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As the end of January approaches I found myself cutting corners during development in order to get it done by the end of the month. This is not good for the project long term and it's not fair to all of the wonderful supporters if I miss a monthly build. With that in mind I decided to switch to a per-creation patreon instead.

In addition to that, the "Completely Covered" reward tier will have access to the version of the build 1 version behind the latest. For instance, once v0.0.2 is released, supporters in that tier will have access to v0.0.1 of the build.

Now with this change to rewards I unfortunately won't have the build by January, instead I'll be taking more time to set things up the right way (I will have another development post to go into more details why, but it boils down to standardizing the character format).

Thank you all for your patience and continued support, I look forward to continuing to develop the ENF Sandbox and I hope you all enjoy what's coming next!


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