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“Wall of text” and a cliffhanger… Wow! That's… quite an achievement… P.S. Su-Z Q reaction is really funny, though…


And Suze is pretty much doing what I'd do in this situation.


Cliffhanger, why you leave hanging?!?! T-T I will sit and wait to know! and awesome "mind blown" moment with Suze xD


Must touch 0_0

Mason Dunne

Only so much a gynoid/android can comprehend. Until tactile investigation is initiated! Awesome use of throwback meme.


Who is going to be OK???


LOL. That's the problem with heavy dialogue “wall of text pages”. Than is asking Marigold about Su-Z Q who looks a little… occupied and unresponsive… and Marigold asserts her that no, Su-Z Q have not suffered a brain damage… not a permanent one, at least. Which probably means that Su-Z Q is cyborg, not gynoid: it's hard to imagine exactly why gynoid will be THIS affected. But then again it could be not-completely-tuned-for-extreme-conditions emulation of feelings, too.


I can't wait to hear/read Than Dall's motivation for having breasts the size of buildings!Finally the mystery will be solved!


because shes at the top of the corporate hierarchy obviously


Hmm. Just recalled where I've first read about boobs of that size: Plato Voltaire's ( <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=197768">https://www.patreon.com/user?u=197768</a> ) “A Growing Cause For Concern” (c) 1999 ( <a href="http://goo.gl/RfQDOa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/RfQDOa</a> ). So… it took 15 years to go from an idea in a story to a comic page. Of course that some story said about all that madness that “There is a finite limit on how large a woman's bust could get before it endangers her life. Even with nanites, micropumps, and super-resilient skin, a woman with a bust/height ratio greater than 20 stands a 0.5% risk of dying each day. Infection, sudden collapse of breast structure, heart failure, coma, stress, and stroke are a few of the possible causes.” Of course these are the stats from “Police Blue” world, not LBSM world. Still… I wonder what are the stats in the LBSM world. “0.5% risk of dying each day” translates into “there's just measly ⅙ chance that woman will live for yet another year”… I really don't think that Than would be THAT reckless, but hey, it still should have SOME effect on her health, right? I may not like Than all that much but if she'll met her end because of a “sudden collapse of breast structure” or a “stroke”… that will be just stupid…


I sincerely hope not: that line is funny when you hear it for the first time, but when it's repeated about thousand times or more… it kind of becomes less funny.


I'm pretty sure she'll be fine. Considering that she isn't the only one in the series to go to such extreme levels of size. I actually like Than, and I'd be disappointed in her being taken down period. But she sort of is an antagonist so to say. I'm hoping to see more of a reason to her large ego and pride.