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i think she might be bigger here


looks like someone went legit



Mason Dunne

Wow, even biological details on the skin of the bosom are present! Wholly wow, if I'm right, those are actually tracks under everything for a maglev type of transport just for her breasts, almost like the chutes in a marble maze. Unless thats a giant antigrav pad and she can see her entire building just by being floated up and down like a bob on a reel! That is rather remarkable engineering. The head of Atlas really know his clients well.


O_o Um how in the heck does she even move or function? I will say that she must have struck a deal with the cowgirls to get the formula and if this is the case as Alexis was the guinea pig after all can you imagine how big she must be... PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN!


She have stolen formula from Alexis Prois back in chapter 2. Well, more like pressured Ysable to give it: <a href="http://goo.gl/VoEjbv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/VoEjbv</a> . And she actually joked that “she's tempted to try it” but “don't think she can handle much more quite yet”. Then she went without size change for six months which made me think that it was just a joke to persuade Alexis. Well… apparently not. Looks like limitations were mostly size of building (size of lifts, doorways, etc), not some intrinsic limitations in Boost-induced process.

Sark Eset

Hmm, looks like the anti-grav system has to lift her breasts now instead of her wearing an Atlas (or some counterpart) bra. Will admit, with boobs that big it will be interesting to see what it takes for any of the day to day things she probably still does.


Well, this is all kinds of wonderful. Good to see Than back and more glorious then ever!


The really strange thing is that she could still be moved to that Wet T-Shirt competition in the same way Alexis was moved. As I've said before ( <a href="http://goo.gl/Xhv5Ya" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/Xhv5Ya</a> ) A380 could transport breasts 21′5″ in diameter (level 20 or 21!) and that's more-or-less where Than is now. Now I'm curious if Zdemian did that by accident or on purpose… If she'll want to go further THEN she'll have trouble. THEN she'll need something like Sky Whale ( <a href="http://goo.gl/4cRzJA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/4cRzJA</a> ). This will allow her to grow about 2.2-2.5 times more and still be air-transportable. Although the question “what's the point” remains unanswered.


Well, I'm in the same position as before. I like tha aestetics, sure, but I don't like the fact that Than have “got away with murder”: it looks more and more likely that she have not have just kidnapped Alexis, but that she sabotaged Prois Fitness in the first place. And most likely destroyed more lives, too Yet now she's legit and offers “tuition reimbursement programs” ? Bollocks! A leopard can't change its spots and I doubt Than will be satisfied by entirely legit and honest corporation. Although she could only do her machinations in her spare time now “for old times sake”, I guess.


My question: is her entire body bigger than just one of her nipples??


Just noticed: funny how everyone noted that Than went from level 9 to about level 20-21, yet noone paid attention to the fact that Annabel have remained at the same size she was back when we first saw her. That's in a corporation where “the corporate image” implies that even lowest worker is supposed to have 100″ bust! How THAT works for “the corporate image”? Or is it considered a privilege in Patagon to stay below 100″ when employed in certain positions? Will Su-Z Q or Marigold actually remember to ask about it or have all the “bewbs” fried their brains and made then unable to think logically? We'll know soon, I guess…


I think it'll depend on your definition of “bigger” and on or whether she's sitting or standing. If we'll use sencond-to-last page of LBSC ( <a href="http://goo.gl/X4pYiM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/X4pYiM</a> ) as a guide then we should conclude that her nipples are about the same size as her torso now. But probably heavier.


Mmm, always nice to see Annabel again.

Darth Cabbage

absolutely amazing! Just ONE of Than's breasts now looks to have at least quadrupled in size of what BOTH of her breasts together used to be! (and I think that's a modest guess) That's something I've always loved about your work, it's never "hmm it kinda looks like that character may of gotten a few inches bigger". It's always very obvious when someone goes for an upgrade.


As I already said: it's “level IV” to “level XX” (or may be “level XXI”). Near the maximum size you could stuff in A380 or Antonov An-225 Mriya (although I'm not sure A380 will actually be able to lift so many tonns… An-225 is more capable thus must be Ok.


Anyone else REALLY want to dive in??


Damn, she got even more awesome since we last seen her. Good lord I love this character.


you know I think Than is too much of a distraction for anyone to notice that Annabel is actually modest in size. Then again, she is Than's right hand gal, so I'm guessing it's more of a convenience kind of thing.


I mainly wonder why Than keeps going bigger. Whats her motivation? Also: is being the biggest = being the boss/president in the lbsm universe?


I don't think being the biggest matters all that much in the LBSM universe as whole (hey, Rhea is “something like a C.E.O. and grand poohbah combined” yet she's much smaller than both Alexis and Miriam who are pretty small fishes right now), but it looks like pATAgon is operating under these rules.


It's true the timeframe isn't really clear in this storyline.Maybe she'll tell us soon just how long it has been since her last appearance.


What were to happen if than wasn't standing on that platform? I wonder if she was just hang there anyway considering how little the rest of her body weighs compared to her boobs?


Whoa [/neo]


Indeed. No wonder that this page have become the most discussed and most “liked” one—the only exception is Than's “beach picture” (AKA LBSC cover), but that one is accessible to non-patrons which obviously skews the stats.


And yet another question: what happened to glasses? Than was not shown [in person] in chapter 1, but Annabel was and in chapters 2-3, too, Than weared glasses, not Annabel! Page 11 from chapter 1, Page 11 from chapter 2: goo.gl/pyJ4hE , page 4 from chapter 3: goo.gl/Z4wdKS … Than certainly had money long ago to fix her eyes and Annabel have never weared glasses till now, so… what the heck happened here?


I'm liking Annabel's long hair,and the glasses are making my pulse speed up,but the blue lips don't look too smiley.


It's not supposed to: Annabel's lipstick traditionally matches color of her dress and she probably felt that bold colors are inappropriate here…