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The president is determined by boob size? MAKES SENSE. I LIKE IT.


That's… quite a temptation. Alexis have already tried to play that game… and failed miserably. Now she has backing of some REALLY influentual people, but will it be enough? P.S. Have they actually checked all that all the “T”s are crossed and all “I”s are dotted where they should in that charter? It'll be a shame to find at the last moment that this rule could only be applied once a century when the starts are just right, after all…


Ehehe, I love how cute Rhea looks in that outfit. Hugs the udder very nicely.


The usual masterful plotting! For both Than and Alexis, be careful when you play with the big dogs - you're definitely going to get stepped on. Dear God, don't mess with the IRS. So what will happen? Fun and convoluted, and when somebody has the upper hand (alternating Than and Alexis), remember that there's many a slip twixt cup and lip ... More immediately, I'm thinking that Alexis probably still has some limited mobility - Than is so big she's effectively immobile - she can't really be moved, and even if she could, where could she get the life support she needs. Won't that make for some interesting complications?


The real fight will not be about Alexis and Than, but about the withdrawal of said words from the charter: neither Than nor Alexis could do that, but shareholders could. IRS would like to that while Alexis will be in charge, but will it be able to do that? As for “she's effectively immobile” and “where could she get the life support she needs”… I know that you are even weirder than most of us out here and your really want to see someone who's completely immobile and on external life-support in the LBSM, but that's not in the cards: as last weak's sketches have shown Than could move just fine with the appropriate equipment and she does not need any external life support either. She switched to implants just in time to avoid that fate! Yeah, she probably have some micropumps installed, but these shouldn't make her unable to serve a term if then need will arise… she'll probably need a specially-built prison purely for geometrical reasons, though.


So this comic is turning into.. watch a butch of busty babes steadily stroll on by, getting more and more buxom, until we see patagon president blimp boobs over and over...


Do what now?


...they want a patsy president when/if Than goes down, someone in the governments pocket. Someone on the run from criminal charges...


Indeed. If Alexis will try to talk with IRS without Cowloon's support then her future is bleak: she'll either remain a fugitive or she'll become a patsy for a short time (after which she'll become a fugitive again). I'm pretty sure it's the plan IRS is designing: first to declare that Alexis is innocent (to make sure she could become a president of pATAgon), then, when “pATAgon crisis” will be averted they will suddenly discover “new facts” and prosecute her AND pATAgon. End of story: easy, simple and ruthless. But note that they specifically went to trouble of talking to Alexis who's safely beyond their erach for the time being! That means that they NEED Alexis for some reason! Perhaps they don't have time, perhaps they don't have technology, whatever. They NEED support of Cowloon and Alexis which turns that whole story into a test of political maturity. A test which Alexis have no hope of passing alone. Which, in turn, turns that into test of her relationship with Rhea: if she trusts her enough and will play along then she could get “a pardon”, stop being a fugitive and [eventually] will become a her own player. The simplest way will be to openly help IRS to dislodge Than with the plan to “naturally splinter” “the bulk of the concern” yet covertly plan behind the scenes to continue with city-state conversion of pATAgon anyway! If they'll “fail to stop” that process then suddenly Alexis will become a head of her own mini-state which will make “new facts” a moot point (and could always be explained away as “political jealousy” of large state in relation to small, newborn state!). Depending on how they'll play their cards they could even receive Than's support (depend on many factors, of course). Of course if that'll happen then there will be fight for the position of pATAgon's state leader (materfamilias?), but that'll happen later… and would be amusing to boot! TL;DR : if Alexis will either accept or reject this offer here and now she'll lose either way. If she'll work with Rhea instead she could win and win big. We'll know what happens on the very next page, I guess :-)