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I was making today's release and entered the page to check something and.. 500 PATRONS?????? FOR REAL????? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU ALL <333333333 I Know there is quite a few people who really want to request although they are not in any request tier, i'm trying to accept some but it's a bit hard to find time.. :/ but 500 patrons??? that is such a big number for me and i'm super happy that so many people find interest in what i do, there is a lot of things i would love to do but can't: like having all body variations everytime.. versions for both genders or/and for more races everytime... I'm trying to include more of that stuff but since the demand is quite big i can't always do them, sometimes i also do stuff i see more than one people requesting like the Homelander Outfit which i saw a lot on DMs.. some of you know already, but if i already have the requested outfit on my plans or a lot of people are asking for the same thing i don't accept money for the request, there is no need to get money when i don't really need to, i think that's the least i can do to thank for all the amazing support from you all, after all those years the amount of times someone was NOT polite here was very minimal! i actually never had to ban anyone to this date! i'm very proud of everyone here for being so cool, it's very rare to see so many polite people around in the same place and i'm grateful for that, thanks for 500 patrons, thanks for enjoying my stuff, thanks for being so nice and thanks for changing my life, i wouldn't be able to learn more things about 3d modelling and game dev if it wasn't for your support, you all absolutely rock and good luck on the giveway!!!!!!!




You deserve all of them, congratulations keku!! Looking forward to getting a new computer to play with your mods once again 😞






congrats bro