known for “straight-shooting”, but note that these guys are from FTC, not from IRS, they just carry IRS concern with them. FTC is not just interested in money, in fact money is not even their primary concern. His exact words (“you are free to keep… property, proceeds, or other gains… subject to legality… of course”) are pretty clear, after all. P.S. I said that Rhea's double-deal is “unlikely” not “impossible” because we still have no idea who “did request to “encourage” Alexis growth the best they could”. This had quite significant implications for Alexis yet this question was not ever raised. Till that question is cleared one way or another Rhea's characters is not resolved: is her interest in Alexis genuine or is she only interested in her body? In the former case double-play is possible… though still is not very likely.